diff --git a/index.bs b/index.bs
index 6493cd9c7..9356b6bb3 100644
--- a/index.bs
+++ b/index.bs
@@ -4486,6 +4486,7 @@ Note: The {{PublicKeyCredentialHint}} enumeration is deliberately not referenced
[=[WRPS]=] may use this enumeration to communicate hints to the user-agent about how a request may be best completed. These hints are not requirements, and do not bind the user-agent, but may guide it in providing the best experience by using contextual information that the [=[RP]=] has about the request. Hints are provided in order of decreasing preference so, if two hints are contradictory, the first one controls. Hints may also overlap: if a more-specific hint is defined a [=[RP]=] may still wish to send less specific ones for user-agents that may not recognise the more specific one. In this case the most specific hint should be sent before the less-specific ones.
+ If the same hint appears more than once, its second and later appearences are ignored.
Hints MAY contradict information contained in credential {{PublicKeyCredentialDescriptor/transports}} and {{AuthenticatorSelectionCriteria/authenticatorAttachment}}. When this occurs, the hints take precedence. (Note that {{PublicKeyCredentialDescriptor/transports}} values are not provided when using [=discoverable credentials=], leaving hints as the only avenue for expressing some aspects of such a request.)