This event is over. A summary is available here.
- Date: Sept 27-Oct 1
- Time: 9am-10am (Eastern Time) daily sync meeting
- Location: WebEx: for Members and for IEs
- VPN: Instructions
- Project Descriptions
Please use
as the context URL for TD 1.0 examples,
for TD 1.1 examples.
- Do we keep using issues for projects and outcomes?
- Is there a better way?
- Should we close older issues/outcomes?
- Update implementation descriptions
- Capture validated TDs
- Carry forward older TDs as appropriate
- Identify gaps in testing
- Generate test cases to fill gaps
- Identify features that need manual assertions from implementors
- Update implementation descriptions
- Collect tests into a single test suite
- Match tests with features
- Identify gaps in testing (features without tests)
- Generate test cases to fill gaps
- Identify features that need manual assertions from implementors
- Testing requires a live service for TDD to poke at ** Globally visible TDD service using LinkSmart is straightforward ** Other TDD supports SPARQL
- Also needs at least two Things that can provide peer-to-peer discovery
- Various Introductions also useful, e.g. mDNS, DNS-SD ** mDNS testing in turn needs VPN
- Note RIoT supports .well-known and Core Link intros
- Still need DID test case
Participants: Blum, Romann, McCool
- Arduino implementation
- Tutorial review and update
- RIoT is natively v6
- Supports CoAP
- Supports .well-known and CoreLink introduction mechanisms for discovery
- VPN is currently only v4; to set up to use v6 needs some reconfiguration (at least)
- Arduino may be able to use v4; separate implementation
Participants: Koster
- Toolchains for converting from ODM/SDF models to TMs
- May overlap with ECHONET integration
- Van Cu PHAM (Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, ECHONET Consortium)
- Tomura
- Koster (T.B.C.)
Accessing ECHONET devices from one or more WoT consumers (e.g. Node-RED (Tomura), node-wot (need volunteer) )
- In this PlugFest, we provide an intermediary that provides translated web APIs via a translation service ("translating proxy"). The intermediary translates payloads so that they can be described with TD data schemas. See
TMs/ODM for ECHONET Device Descriptions (T.B.C. by Koster)
- See for JSON device descriptions. These are very similar to TMs, and also include both JA and EN descriptions, so readable for EN readers Generating TDs for ECHONET Lite Web APIs.
- It is necessary to use the VPN to access the ECHONET Lite devices via the intermediary.
Participants: Toumura, McCool
- Discovery integration (MDNS + TDD queries)
- Semantic/keyword searches
- Retail use case (Connexxus)
- Will be used to exercise ECHONET ** Use Node-RED as a client ** ECHONET Web API provides only servers
Particpants: Siemens (Sebastian)? Daniel? TUM (Ege)? Cristiano
- Discovery integration
- Use as client for ECHONET above ** In which case it needs to be on the VPN
- Evaluate new action models ** Multiple operations ** Hypermedia approach
Participants: McCool
- Test encoding of geospatial data in TDs using extension ** Semantic extension - ontology, etc. ** Query extension to TDDs - collaborate with OGC, IEEE, SDW, etc. ** Introduction mechanisms - Spatial DNS - IETF collab
- SPARQL queries in TDD? ** Prototype spatial search using brute-force filtering.
- WoT device emulator (Android App)
- Generates web apis based on TD
- Behaves in a WebView web app
Participants: ?
Participants: Cristiano
- TD Testing
Participants: Farshid, McCool
Participants: McCool
- Tool chain for canonicalization and signing
- Extension for EJS
- Generation of examples