- minSdkVersion -> 21
- GPUImage -> 2.1.0
Bug Fix:
- Fix param of drawDiagonalFromTopLeftRoundRect
- Compile & Target SDK Version 27 -> 30
- GPUImage 1.4.1 -> 2.0.4
- Picasso 2.5.2 -> 2.8.0
Bug Fix:
- Fix settings for proguard #38
- Compile & Target SDK Version 25 -> 27
- Build Tools 26.0.1 -> 27.0.3
- Support Library 25.3.1 -> 27.0.2
Bug Fix:
- BlurTransformation crashes on Android 4.2.
- Compile & Target SDK Version 23 -> 25
- Build Tools 23.0.2 -> 25.0.2
- Support Library 23.1.1 -> 25.3.0
Bug Fix:
- Additional resource cleanup in RSBlur.
Extended the CropTransformation by @molexx
- Horizontal gravity
- Crop to aspect ratio
- Crop to width/height as a ratio of original image's width/height
- Crop to exact area (specify left and top)
Say v8.RenderScript goodbye
Use FastBlur as a fallback upon RenderScript failure.
Change the renderscriptTargetApi down to 20.
Warning:Renderscript support mode is not currently supported with renderscript target 21+
fix: memory leak.
add round corner type to RoundedCornersTransformation.
Thanks to kaelaela
add new transformations MaskTransformation. Thanks to start141
Adjustment of default parameters.
add DownSampling to BlurTransform
update support-library
add: CropType(Top, Center, Bottom) for CropTransformation
fix: source isn't square, move viewport to center
fix: Blur Transformation now woking at Android 4.3 add: GPUImage to Gradle dependency
Initial release.