- Veronica Berglyd Olsen
- Early Concept: Marian Lückhof
- Internationalisation: Bruno Meneguello
- Setup and Packaging: Rachel Powers
For other contributions, see the project's Contributors page.
The artwork on the Welcome dialog was created by Louis Durrant.
The default language is English (UK) with English (US) as an option. These are the original translators for the languages currently available:
- Czech: Tomáš Zmek (perteus)
- Dutch: Martijn van der Kleijn (mvdkleijn)
- French: Jan Lüdke (jyhelle)
- German: Myian (HeyMyian)
- Italian: Riccardo Mangili
- Japanese: hebekeg
- Latin American Spanish: Tommy Marplatt (tmarplatt)
- Norwegian: Veronica Berglyd Olsen (vkbo)
- Polish: Anna Maria Polak (Nauthiz)
- Portuguese: Bruno Meneguello (bkmeneguello)
- Russian: Konstantin Tan (k1kimosha)
- Simplified Chinese: Qianzhi Long (longqzh)
Additional larger translation contributions:
- French: Albert Aribaud (aaribaud)
- Portuguese: Oli Maia (olimaia)
Translations are managed on Crowdin, and more contributions are listed on the project's Members page.
The following libraries are dependencies of novelWriter:
- Qt6 by Qt Company
- PyQt6 by Riverbank Computing
- Enchant by Dom Lachowicz
- PyEnchant by Dimitri Merejkowsky
Some of the assets bundled with novelWriter were adapted from the following sources:
- Material Symbols icons by Google Inc (Apache 2.0)
- Remix icons by RemixIcon (Apache 2.0)
- Font Awesome icons by Fonticons Inc (CC BY 4.0)
- Tomorrow syntax themes by Chris Kempson (MIT License)
- Owl syntax themes by Sarah Drasner (MIT License)
- Solarized themes by Ethan Schoonover (MIT License)
- Cyberpunk Night theme by Anders Lemvigh (CC BY-SA 4.0)
- Dracula theme by Zeno Rocha (MIT License)
- Snazzy Light theme by Florian Reuschel (MIT License)
The font used for the main novelWriter logo, mimetype and text banners is Pridi.
- Pridi by Cadson Demak (Open Font License, Version 1.1)
Additional thanks to John Blommers who was an early user and who has provided a lot of very useful feedback over the years.