- Improved coding style
- Fixed some stuff
- Added backup and restore function (experimental)
- Added custom configuration support
- Improved package detection using hash
- Fixed not showing real available RAM
- Downtime is minimum on update
- Other minor bugs fixed
- Support new Caddy url changes
- Added support for naked install
- Improved Caddyfile and overall code
- Better apt/yum/pacman detection
- Improved overall code
- Improved service detection
- Improved update check feature
- Optimized code for downloading and updating
- Some minor fix
- Installing on debian fixed
- Added support for auto update check
- Fixed octal base issue
- Added support for plugins
- Improved overall script
- Fixed php installation issue on debian 9
- Fixed other minor issue
- Minor improvement
- Fixed terminated issue while removing
- Fixed and improved removing issue
- Enhanced displaying some output
- Updated parameters docs
- Cleaned overall code
- Fixed detecting/creating user
- Fixed printing php version
- Improved caddy download
- Improved update function
- Minor update
- Minor issue fixed
- Update issue fixed
- Improved systemd service
- update issue fixed
- Debian php5 issue fixed
- Support for new Caddy changes
- Fixed and improved service for systemd
- Fixed not showing system available RAM on status
- Fixed detecting issue if caddy is not running
- Fixed some typo
- Improved overall codes
- Added service by default now
- Fixed install issue introduced on v4.2
- Fixed an line on about section
- Replaced a function to support php7 on Ubuntu 16 or later
- Added/changed som echo line
- Added phpvalue function to reduce line
- Added call function to call via function name
- Changed free memory type to available
- Some changes to improve
- Fixed showing wrong version after update
- Fixed to detect correct email
- Corrected not showing accurate script name
- First stable release
- Added reload feature using USR1 signal
- Added reload feature for systemd
- Added pre- prompt
- Fixed system issue
- Fixed some delete issue
- Fixed Ubuntu 16.x bugs
- Added sed install command
- Added systemd service system
- Change php setup style
- Changed php listen
- PHP- info created automatically
- Fixed other bugs
- Fixed can't detect PID when using service
- Fixed and improved uptime issue
- Added system free RAM to show on status
- Fixed service issue
- Fixed not showing uptime on CentOS 6.x
- Added support for Ubuntu 16.04 and 16.10
- Changed service type
- Fixed php7.0 issue
- Added support to restart php along with caddy
- Fixed some error output when installing on CentOS
- Added process uptime feature
- Fixed mixed output of fixphp
- Fixed minor update issue
- Fixed restart issue
- Fixed pidfile issue for init
- Fixed minor issue
- Added php/php5- curl support
- prompt to keep data or not when uninstalling
- added few echo lines
- Fixed setcap bugs for ubuntu
- Added command to edit Caddyfile using the default editor
- Fixed bugs
- Fixed yum update issue
- Minor issue fixed
- Fixed showing memory usage of Caddy
- PHP installation re- touched
- Added php fix for PHP- 7 or later
- Fixed showing invalid value on Caddy remove
- Added php installation confirmation
- Fixed caddy pid issue
- Fixed not showing php version
- Fixed php issue
- Fixed 502 bad gateway of php
- Fixed minor issue
- Added support for ARM
- Better detection for apt- get/yum install
- Install caddyserver as a service
- Minor issue fixed
- Email option added for SSl
- Caddyfile config updated
- Changed start/stop/install output
- yum php install issue fixed
- update issue fixed
- Added update function
- Changed text color on welcome
- Added few new line
- Changed color on few text
- Corrected some lines
- Formatted text
- Added compatibility to check if Caddyfile and index.html exist or not
- Globalized config
- Fixed not showing version info properly
- Added version info
- Fixed showing wrong RAM usage
- apt- get/yum bug fixed
- Colored few text line
- Minor issue fixed.
- Globalized config, cleaned code a bit
- Relocated caddyfile and webroot
- caddyuser bugfixed
- Initial commit