- Brave => Private chrome
- Octotree => Code explorer for github
- SpanTree => Code explorer for gitlab
- Github1s => Github to vs code in 1 second
- Json Viewer => Beautiful JSON
- Angular Devtools => Better dev with angular
- Authy => 2FA synchronized on multiple devices
- Bitwarden => Password manager
- Tab groups => Chrome tab groups
- draw.io / Excalidraw => Virtual whiteboards
- Devtoys / DevtoysMac => Swiss Army knife for devs
- Postman => Manage and test APIs
- Ferdi / WebCatalog => Organize and manage your applications
- Jetbrains Toolbox => Manage your jetbrain tools
- VSCode => Code editor
- iTerm2 (Mac) / Terminator(linux) / Windows Terminal => Better terminal emulator
- dbeaver => Universal Database Tool
- Lens => The kubernetes IDE
- Docker Desktop => Manage docker on windows and mac
- Rectangle => Move and resize windows in macOS using keyboard shortcuts or snap areas
- oh-my-zsh => Best terminal
- zsh plugins => LOTS of plugins for everyone
- git aliases => Useful git aliases
- zsh-autosuggestions => Commands suggestions
- powerlevel10k => Nice theme
- fig => IDE style autocompletion (mac only)
- oh-my-posh => A prompt theme engine for any shell
- the-fuck => Corrects errors in previous console commands
- z jump => Jump between your directories without aliases
- Homebrew (Mac) / Chocolatey => Package manager
- sdkman => The Software Development Kit Manager
- nvm => Node Version Manager
- pyenv => Python Version Manager
- bpytop => htop on steroïd
- bat => cat with wings
- sshs => Terminal UI for SSH management
Most of your IDEs offer cli integration. For exemple use idea
for intellij or code
for vscode to easily open project directly from your terminal
- Sync Settings => Synchronise your settings to avoid re-configuration every time you change your computer
- GitToolBox => Better git integration
- Grep Console => Better console viewer
- Rainbow Brackets => Stop losing your brackets
- SonarLint => Sonar directly in your IDE
- CodeMetrics => Provides inlay indicators based on a customizable complexity calculation for Java files
- console.dev => Neat mails to discover new tools
- daily.dev => All developer news in one place