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The VC Map UI supports a light and a dark theme. All components are automatically updated by vuetify on theme change. Additionally, the VcsUiApp fires a themeChanged event, when the theme changes from light to dark, vice versa or a newly added context changes the primary color.

Primary color

The interface of the VC Map is based on an individual monochromatic grey color scheme (base) combined with one accent/cooperate design color (primary).

The primary color can be configured within a context (see UI CONFIG):

  "uiConfig": [
      "name": "primaryColor",
      "value": "#FFCE00"

The primary color can also be configured for light/dark mode

  "uiConfig": [
      "name": "primaryColor",
      "value": {
        "dark": "#232D52",
        "light": "#ff0000"

Text colors

Text colors are set automatic and are calculated based on the background color, so that the contrast is high. The text Colors can be accessed via css variables: rgb(var(--v-theme-on-surface)) or rgb(var(--v-theme-on-primary)) or rgb(var(--v-theme-on-primary--lighten-5)). These classes work in and dark/light mode. If necessary they can be customized by overwriting them in the vuetifyThemes uiConfig Object.

    variables: {
        'theme-on-surface': '#ff0000'

To highlight text/anchor/icons use class (text-primary) as shown:

<v-icon class="text-primary"> <span class="text-primary">text</span></v-icon>

VCS Color palette

The VC Map UI pre-defines a coherent color scheme for a light and dark theme. The color scheme is based on the vuetify color class system and overwrites it where necessary.

The table below shows all color keys and corresponding hex codes.

<style> #grid { display: grid; grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr 10px 1fr 1fr; grid-gap: 10px; margin-bottom: 40px; } #grid > div { color: white; padding: 10px; } #grid > div.colum-spacer{ grid-area: 1 / 3 / span 13 / span 1; } #grid > div.row-spacer{ grid-area: 12 / 1 / 12 / 6; } </style>
Light theme
Dark theme
Light theme
Dark theme
--v-theme-base: #9e9e9e
--v-theme-base: #9e9e9e
--v-theme-primary: #409d76
--v-theme-primary: #27b97c
--v-theme-base-lighten-1: #b8b8b8
--v-theme-base-lighten-1: #858585
--v-theme-primary-lighten-1: #5cb890
--v-theme-primary-lighten-1: #4dd596
--v-theme-base-lighten-2: #d0d0d0
--v-theme-base-lighten-2: #6b6b6b
--v-theme-primary-lighten-2: #78d4aa
--v-theme-primary-lighten-2: #6cf2b1
--v-theme-base-lighten-3: #ebebeb
--v-theme-base-lighten-3: #525252
--v-theme-primary-lighten-3: #94f1c6
--v-theme-primary-lighten-3: #8bffcc
--v-theme-base-lighten-4: #f8f8f8
--v-theme-base-lighten-4: #383838
--v-theme-primary-lighten-4: #b0ffe2
--v-theme-primary-lighten-4: #a9ffe9
--v-theme-base-lighten-5: #ffffff
--v-theme-base-lighten-5: #ffffff
--v-theme-primary-lighten-5: #cdfffe
--v-theme-primary-lighten-5: #c6ffff
--v-theme-base-darken-1: #858585
--v-theme-base-darken-1: #b8b8b8
--v-theme-primary-darken-1: #20825d
--v-theme-primary-darken-1: #009d63
--v-theme-base-darken-2: #6b6b6b
--v-theme-base-darken-2: #d0d0d0
--v-theme-primary-darken-2: #006946
--v-theme-primary-darken-2: #00834b
--v-theme-base-darken-3: #525252
--v-theme-base-darken-3: #ebebeb
--v-theme-primary-darken-3: #00502f
--v-theme-primary-darken-3: #006834
--v-theme-base-darken-4: #383838
--v-theme-base-darken-4: #f8f8f8
--v-theme-primary-darken-4: #00381a
--v-theme-primary-darken-4: #004f1e

Usage within VC Map UI

To ensure the harmonious color scheme through the whole map application, it is vital that colors are used correctly:

Color key Description and usage
primary Global accent color (VCS Green)
accent Unused (vuetify standard color, replaced by: 'base-lighten-3' )
base For input/selectbox borders (stays the same in light and dark mode)
base-lighten-5 Text and icon color on standard and large buttons(VCS special: white in light and dark theme!)
base-lighten-4 Background color for forms and input fields
base-lighten-3 Former accent color, used in searchbar, Forms accent
base-lighten-2 Dividers(VCS special: twins light/dark theme)
base-darken-3 Text and icon color on small buttons
base-darken-4 Use as former secondary color

The following image illustrates where different colors are used on the VC Map user interface UI Actions Overview

Example theme configuration

The color palette can be configured via the uiConfig (see UI CONFIG). This can also be used to customize the lighten/darken variations. Defining the primary Color via vuetifyTheme uiConfig has priority over directly defining the primaryColor.

  "uiConfig": [
      "name": "vuetifyTheme",
      "value": {
        "light": {
          "colors": {
            "base": "#9E9E9E",
            "base-lighten-5": "#FFFFFF",
            "base-lighten-4": "#F8F8F8",
            "base-lighten-3": "#EBEBEB",
            "base-lighten-2": "#D0D0D0",
            "base-lighten-1": "#B8B8B8",
            "base-darken-1": "#858585",
            "base-darken-2": "#6B6B6B",
            "base-darken-3": "#525252",
            "base-darken-4": "#383838",
            "warning": "#FFCE00",
            "error": "#AA0000",
            "info": "#2196F3",
            "success": "#4CAF50",
            "surface-light": "#ffffff"
          "variables": {
            "hover-opacity": 0.16,
            "high-emphasis-opacity": 1,
            "medium-emphasis-opacity": 1,
            "vcs-font-size": "14px",
            "vcs-font-family": "Times New Roman"
        "dark": {
          "colors": {
            "base": "#9E9E9E",
            "base-lighten-5": "#FFFFFF",
            "base-lighten-4": "#383838",
            "base-lighten-3": "#525252",
            "base-lighten-2": "#6B6B6B",
            "base-lighten-1": "#858585",
            "base-darken-1": "#B8B8B8",
            "base-darken-2": "#D0D0D0",
            "base-darken-3": "#EBEBEB",
            "base-darken-4": "#F8F8F8",
            "warning": "#FFCE00",
            "error": "#FF5252",
            "info": "#2196F3",
            "success": "#4CAF50",
            "surface-light": "#222222"
          "variables": {
            "hover-opacity": 0.16,
            "high-emphasis-opacity": 1,
            "medium-emphasis-opacity": 1,
            "vcs-font-size": "14px",
            "vcs-font-family": "Times New Roman"

Color Usage examples

The following examples illustrate, how the color scheme can be used in vue components (or style sheets) and javascript code.

As color prop

]() A button in primary color:

<VcsButton color="primary"> ... </VcsButton>

An alert:

<v-alert color="base-lighten-2"> ... </v-alert>

As CSS color class

A component with text in primary color:

<MapNavCompass class="text-primary" />


Active item:

.v-list-item--active {
  background-color: rgb(var(--v-theme-primary-lighten-1));
  border-bottom: 1px solid rgb(var(--v-theme-primary-lighten-4));

Hovering effects:

&:hover {
  color: rgb(var(--v-theme-base-lighten-5)) !important;
  border-color: rgb(var(--v-theme-primary));
  background-color: rgb(var(--v-theme-primary-dark-1));

In Javascript

The @vcmap/ui package exports utility functions to access colors in javascript. This is helpful to style a layer or feature according to the color scheme.

To get the default primary color use:

import { getDefaultPrimaryColor } from '@vcmap/ui';

const defaultPrimaryColor = getDefaultPrimaryColor();

To access a color or color variation, you can simply do:

import { getColorByKey } from '@vcmap/ui';

const primary = getColorByKey('primary');
const baseLighten2 = getColorByKey('base', 'lighten-2');

To listen to theme changed event and update a style:

import { VectorLayer, VectorStyleItem } from '@vcmap/core';
import { getDefaultPrimaryColor } from '@vcmap/ui';
import { getColorByKey } from '@vcmap/ui';

const layer = new VectorLayer();
const style = new VectorStyleItem({
  fill: {
    color: 'rgba(237, 237, 237, 0.1)',
  stroke: {
    color: getDefaultPrimaryColor(),
    width: 5,

app.themeChanged.addEventListener(() => {
  const color = getColorByKey('primary');
  layer.forceRedraw(); // update style on all features

Extended Theming

Vuetify Theming can be used to create custom css variables, see vuetify.js. We use this to configure the following vcs variables:

  • vcs-font-size To globally set the default fontsize. Allows customers to configure a map with larger fonts. The fontsize should have valid values between 10 and 24px.
  • vcs-font-family Sets font Family

These variables can be configured via the uiConfig (see example theme configuration and UI CONFIG).

These variables can be used in CSS with var(--v-vcs-font-size) Also CSS can be used to calculate values calc(var(--v-vcs-font-size) - 1px); Most height values within the VC Map like the height of buttons, list items, navbar, toolbar and more is calculated based on the fontSize

For the fontSize a helper function is exported, which can be used to set size properties in html: There is also useIconSize helper which will return the default small Icons Size as a computed based on the fontSize

const fontSize = useFontSize();
const iconSize = useIconSize();
<v-btn :size="fontSize * 2"></v-btn>
<v-icon :size="iconSize">mdi-chevron</v-icon>