The script requests product and stemcell images from the Pivotal Network
Get your API_TOKEN from and pass in on command line to this script, for example:
API_TOKEN=DctsxNhqDc4RLqxZExYx \
./ \
./config/2.0/install/tiles.txt \
The script expects an input text file (e.g. student-files.txt) or stdin lines formatted as space-delimited triplets of [PRODUCT_SLUG] [PRODUCT_VERSION] [PRODUCT_FILE_ID] where these values are obtained by selecting the (i) INFO icon for the associated Pivotal Network download, for example:
ops-manager 1.12.5 35440
elastic-runtime 1.12.8 36393
... and so on
As per Download Mode, except we subsequently attempt to import all downloaded products and stemcells to Ops Manager VM residing at OPSMAN_URL. As such, in addition to the API_TOKEN, Import Mode also requires OPSMAN_USER and OPSMAN_PASSWD to be passed in on the command line, for example:
API_TOKEN=DctsxNhqDc4RLqxZExYx \
./ \
./config/2.0/install/tiles.txt \
To preserve space on the Ops Manager VM, as soon as products and stemcells are imported, their download file gets squashed to a 1-byte file and deposited in the imported directory.