diff --git a/xds/src/test/java/io/grpc/xds/XdsClientImplTest.java b/xds/src/test/java/io/grpc/xds/XdsClientImplTest.java
index bee22966f9d6..82cc1a9abe6f 100644
--- a/xds/src/test/java/io/grpc/xds/XdsClientImplTest.java
+++ b/xds/src/test/java/io/grpc/xds/XdsClientImplTest.java
@@ -1391,6 +1391,133 @@ public void receivedEndpointUpdateNotifiedToWatcherImmediately() {
+ /**
+ * Client receives EDS responses containing ClusterLoadAssignments for resources that were
+ * not requested (management server sends them proactively). Later client receives a CDS
+ * response with the requested Cluster referencing one of the previously received
+ * ClusterLoadAssignments. No EDS request needs to be sent for that
+ * ClusterLoadAssignment as it can be found in local cache (management server will not send
+ * EDS responses for that ClusterLoadAssignment again). A future EDS response update for
+ * that ClusterLoadAssignment should be notified to corresponding endpoint watchers.
+ *
+ *
Tests for caching EDS response data behavior.
+ */
+ @Test
+ public void receiveEdsResponsesForClusterLoadAssignmentToBeUsedLater() {
+ EndpointWatcher watcher1 = mock(EndpointWatcher.class);
+ xdsClient.watchEndpointData("cluster-foo.googleapis.com", watcher1);
+ StreamObserver responseObserver = responseObservers.poll();
+ StreamObserver requestObserver = requestObservers.poll();
+ // Client sends first EDS request.
+ verify(requestObserver)
+ .onNext(eq(buildDiscoveryRequest("", "cluster-foo.googleapis.com",
+ XdsClientImpl.ADS_TYPE_URL_EDS, "")));
+ // Management server sends back an EDS response containing ClusterLoadAssignments for
+ // some cluster not requested.
+ List clusterLoadAssignments = ImmutableList.of(
+ Any.pack(buildClusterLoadAssignment("cluster-foo.googleapis.com",
+ ImmutableList.of(
+ buildLocalityLbEndpoints("region1", "zone1", "subzone1",
+ ImmutableList.of(
+ buildLbEndpoint("", 8080, HealthStatus.HEALTHY, 2)),
+ 1, 0)),
+ ImmutableList.of())),
+ Any.pack(buildClusterLoadAssignment("cluster-bar.googleapis.com",
+ ImmutableList.of(
+ buildLocalityLbEndpoints("region2", "zone2", "subzone2",
+ ImmutableList.of(
+ buildLbEndpoint("", 8888, HealthStatus.UNKNOWN, 5)),
+ 6, 1)),
+ ImmutableList.of())));
+ DiscoveryResponse response =
+ buildDiscoveryResponse("0", clusterLoadAssignments,
+ XdsClientImpl.ADS_TYPE_URL_EDS, "0000");
+ responseObserver.onNext(response);
+ // Client sent an ACK EDS request.
+ verify(requestObserver)
+ .onNext(eq(buildDiscoveryRequest("0", "cluster-foo.googleapis.com",
+ XdsClientImpl.ADS_TYPE_URL_EDS, "0000")));
+ ArgumentCaptor endpointUpdateCaptor1 = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(null);
+ verify(watcher1).onEndpointChanged(endpointUpdateCaptor1.capture());
+ EndpointUpdate endpointUpdate1 = endpointUpdateCaptor1.getValue();
+ assertThat(endpointUpdate1.getClusterName()).isEqualTo("cluster-foo.googleapis.com");
+ assertThat(endpointUpdate1.getDropPolicies()).isEmpty();
+ assertThat(endpointUpdate1.getLocalityLbEndpointsMap())
+ .containsExactly(
+ new Locality("region1", "zone1", "subzone1"),
+ new LocalityLbEndpoints(
+ ImmutableList.of(
+ new LbEndpoint("", 8080,
+ 2, true)), 1, 0));
+ // Start watching endpoints in cluster that server had already sent to us.
+ EndpointWatcher watcher2 = mock(EndpointWatcher.class);
+ xdsClient.watchEndpointData("cluster-bar.googleapis.com", watcher2);
+ // Cached result is notified to watcher immediately.
+ ArgumentCaptor endpointUpdateCaptor2 = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(null);
+ verify(watcher2).onEndpointChanged(endpointUpdateCaptor2.capture());
+ EndpointUpdate endpointUpdate2 = endpointUpdateCaptor2.getValue();
+ assertThat(endpointUpdate2.getClusterName()).isEqualTo("cluster-bar.googleapis.com");
+ assertThat(endpointUpdate2.getDropPolicies()).isEmpty();
+ assertThat(endpointUpdate2.getLocalityLbEndpointsMap())
+ .containsExactly(
+ new Locality("region2", "zone2", "subzone2"),
+ new LocalityLbEndpoints(
+ ImmutableList.of(
+ new LbEndpoint("", 8888,
+ 5, true)), 6, 1));
+ // Client sent an EDS request to subscribe to resources newly being watched.
+ verify(requestObserver)
+ .onNext(
+ argThat(
+ new DiscoveryRequestMatcher("0",
+ ImmutableList.of("cluster-foo.googleapis.com", "cluster-bar.googleapis.com"),
+ XdsClientImpl.ADS_TYPE_URL_EDS, "0000")));
+ // Management server sends back an EDS response updating endpoints in a previously known
+ // cluster.
+ clusterLoadAssignments = ImmutableList.of(
+ Any.pack(buildClusterLoadAssignment("cluster-bar.googleapis.com",
+ ImmutableList.of(
+ buildLocalityLbEndpoints("region3", "zone3", "subzone3",
+ ImmutableList.of(
+ buildLbEndpoint("", 443, HealthStatus.UNKNOWN, 4)),
+ 2, 0)),
+ ImmutableList.of())));
+ response = buildDiscoveryResponse("1", clusterLoadAssignments,
+ XdsClientImpl.ADS_TYPE_URL_EDS, "0001");
+ responseObserver.onNext(response);
+ // Client sent an ACK EDS request.
+ verify(requestObserver)
+ .onNext(
+ argThat(
+ new DiscoveryRequestMatcher("1",
+ ImmutableList.of("cluster-foo.googleapis.com", "cluster-bar.googleapis.com"),
+ XdsClientImpl.ADS_TYPE_URL_EDS, "0001")));
+ // Updated result is notified to the corresponding watcher.
+ verify(watcher2, times(2)).onEndpointChanged(endpointUpdateCaptor2.capture());
+ endpointUpdate2 = endpointUpdateCaptor2.getValue();
+ assertThat(endpointUpdate2.getClusterName()).isEqualTo("cluster-bar.googleapis.com");
+ assertThat(endpointUpdate2.getDropPolicies()).isEmpty();
+ assertThat(endpointUpdate2.getLocalityLbEndpointsMap())
+ .containsExactly(
+ new Locality("region3", "zone3", "subzone3"),
+ new LocalityLbEndpoints(
+ ImmutableList.of(
+ new LbEndpoint("", 443,
+ 4, true)), 2, 0));
+ }
public void addRemoveEndpointWatchersFreely() {
EndpointWatcher watcher1 = mock(EndpointWatcher.class);
@@ -1567,8 +1694,6 @@ public void addRemoveEndpointWatchersFreely() {
XdsClientImpl.ADS_TYPE_URL_EDS, "0002")));
- // TODO(chengyuanzhang): tests for caching EDS responses proactively sent by management server.
// TODO(chengyuanzhang): tests for LDS/RDS/CDS/EDS sharing the same RPC stream.
// TODO(chengyuanzhang): incorporate interactions with cluster watchers and end endpoint watchers