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454 lines (317 loc) · 26.8 KB

File metadata and controls

454 lines (317 loc) · 26.8 KB

Change Log



v3.0.0-beta.5 - October 16th, 2014

  • Fix template field iteration logic - 4ae5cf1


v3.0.0-beta.4 - October 16th, 2014

  • #389 - Performance optimations (@kpdecker)
  • #390 - Deferrable render (@kpdecker)
  • #388 - Utilize lodash for server builds (@kpdecker)
  • Avoid complex boolean chaining - 56a8b25
  • Implement basic benchmarks - 2f2fcde

Compatibility notes:

  • setView callers can not assume that the operation has completed after the call returns unless they pass the async: false flag.
  • rendered:collection now occurs prior to the rendered event
  • append and before:rendered events can not assume that other handlers have executed prior to their own execution unless they utilize the deferred.exec API which does guarantee this case (although the existing concerns of did you register before the other guy hold and this is generally ill advised to make these assumptions in loosely linked event code).
  • Users building with lumbar who desire the forms feature must include the thorax-form mixin
  • The helper:$name event has been removed. Users should bind to the helper event and check the name parameter that they wish to examine.
  • _.uniqueId no longer uses global variables for tracking state. Instead callers must call _resetIdCounter when wishing to modify that behavior.
  • context no longer clones the model attributes so callers need to take care to not modify the returned value.


v3.0.0-beta.3 - September 10th, 2014

  • #382 - Update DOM events (@loun4)
  • #383 - Allow forced render mode for restore operations (@kpdecker)
  • Safely handle missing view helpers on restore - 2009cd2
  • Update to use FruitLoops API object - 5253fd1


v3.0.0-beta.2 - July 8th, 2014


v3.0.0-beta.1 - July 7th, 2014

  • Fixup restore handling with custom renderEmpty - 630a098


v3.0.0-alpha.10 - July 7th, 2014

  • #375 - collection.fetch success callback (@DatenMetzgerX)
  • #373 - Handle fetchQueue error for preempted requests (@kpdecker)
  • Ensure proper restore for nested collections - 6799e57

Compatibility notes:

  • fetchQueue promises are now proxies to the upstream XHR connection. The consequence of this is the fetch queue instance may be cancelled or otherwise errored while the upstream request continues independently.


v3.0.0-alpha.9 - June 2nd, 2014

  • #372 - Isolate fetchQueue instances (@kpdecker)
  • Use callbacks as exec flags in bindToRoute - 18f16de

Compatibility notes:

  • Multiple calls to fetch and load are now treated as distinct request objects externally. This means that they may be independendently canceled by things such as bind to route, etc without impacting other external requests. Implementations may need to examine the cases where fetch vs. load is used concurrently on a given data object instance to see if their behavior still matches the desired behavior.


v3.0.0-alpha.8 - May 26th, 2014

  • Fix bindToRoute when running with lumbar loader - c1e534d


v3.0.0-alpha.7 - May 19th, 2014

  • Update for latest handlebars _child changes - 495e078


v3.0.0-alpha.6 - May 17th, 2014

  • #311 - Loading module breaks module load if history not started (@kpdecker)
  • #370 - Always cleanup bindToRoute (@kpdecker)
  • Fix server-side.js include for client overrides - 66a972b


v3.0.0-alpha.5 - May 5th, 2014

Compatibility notes:

  • Views that are inserted manually must call retain or _addChild if they are going to be referenced by $.view


v3.0.0-alpha.4 - April 8th, 2014

  • #357 - use prop rather than attr to look up values, as it updates after user (@patrickkettner)
  • Update tests for the latest fruit-loops lib - 18333f1


v3.0.0-alpha.3 - April 7th, 2014

  • #354 - don't allow checked='false' on inputs (@dguzzo)


v3.0.0-alpha.2 - April 3rd, 2014

  • Prevent partial render due to layout children - 395cac9
  • Cleanup parent registry on view cid change - b468974
  • Only restore flagged el attribute lookups - e4440f0


v3.0.0-alpha.1 - April 1st, 2014

  • #345 - Document server side functionality (@kpdecker)

  • #325 - Implement server -> client marshaling (@kpdecker)

  • #336 - Allow basic server side execution (@kpdecker)

  • #337 - Emit non-server views on setView (@kpdecker)

  • #338 - Client restore (@kpdecker)

  • #344 - Validate contextPath state on store (@kpdecker)

  • #346 - Add logging event for restore hueristics (@kpdecker)

  • #348 - Add restore collection events (@kpdecker)

  • #350 - Defer restore rerendering in collection if loading (@kpdecker)

  • #88 - Make unit tests run on IE8 (@eastridge)

  • #293 - Implement sauce labs CI support (@kpdecker)

  • #331 - Use empty() and html() rather than innerHTML (@kpdecker)

  • #332 - LayoutView will unbind all DOM events when deactivating a retained view (@jasonwebster)

  • #335 - Do not activate push state links if meta or shift are clicked. (@nhunzaker)

  • Fix loadHandler cleanup under oldIE - bd30512

  • Handle functions passed to getTemplate - 62c38a8

  • Handle oldIE default checkbox value - 04293ca

Compatibility notes:

  • Service side rendering support has been implemented. This is generally isolated but does expose the $serverSide global field and a few additional data parameters, documented in the readme.
  • append event callbacks now recieve $ instances rather than direct DOM references
  • cid values on views may change now due to restore operations
  • thorax-ie mixin is removed


v2.3.5 - March 4th, 2014

  • #326 - Fix IE version of CollectionView._replaceHTML (@Candid)
  • #324 - Add view({el}) lookup option (@kpdecker)
  • #323 - Remove data-submit-wait attr from view el when resetting submit state (@jasonwebster)


v2.3.4 - February 27th, 2014

Compatibility notes:

  • Layout and collection elements are now cached locally. Nonstandard rendering behaviors may break due to this.


v2.3.3 - February 13th, 2014

  • #318 - remove extra word under setModel section (@joeyyang)
  • #313 - Correct spelling mistake (@Maciek416)
  • #312 - Always return 'this' from Thorax.View.render(). (@ryan-roemer)
  • #308 - Add support for data-no-tap-highlight attribute (@Candid)
  • Update build stack to latest - cffbddc
  • Ignore new handlebars data fields for comparison - 34fa9d7
  • Slight refactor of helper view init - 9f23d56

Compatibility notes:

  • This version is required in order to work with the Handlebars 2.x series. In particular 34fa9d7 is needed to prevent infinite rerender loops under certain cases.


v2.3.2 - January 14th, 2014


v2.3.1 - January 13th, 2014

  • #304 - fetchQueue._promise can be referenced when fetchQueue has become undefined (@jhudson8)


v2.3.0 - January 12th, 2014

  • #298 - IE11 fails 2 view helper tests (@solidgoldpig)
  • #299 - IE11 - on test fails for Zepto version (@solidgoldpig)
  • #303 - Hack around JIT error in collection view (@kpdecker)
  • #295 - Error Handler Section APIs (@kpdecker)
  • #288 - encode output of url helper when using expand-tokens=true (@trombom)
  • Handle void tags properly in Thorax.Util.tag - 344e5d5
  • Add support for promises - cab2eb0


v2.2.1 - December 30th, 2013

  • #292 - Add a Bitdeli Badge to README (@bitdeli-chef)
  • #291 - Add support for input event (@Candid)
  • #227 - support backbone's idAttribute
  • Update build task to remove source maps (for components repo only) - e467408
  • Simplify conditional - 0a68c99
  • Save off collection reference - 03f1703
  • Failover url to empty string - 2427b8a

Compatibility notes:

  • TODO : What might have broken?


v2.2.0 - December 13th, 2013

v2.1.5 - December 2nd, 2013


v2.1.4 - December 2nd, 2013


v2.1.3 - November 28th, 2013

  • #275 - HelperView in {{layout-element}} error

  • Replace release-component with component-version (courtesy kpdecker) - e51ebf3

  • Update collection.js - 5c69497

  • Update - 255a604, 76b1d39, b3a12ae, 7a7e5d2

  • Add log messages for writing source maps - e049613


v2.1.1 - November 12th, 2013

  • Handle destroyed helper view insert explicitly - c70d4dc


v2.1.0 - October 21st, 2013

Compatibility notes:

You will now need to add your own Underscore, Handlebars, Backbone and jQuery or Zepto dependencies in projects that consume Thorax. Thorax is tested with the following Bower config:

"devDependencies": {
  "jquery": "1.9.0",
  "underscore": "1.4.4",
  "zepto": "1.0.0",
  "handlebars": "1.0.0",
  "backbone": "1.0.0"

Note that you should pick jQuery or Zepto for your project but not both.


v2.0.3 - October 21st, 2013


v2.0.2 - October 17th, 2013

  • #255 - View helper fails when run via mutating array (@kpdecker)
  • #263 - Make setView not throw even if old view is destroyed (@Candid)
  • #264 - Make render not render destroyed views (@Candid)


v2.0.1 - September 9th, 2013

  • #248 - load bug fix with forwardLoadEvents while already loading (@jhudson8

  • #239 - bower: dependencies -> 'latest'

  • Update release notes format - a43e1b0



  • Numerous performance and bug fixes
  • Thorax now requires Backbone 0.9.9 or later
  • The "auto unbind" feature of on(targetObject, eventName) has been removed, implemented by Backbone as listenTo
  • Use of Thorax.Router is deprecated and no longer documented
  • Removed ViewController class
  • Views can now specify a helpers hash to call templates with
  • Removed Thorax.Util.getValue
  • renderTemplate second context argument now overrides context passed to template instead of adding to it
  • ready event now propagates to children
  • Added view.appendTo method
  • Added bindDataObject, unbindDataObject methods
  • Added thorax release command to generate combined & minified files
  • New lumbar based build system, thorax build command line option has been removed
  • Add removeItem updateItem methods for views rendering a collection
  • Remove emptyContext method and empty-context collection helper argument
  • Add {{collection-element}} helper, to specify where in a view a collection should be rendered
  • CollectionView has been removed, collection rendering can now be done in any class
  • Added itemFilter method
  • Move {{cid}}, {{yield}} special variables to private variables in handlebars (available with {{@cid}} and {{@yield}}). {{_view}} is now avialable as {{@view}}
  • Collection events bound with on({collection: events}) no longer recieve a CollectionView as the first argument
  • Revert: DOM event handlers now recieve the original context (if the handler had been registered with $.on) as the second argument


  • expand-tokens=true is now required in the url helper to expand handlebars tokens inside a url
  • Added loading-placement option to the collection-helper
  • DOM event handlers now recieve the original context (if the handler had been registered with $.on) as the second argument
  • Added bower support
  • Add trigger attribute option to button and link helpers
  • Fail silently when #view helper does not find a view instance (1.x behavior)
  • $.model now accepts a view as an optional argument
  • Thorax.View.prototype._loadTemplate renamed to Thorax.Util.getTemplate


  • add template helper block capture and yield variable
  • added Thorax.onException hook for easier android debugging
  • collection filter option now hides or shows elements instead of adding or removing them
  • collection filter option now applied when model change event is triggered
  • collection event change: when using view.on({collection: events}) syntax, CollectionView instances are now prepended to the array of arguments passed and the callback is now called with the context of the delcaring view
  • allowed creation of CollectionView classes in JavaScript direclty (previously could only be created via the collection helper)
  • Thorax.Router and Thorax.ViewController now use a constructor override so that super.initialize() does not need to be invoked when overriding initialize


  • added mobile plugin
  • allow nested objects in any registry to allow: {{view "Nested.Object"}}
  • thorax build command now requires a target filename as the first argument
  • Thorax.Util.shouldFetch will now gracefully support Backbone.Model and Backbone.Collection instances
  • allow Backbone.Model and Backbone.Collection instances to be passed to _loadModel and _loadCollection


  • item-context and empty-context will try to use itemContext and emptyContext functions as defaults if they are available on the declaring view
  • a build system was created, some method overrides are now done via code templates with handlebars instead of in JS, resulting in smaller wire size and less computational overhead
  • added build command
  • thorax.lumbar plugin was removed, functionality was moved to boilerplate projects
  • Application class was removed, functionality was moved to boilerplate projects
  • registry methods (Thorax.view, Thorax.model, etc) were removed, name property now has special meaning when passed to extend methods such as Thorax.View.extend


Thorax has been split into a variety of plugins for a better separation of concerns, the base thorax.js file now only deals with Backbone + Handlebars integration.

Thorax Core Changes

  • template has been renamed to renderTemplate

  • templates may now be specified as part of the class definition as a string via the template attribute

  • Thorax.configure() has been removed and repalced with an Application class, the equivelent code would be:

    var Application = new Thorax.Application(); Application.start(historyOptions); $('body').append(Application.el);

  • scrollTo and scrollToTop have been removed and will appear in the mobile plugin in 2.1

  • Handlebars.registerViewHelper has been added. empty, collection and other view helpers are all implemented in this manner

  • addition of $.view, $.model and $.collection

Mixin plugin

Mixin behaviors have been moved to the mixin plugin.

Loading Plugin

All data loading functionality, including flushQueue, fetchQueue, bindToRoute and load() have been moved into a separate thorax.loading.js file. In addition the collection helper accepts two new arguments when this file is present:

  • loading-view
  • loading-template

Which insert a loading view or template onto the bottom of the collection while the collection is loading. A loading helper is also provided that can be used outside of the collection helper.

The signatures of exisiting methods were not changed and the unit tests for existing functionality were only trivially changed.

Events Plugin

  • Thorax.View.registerEvents has been renamed to Thorax.View.on and is available on all Backbone and Thorax classes
  • Any object that can be used as the object may now be used as an argument to on()
  • The nested event keyword has gone away and will re-appear (or have a different implementation accomplishing the same thing) in 2.1
  • All view events regardless of how they are registered will now be processed with _addEvent who's signature is unchanged
  • Events to be bound on another object only while the view is alive may be registered with: view.on(target, eventName, callback) When the view is destroyed the event on the target object will be unbound.

Form plugin

serialize, populate and validateInput have been moved into a form plugin but are unchanged

Helpers plugin

Added link, url and button helpers.

Previously all click a events would trigger the Backbone.history.navigate behavior. This is now opt in via the link helper.

Collection Plugin

Collection handling has been completely re-written and is not backwards compatible. The new collection helper must be used. Multiple collections and multiple displays of the same collection may now be present in the same view. Each collection helper will generate a CollectionViewinstance. Specific migrations:

  • item-context may be specified in the collection helper instead of setting an itemContext method on the view class
  • empty-context may be specified in the collection helper instead of setting an emptyContext method on the view class
  • rendered:collection event recieves the related collectionView as it's first argument
  • rendered:item event recieves the related collectionView as it's first argument
  • rendered:empty event recieves the related collectionView as it's first argument
  • renderItem no longer exists on the view class, use the rendered:item event or specify specific behaviors in your item-view class
  • renderEmpty no longer exists on the view class, use the rendered:empty event or specify specific behaviors in your empty-view class
  • the filter option has been added which should be used in place of the behavior added in

Lumbar plugin

A lumbar plugin has been added which adds a module.router() method to each lumbar generated module. The Thorax + Lumbar node boilerplate project makes use of this:

Model plugin

Thorax.Model and setModel have been moved to the model plugin but are unchanged in behavior.

ViewController plugin

  • Thorax.Layout has been renamed to Thorax.LayoutView. It is now a Thorax.View subclass instead of a Backbone.View. Multiple LayoutView instances may now be embedded in a parent view.
  • setView has gained a destroy: false option
  • layout.getView() must be used to get the current view of a layout instead of layout.view
  • Thorax.ViewController and Thorax.Application classes have been added
  • route and route:before events have been added to Thorax.Router

Command line utilities

Have been removed, except for the following command:

thorax templates ./templates-dir ./templates.js

Boilerplate projects have been provided and a lumbar.json editor will appear in 2.1


  • load:start and load:end handling have been moved into a plugin
  • nested event keyword now works with views, the callback will always be called with the context of the declaring view and will always recieve the triggering view as the first argument
  • empty() the collection element before renderCollection()


  • added {{collection}} helper
  • _collectionSelector is now deprecated and internally defaults to [data-collection-cid], for backwards compatibility set it to ".collection" in your view classes
  • added templatePathPrefix option to configure()
  • unit tests!
  • added nested event keyword
  • added _addEvent method for subclasses to customize event registration
  • registerEvents is now an instance method in addition to a class method
  • added emptyContext method, called from renderEmpty
  • checks for property are now lazy
  • exceptions are now thrown instead of using console.error