#Libcrc API Reference
Libcrc is a library to calculate various checksums of data blobs. The library is written in C and can be compiled with any modern C compiler. The API to the library is described in this document.
checksum_NMEA( input_str, result );
crc_8( input_str, num_bytes );
crc_16( input_str, num_bytes );
crc_32( input_str, num_bytes );
crc_64_ecma( input_str, num_bytes );
crc_64_we( input_str, num_bytes );
crc_ccitt_1d0f( input_str, num_bytes );
crc_ccitt_ffff( input_str, num_bytes );
crc_dnp( input_str, num_bytes );
crc_kermit( input_str, num_bytes );
crc_modbus( input_str, num_bytes );
crc_sick( input_str, num_bytes );
crc_xmodem( input_str, num_bytes );
update_crc_8( crc, c );
update_crc_16( crc, c );
update_crc_32( crc, c );
update_crc_64( crc, c );
update_crc_ccitt( crc, c );
update_crc_dnp( crc, c );
update_crc_kermit( crc, c );
update_crc_sick( crc, c, prev_byte );