A s y n c h r o n o u s C a l l E x a m p l e
The test is an extension to the SynchronousCallExample with the difference that the request will be made in another thread. So that the main-thread can continue working, while the created thread does the requesting and waiting for the response.
Sometimes there is a concurrent approach needed. E.g. You need your programm to do calculations during the sendSmsRequest and not waiting for any answer.
One way to solve this, is using multi-threading. Calling the SmsClient in another thread and do calculations in another is part of the example.
Following steps have to be made to get it working:
Unzip the BusinessSMSClient-x.x.x.jar.
change into unzipped directory (where README file can be found)
Basically two commands are needed for compiling and execution of the AsynchronousCallExample
- The following command compiles the java-file into a class-file:
javac -cp "docs/howto;dist/BusinessSMSClient-1.0.2-jar-with-dependencies.jar" docs/howto/AsynchronousCallExample.java
- Executes the class-file:
java -cp "docs/howto;dist/BusinessSMSClient-1.0.2-jar-with-dependencies.jar" AsynchronousCallExample
- The following command compiles the java-file into a class-file: