When making a Pull Request, make sure to run through the following checklist:
[] Code is fully functional and ready for review (or is tagged WIP)
[] No errors/warnings in the browser console ( ゚ヮ゚)/
[] package.json is committed if I added or removed any dependencies
[] Tests added as needed to ensure code base still has 100% passing coverage
[] Tests added as needed to cover new functionality
[] Passes linter without errors
[] Code is easily understandable and self-documenting (using naming conventions in keeping with the rest of the codebase)
[] Interfaces all have 'I' before their names (as in IAudit
[] Comments are only included as needed to explain the 'why' instead of the 'what'
[] Common standards and coding practices are adhered to
[] DRY: Don't Repeat Yourself. Code is reasonably structured to avoid repetition
[] Code is intuitively structured following a Separation of Concerns
[] No class components; only functional components (using Hooks as needed)
[] Do an interactive rebase or a rebase