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Simple typed OpenAPI client generator


  • Generates ready to use ApiClient with types (using fetch)
  • Single output file, minimal third-party code
  • Loads schemas from JSON / YAML, locally and remote
  • Ability to customize fetch with your custom function
  • Automatic formating with Prettier
  • Can parse dates from date-time format (--parse-dates flag)
  • Support OpenAPI v2, v3, v3.1
  • Can be used with npx as well


npm install apigen-ts --save-dev
yarn add -D apigen-ts


1. Generate

# From url
yarn apigen-ts ./api-client.ts

# From file
yarn apigen-ts ./openapi.json ./api-client.ts

Run yarn apigen-ts --help for more options. Examples of generated clients here.

2. Import

import { ApiClient } from "./api-client"

const api = new ApiClient({
  baseUrl: "",
  headers: { Authorization: "secret-token" },

3. Use

// GET /pet/{petId}
await // -> Pet

// GET /pet/findByStatus?status=sold
await{ status: "sold" }) // -> Pets[]

// PUT /user/{username}; second arg body with type User
await api.user.updateUser("username", { firstName: "John" })


Login flow

const { token } = await api.auth.login({ usename, password })
api.Config.headers = { Authorization: token }

await api.protectedRoute.get() // here authenticated

Automatic date parsing

yarn apigen-ts ./openapi.json ./api-client.ts --parse-dates
const pet = await
const createdAt: Date = pet.createdAt // date parsed from string with format=date-time

String union as enums

You can generate string literal union instead of native enums in case you want to run in Node.js environment with type-stripping. To achive this pass --inline-enums command line argument or use inlineEnums: true in Node.js API.

yarn apigen-ts ./openapi.json ./api-client.ts --inline-enums

This will generate:

type MyEnum = "OptionA" | "OptionB"

// instead of
enum MyEnum = {
  OptionA = "OptionA",
  OptionB = "OptionB"

Errors handling

An exception will be thrown for all unsuccessful return codes.

try {
  const pet = await
} catch (e) {
  console.log(e) // parse error depend of your domain model, e is awaited response.json()

Also you can define custom function to parse error:

class MyClient extends ApiClient {
  async ParseError(rep: Response) {
    // do what you want
    return { code: "API_ERROR" }

try {
  const api = new MyClient()
  const pet = await
} catch (e) {
  console.log(e) // e is { code: "API_ERROR" }

Base url resolving

You can modify how the endpoint url is created. By default URL constructor used to resolve endpoint url like: new URL(path, baseUrl) which has specific resolving rules. E.g.:

  • new URL("/v2/cats", "") // ->
  • new URL("v2/cats", "") // ->

If you want to have custom endpoint url resolving rules, you can override PrepareFetchUrl method. For more details see issue.

class MyClient extends ApiClient {
  PrepareFetchUrl(path: string) {
    return new URL(`${this.Config.baseUrl}/${path}`.replace(/\/{2,}/g, "/"))

const api = new MyClient({ baseUrl: "" })
// will call: instead of
const pet = await

Node.js API

Create file like apigen.mjs with content:

import { apigen } from "apigen-ts"

await apigen({
  source: "",
  output: "./api-client.ts",
  // everything below is optional
  name: "MyApiClient", // default "ApiClient"
  parseDates: true, // default false
  inlineEnums: false, // default false, use string literal union instead of enum
  resolveName(ctx, op, proposal) {
    // proposal is [string, string] which represents module.funcName
    if (proposal[0] === "users") return // will use default proposal

    const [a, b] ="/").slice(3, 5) // eg. /api/v1/store/items/search
    return [a, `${op.method}_${b}`] // [store, 'get_items'] ->

Then run with: node apigen.mjs

Usage with different backend frameworks


By default apigen-ts generates noisy method names when used with FastAPI. This can be fixed by custom resolving for operations ids.

from fastapi import FastAPI
from fastapi.routing import APIRoute

app = FastAPI()

# add your routes here

def update_operation_ids(app: FastAPI) -> None:
    for route in app.routes:
        if isinstance(route, APIRoute):
            ns = route.tags[0] if route.tags else "general"
            route.operation_id = f"{ns}_{}".lower()

# this function should be after all routes added

Note: If you want FastAPI to be added as preset, open PR please.

