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This lab provides a series of exercises focused on security proofs about a cryptographic algorithm called Salsa20, by Daniel J. Bernstein.


Before working through this lab, you'll need

  • Cryptol to be installed,
  • this module to load successfully, and
  • an editor for completing the exercises in this file.

You'll also need experience with

  • loading modules and evaluating functions in the interpreter,
  • Cryptol's sequence types,
  • the :prove command,
  • manipulating sequences using map, iterate,
  • writing functions and properties, and
  • logical, comparison, arithmetic, and indexing operators.

Skills You'll Learn

By the end of this lab you will have proven some security properties about Salsa20.

You'll also gain experience with

  • type parameters and type constraints,
  • manipulating sequences, and
  • writing functions and properties.

Load This Module

This lab is a literate Cryptol document --- that is, it can be loaded directly into the Cryptol interpreter. Load this module from within the Cryptol interpreter running in the cryptol-course directory with:

Loading module Cryptol
Cryptol> :m labs::Salsa20::Salsa20PropsAnswers
Loading module Cryptol
Loading module labs::Salsa20::Salsa20Answers
Loading module labs::Salsa20::Salsa20PropsAnswers

We start by defining a new module for this lab and importing the Salsa20 specification from a prior lab:

module labs::Salsa20::Salsa20PropsAnswers where

import labs::Salsa20::Salsa20Answers

You do not need to enter the above into the interpreter; the previous :m ... command loaded this literate Cryptol file automatically. In general, you should run Xcryptol-session commands in the interpreter and leave cryptol code alone to be parsed by :m ....

Salsa20 Security Properties

In this lab, we consider additional properties of the Salsa20 stream cipher [5], which has undergone much scrutiny since being proposed for eSTREAM, the ECRYPT Stream Cipher Project.


Throughout the Salsa20 spec [5], various functions are noted as being "invertible". In the Salsa20 lab, we proved that the quarterround and littleendian functions are invertible. We did this because the specification explicitly mentioned these properties. Similarly, though not called out in the specification, other functions defined in the spec are also invertible.

EXERCISE: Below is a rundown of each function defined in the spec. Your goal is to prove that each are invertible by filling in a property for each that attempts to prove invertibility.


property rowroundIsInvertibleProp y y' =
    y != y' ==> rowround y != rowround y'


property columnroundIsInvertibleProp x x' =
    x != x' ==> columnround x != columnround x'


This next one (doubleround) may take about a minute to prove using the z3 solver. It may also seem a bit frustrating to have to wait, but please keep in mind that the solver is searching over a space of about 2^^1024 possibilities.

property doubleroundIsInvertibleProp xs xs' =
    xs != xs' ==> doubleround xs != doubleround xs'


So far we've been proving that functions are invertible by showing that no two different inputs cause a function's outputs to collide. Though, for Salsa20Core we'll actually be trying to find such collisions.

Dr. Bernstein states [1],

I originally introduced the Salsa20 core as the "Salsa20 hash function," but this terminology turns out to confuse people who think that "hash function" means "collision-resistant compression function." The Salsa20 core does not compress and is not collision-resistant.

This was in response [2] to a paper detailing collisions in Salsa20 [3], which Dr. Bernstein calls

plagiarism of an observation that was made by Matt Robshaw in June 2005, that was independently posted to sci.crypt [4] by David Wagner in September 2005...

High drama!

The notion that Salsa20Core does not compress is obvious from its type signature (Bytes 64 -> Bytes 64). So, we'll work now to show that Salsa20Core collides.

The security of many cryptographic algorithms relies on collision resistance. Collisions are actually OK in many types of cryptography (think hash functions), but collisions should be astronomically hard to find. Here, Dr. Bernstein says that collisions exist in Salsa20Core and are easy to find, though not so easy that z3 just works out of the box.

We know from the section above that doubleround is collision free. Collision free functions remain so even when iterated (Salsa20Core iterates doubleround ten times). The proof of this last statement is left to the reader -- we suggest the 100 prisoners problem as a good starting place. Then, where do the collisions in Salsa20Core come from? Looking over the details of Salsa20Core, we see operations that reshape bytes to words and back, but reshaping also doesn't cause collisions. All that's left is +. The original specification states that

Salsa20Core x = x + doubleround10 x

To demonstrate the potential for a collision here, consider what would happen if x was a single bit and doubleround10 0 == 1 and doubleround10 1 == 0. In this case, doubleround10 is collision free, but Salsa20Core would return 1 when given x = 0 and x = 1 -- a collision. Next we move on to finding such collisions using the fully defined function.

Working from [3], Theorem 6 states the collision property for Salsa20Core:

Any pair of inputs M and M' (defined below) such that Z < 2^^31 and Z' = Z + 2^^31, generate a collision for any number of rounds of the Salsa20 "hash" [core] function, producing h (defined below) as a common hash value.

M =  [  Z , -Z ,  Z , -Z
     , -Z ,  Z , -Z ,  Z
     ,  Z , -Z ,  Z , -Z
     , -Z ,  Z , -Z ,  Z  ]
M' = [  Z', -Z',  Z', -Z'
     , -Z',  Z', -Z',  Z'
     ,  Z', -Z',  Z', -Z'
     , -Z',  Z', -Z',  Z' ]
h  = 2*M

In this definition, Z and Z' are Words, but our Cryptol spec follows the original in defining Salsa20Core to map Bytes 64 -> Bytes 64. Thus, we will reshape Salsa20Core before proceeding:

EXERCISE: Define Salsa20Core' to mimic Salsa20Core, but over Words 16 rather than Bytes 64: (Hint: This can be defined in one line with doubleround, iterate, and basic Cryptol operators.)

/** `Salsa20Core` equivalent over `Words 16` */
Salsa20Core' : Words 16 -> Words 16
Salsa20Core' x =
    x + (iterate doubleround x @ 10)

EXERCISE: Verify that Salsa20Core' agrees with Salsa20Core:

property Salsa20CoreEquivProp w =
    Salsa20Core' (rejigger w) == rejigger (Salsa20Core w)
    rejigger x = map littleendian (split x)

Theorem 6 (from above) states that collisions should happen for any number of iterations of Salsa20Core. However, we're just going to ask that you prove it for one iteration. If you are highly motivated, feel free to attempt the more general proof (though don't expect any extra credit).

EXERCISE: Formalize Theorem 6:

Salsa20CoreCollidesProp : [32] -> Bit
property Salsa20CoreCollidesProp Z =
    h == h'
    Z' = Z + (2^^31)
    M  = [  Z , -Z ,  Z , -Z
         , -Z ,  Z , -Z ,  Z
         ,  Z , -Z ,  Z , -Z
         , -Z ,  Z , -Z ,  Z ]
    M' = [  Z', -Z',  Z', -Z'
         , -Z',  Z', -Z',  Z'
         ,  Z', -Z',  Z', -Z'
         , -Z',  Z', -Z',  Z']
    h  = Salsa20Core' M
    h' = Salsa20Core' M'


Finally, we want to show that Salsa20Encrypt is invertible (i.e. there exists a Salsa20Decrypt function that inverts Salsa20Encrypt for a given key and nonce). It turns out that Salsa20Encrypt is its own inverse, a so-called involution. That is, composing Salsa20Encrypt twice on a given key and nonce yields the original plaintext.

EXERCISE: Specify that Salsa20_encrypt is an involution and use the myriad of properties below to help verify your work.

Salsa20EncryptInvolutionProp :
    {a, l}
    (a >= 1, 2 >= a, l <= 2^^70) =>
    Bytes (16*a) -> Bytes 8 -> Bytes l -> Bit
Salsa20EncryptInvolutionProp k v m =
    Salsa20Encrypt k v (Salsa20Encrypt k v m) == m
property Salsa20EncryptInvolutionProp_1_1 = Salsa20EncryptInvolutionProp`{1,1}
property Salsa20EncryptInvolutionProp_1_8 = Salsa20EncryptInvolutionProp`{1,8}
property Salsa20EncryptInvolutionProp_1_64 = Salsa20EncryptInvolutionProp`{1,64}
property Salsa20EncryptInvolutionProp_1_128 = Salsa20EncryptInvolutionProp`{1,128}

property Salsa20EncryptInvolutionProp_2_1 = Salsa20EncryptInvolutionProp`{2,1}
property Salsa20EncryptInvolutionProp_2_8 = Salsa20EncryptInvolutionProp`{2,8}
property Salsa20EncryptInvolutionProp_2_64 = Salsa20EncryptInvolutionProp`{2,64}
property Salsa20EncryptInvolutionProp_2_128 = Salsa20EncryptInvolutionProp`{2,128}


[1] The Salsa20 core D. Bernstein

[2] Response to "On the Salsa20 Core Function" D. Bernstein

[3] On the Salsa20 Core Function J.C. Hernandez-Castro, et. al.

[4] Re-rolled Salsa20 function P. Rubin, D. Wagner, et. al.

[5] Salsa20 specification D. Bernstein


How was your experience with this lab? Suggestions are welcome in the form of a ticket on the course GitHub page:

From here, you can go somewhere!

- Cryptographic Properties
Salsa20 Properties (Answers)
? Salsa20 Properties