2.1.1 (2025-01-23)
- fix reference to stack file in common stack deploy scripts (8046264)
2.1.0 (2025-01-17)
- support disabling setup specific Swarm scripts (ee18793)
- change Docker Compose command in scripts (057ba00)
2.0.0 (2024-10-31)
- deps: Previously docker tasks required Java 8 to run and failed with later versions. Now at least Java 11 is required.
- deps: update dependency io.pebbletemplates:pebble to v3.2.2 (af5cd40)
- deps: update dependency junit:junit to v4.13.2 (b07368f)
- deps: update dependency org.yaml:snakeyaml to v2.3 (a6a6307)
- deps: upgrade gradle-docker-plugin version to 9.4.0 (21a5eb7)
1.1.0 (2024-10-31)
- add filter for merging objects (c1ceee4)
- add function for failing processing (a190ec1)
- collect path information in PebbleCachingConfig (9f48a83)
- deps: use alice library published in wetransform artifactory (a1d4766)
- fix ConcurrentModificationException on Java 9+ (298714a)
- cache setting templates (04e57ea)