Safari TP 159 Release Notes for Safari TP 159 WebKit Standards Positions: @scope Firefox 107 Firefox 107 Chrome 108 New in Chrome 108 The large, small, and dynamic viewport units Бета Chrome 109 Chrome 109 beta CSS Text Module Level 4 -ms-hyphenate-limit-chars CSS- и JS-календари Advent of CSS Advent of JavaScript HTML-календарь HTMHell Advent Calendar 2022 How to transfigure wireframes into HTML You Don’t Need ARIA For That Using SRI to protect from malicious JS Ускорение инструментов Speeding up the JavaScript ecosystem. One library at a time CSS-фильтры и маски Experimenting with layering, filtering, and masking in CSS Цвета в CSS Color Formats in CSS: hex, rgb, hsl, lab Тёмная сторона веба Does OKLCH make it easier to read and understand colors? CLI convert-to-oklch