Name | Type | Description | Notes |
name | str | ||
resource | str | Unique resource identifier | [optional] |
reset_observations | bool | [optional] [default to True] | |
parallel | bool | [optional] [default to True] | |
gates_need_full_observation | bool | [optional] [default to False] | |
tags | object | Key-value pairs on which you can set at task creation and later filter tasks | [optional] |
variables | object | set of variables which will be used when starting a task and will automatically be injected in the template before starting a task. | [optional] |
type | ReactiveTaskSettingType | ||
time_zone | str | Optional identifier of the time zone in which the schedule expression is to be interpreted | [optional] |
frequency | int | polling frequency in milliseconds | |
start | bool | [optional] [default to True] | |
template | str | Unique template identifier | |
sensors | List[SensorNode] | List of sensors with required properties | [optional] |
actuators | List[ActuatorNode] | List of actuators with required properties | [optional] |
relations | List[RelationNode] | List of relations (gates) between sensors | [optional] |
triggers | List[SimplifiedGraphTriggersInner] | List of conditions under which actuators/sensors get executed. | [optional] |
notes | List[NoteElement] | [optional] | |
task | TaskWithRuleAllOfTask |
from import TaskSpecification
# TODO update the JSON string below
json = "{}"
# create an instance of TaskSpecification from a JSON string
task_specification_instance = TaskSpecification.from_json(json)
# print the JSON string representation of the object
print TaskSpecification.to_json()
# convert the object into a dict
task_specification_dict = task_specification_instance.to_dict()
# create an instance of TaskSpecification from a dict
task_specification_form_dict = task_specification.from_dict(task_specification_dict)