title |
Glossary |
- A path graph or a path of
- A sequence of bytes or byte array of length
- A set of all byte arrays of length
- A non-negative integer in base 256
- The little-endian representation of a non-negative interger ${I}={\left({B}{{n}}…{B}{{0}}\right)}{{{256}}}$ such that ${b}{{i}}≔{B}_{{i}}$
- The little-endian encoding function.
- A blockchain is defined as a directed path graph.
- A node of the directed path graph (blockchain) C
Genesis Block
- The unique sink of blockchain C
- The source of blockchain C
- The parent of block
UNIX time
- The number of milliseconds that have elapsed since the Unix epoch as a 64-bit integer
- The block tree of a blockchain
- The genesis block, the root of the block tree BT
- The path graph from
to in .
- The head of chain C.
- The length of chain
as a path graph
- The subgraph of
path graph containing both and .
- The set of all subchains of
rooted at block .
i.e. the set of all chains of rooted at genesis block
- The longest sub path graph of
i.e. ${C}:{\left|{C}\right|}=\max_{{{C}{{i}}∈ℂ}}{\left|{C}{{i}}\right|}$
- The longest sub path graph of
with earliest block arrival time
i.e. the head of
is a descendant of in the block tree
- The function to retrieve the value stored under a specific key in the state storage.
State trie, trie
- The Merkle radix-16 Tree, which stores hashes of storage entries.
- The function to encode keys for labeling branches of the trie.
- The set of all nodes in the Polkadot state trie.
- An individual node in the trie.
- A branch node of the trie which has at least one and at most 16 children
- A childless leaf node of the trie
- The aggregated prefix key of node N
- The (suffix) partial key of node N
- A function returning an integer in range of {0, . . . ,15} representing the index of a child node of node
among the children of
- Node value containing the header of node
, its partial key and the digest of its childern values
- The node header of trie node
storing information about the node’s type and kay
- The Merkle value of node
- The binary function indicates which child of a given node is present in the trie.
- The subvalue of a trie node
Child storage
- A sub storage of the state storage which has the same structure, although being stored separately
Child trie
- State trie of a child storage
Transaction Queue
- The 32-byte Blake2b hash of the header of the parent of the block.
- Block number, the incremental integer index of the current block in the chain.
- The hash of the root of the Merkle trie of the state storage at a given block
- An auxiliary field in the block header used by Runtime to validate the integrity of the extrinsics composing the block body.
${H}{{d}}$, ${H}{{d}}{\left({B}\right)}$
- A block header used to store any chain-specific auxiliary data.
- The hash of the header of block
- The body of block
consisting of a set of extrinsics
- Vote message broadcasted by the voter v as part of the finality protocol
- The commit message broadcasted by voter
indicating that they have finalized bock in round
- GRANDPA voter node, which casts votes in the finality protocol
- The private key of voter
- The public key of voter
- The set of all GRANDPA voters for at block
- GRANDPA protocol state consisting of the set of voters, the number of times voters set has changed, and the current round number.
- The voting round counter in the finality protocol
- A GRANDPA vote casted in favor of block B
- A GRANDPA vote casted by voter
during the pre-vote stage of round
- A GRANDPA vote casted by voter
during the pre-commit stage of round
- The justification for pre-committing or committing to block
in round of finality protocol
- The signature of voter
on their vote to block B, broadcasted during the specified stage of finality round
- The set of all equivocator voters in sub-round ‘‘stage'' of round
- The set of all equivocator voters in sub-round ‘‘stage'' of round
observed by voter
- The set of observed direct votes for block B in round
- The set of total votes observed by voter v in sub-round ‘‘stage'' of round r
- The set of all observed votes by
in the sub-round “stage” of round (directly or indirectly) for block
- The currently pre-voted block in round
. The GRANDPA GHOST of round
Account key,
- A key pair of types accepted by the Polkadot protocol which can be used to sign transactions
- SCALE encoding of value
- A tuple of values
's each of different type
Varying Data Types $𝒯={\left\lbrace{T}{{1}},…,{T}{{n}}\right\rbrace}$
- A data type representing any of varying types ${T}{{1}},…,{T}{{n}}$.
- Sequence of values
of the same type
- SCALE length encoding, aka. compact encoding of non-negative interger
of arbitrary size.
- Hex encoding