diff --git a/images/img_flight-recorder.jpg b/images/img_flight-recorder.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fd58e88
Binary files /dev/null and b/images/img_flight-recorder.jpg differ
diff --git a/images/img_hvt.jpg b/images/img_hvt.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e7263b2
Binary files /dev/null and b/images/img_hvt.jpg differ
diff --git a/images/img_jips.jpg b/images/img_jips.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bd1f275
Binary files /dev/null and b/images/img_jips.jpg differ
diff --git a/images/img_lna.jpg b/images/img_lna.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d581fd0
Binary files /dev/null and b/images/img_lna.jpg differ
diff --git a/images/img_loadscreenN.jpg b/images/img_loadscreenN.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4683632
Binary files /dev/null and b/images/img_loadscreenN.jpg differ
diff --git a/images/img_overviewN.jpg b/images/img_overviewN.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..410fd23
Binary files /dev/null and b/images/img_overviewN.jpg differ
diff --git a/images/tex_callsignsN.jpg b/images/tex_callsignsN.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0dd7859
Binary files /dev/null and b/images/tex_callsignsN.jpg differ
diff --git a/images/tex_lageplanN.jpg b/images/tex_lageplanN.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5ce319b
Binary files /dev/null and b/images/tex_lageplanN.jpg differ
diff --git a/images/tex_map_aoE.jpg b/images/tex_map_aoE.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..39bcea7
Binary files /dev/null and b/images/tex_map_aoE.jpg differ
diff --git a/images/tex_map_aoM.jpg b/images/tex_map_aoM.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3b8aa79
Binary files /dev/null and b/images/tex_map_aoM.jpg differ
diff --git a/images/tex_map_aoN.jpg b/images/tex_map_aoN.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b51c8d7
Binary files /dev/null and b/images/tex_map_aoN.jpg differ
diff --git a/images/tex_netplan_tableN.jpg b/images/tex_netplan_tableN.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..73189fc
Binary files /dev/null and b/images/tex_netplan_tableN.jpg differ
diff --git a/images/tex_obj_aa.jpg b/images/tex_obj_aa.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c1c39b7
Binary files /dev/null and b/images/tex_obj_aa.jpg differ
diff --git a/images/tex_obj_cache.jpg b/images/tex_obj_cache.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..64decec
Binary files /dev/null and b/images/tex_obj_cache.jpg differ
diff --git a/images/tex_obj_hmmwv.jpg b/images/tex_obj_hmmwv.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f05cec6
Binary files /dev/null and b/images/tex_obj_hmmwv.jpg differ
diff --git a/images/tex_obj_iedN.jpg b/images/tex_obj_iedN.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..52b2bc1
Binary files /dev/null and b/images/tex_obj_iedN.jpg differ
diff --git a/images/tex_obj_lna.jpg b/images/tex_obj_lna.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4a8a02b
Binary files /dev/null and b/images/tex_obj_lna.jpg differ
diff --git a/images/tex_obj_recorder.jpg b/images/tex_obj_recorder.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ba546ca
Binary files /dev/null and b/images/tex_obj_recorder.jpg differ
diff --git a/images/tex_obj_standby.jpg b/images/tex_obj_standby.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..51e5ad5
Binary files /dev/null and b/images/tex_obj_standby.jpg differ
diff --git a/images/tex_obj_terrorist.jpg b/images/tex_obj_terrorist.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..258c1a4
Binary files /dev/null and b/images/tex_obj_terrorist.jpg differ
diff --git a/images/tmp_baf.png b/images/tmp_baf.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..92b40a8
Binary files /dev/null and b/images/tmp_baf.png differ
diff --git a/scripts/TeleportToSL.sqf b/scripts/TeleportToSL.sqf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..597060c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/TeleportToSL.sqf
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+Move player 3m behind his group leader or into leader's vehicle
+By Megagoth1702, thanks to Sandiford and Cheesenoggin, slightly modified by ZZEZ
+private ["_leader","_LX","_LY","_LZ"];
+//setting up basic variables
+ _leader = leader player;
+//If leader's vehicle is the leader himself, move player 3m behind him
+ if (vehicle _leader == _leader) then
+ {
+ //Getting the coords
+ _LX = (getpos _leader select 0) +
+ (3*sin ((getDir _leader) -180));
+ _LY = (getpos _leader select 1) +
+ (3*cos ((getDir _leader) -180));
+ _LZ = (getpos _leader select 2);
+ player setpos [_LX,_LY,_LZ];
+ player removeAction movetoSL;
+ }
+//If leader is inside vehicle, move player into vehicle cargo
+ else
+ {
+ /*Checking if there is room in the vehicle, gives hint if there is none
+ if there is room, player is moved into cargo of leader's vehicle
+ */
+ if ((vehicle _leader) emptyPositions "cargo"==0) then
+ {hint "No room in squad leader's vehicle."}
+ else
+ {
+ player moveincargo vehicle _leader;
+ player removeAction movetoSL;
+ };
+ };
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/scripts/acre_init.sqf b/scripts/acre_init.sqf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cf0fbc9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/acre_init.sqf
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+/* ==================================================== */
+/* === Script for Arma3 by Whiplash. === */
+/* === This script is open-source and can be used. === */
+/* === See comments below for how-to-use. === */
+/* ==================================================== */
+// Call this on both, the server and the clients for it to work.
+// ACRE initiation. Used to pre-define channel names for all 3 radio types. See ACRE-API.
+/* ==================================================== */
+["ACRE_PRC148", "default", "ISAF"] call acre_api_fnc_copyPreset;
+["ACRE_PRC152", "default", "ISAF"] call acre_api_fnc_copyPreset;
+["ACRE_PRC117F", "default", "ISAF"] call acre_api_fnc_copyPreset;
+["ACRE_PRC148", "ISAF", 1, "label", "BN NET"] call acre_api_fnc_setPresetChannelField;
+//["ACRE_PRC148", "ISAF", 1, "frequencyRX", 31.25] call acre_api_fnc_setPresetChannelField;
+//["ACRE_PRC148", "ISAF", 1, "frequencyTX", 31.25] call acre_api_fnc_setPresetChannelField;
+["ACRE_PRC148", "ISAF", 2, "label", "B COYNET"] call acre_api_fnc_setPresetChannelField;
+//["ACRE_PRC148", "ISAF", 2, "frequencyRX", 31.375] call acre_api_fnc_setPresetChannelField;
+//["ACRE_PRC148", "ISAF", 2, "frequencyTX", 31.375] call acre_api_fnc_setPresetChannelField;
+["ACRE_PRC148", "ISAF", 3, "label", "1-PLTNET"] call acre_api_fnc_setPresetChannelField;
+//["ACRE_PRC148", "ISAF", 3, "frequencyRX", 31.5] call acre_api_fnc_setPresetChannelField;
+//["ACRE_PRC148", "ISAF", 3, "frequencyTX", 31.5] call acre_api_fnc_setPresetChannelField;
+["ACRE_PRC148", "ISAF", 4, "label", "2-PLTNET"] call acre_api_fnc_setPresetChannelField;
+//["ACRE_PRC148", "ISAF", 4, "frequencyRX", 31.625] call acre_api_fnc_setPresetChannelField;
+//["ACRE_PRC148", "ISAF", 4, "frequencyTX", 31.625] call acre_api_fnc_setPresetChannelField;
+["ACRE_PRC148", "ISAF", 5, "label", "FCN"] call acre_api_fnc_setPresetChannelField
+//["ACRE_PRC148", "ISAF", 5, "frequencyRX", 31.75] call acre_api_fnc_setPresetChannelField;
+//["ACRE_PRC148", "ISAF", 5, "frequencyTX", 31.75] call acre_api_fnc_setPresetChannelField;
+["ACRE_PRC148", "ISAF", 6, "label", "AIR REQ NET"] call acre_api_fnc_setPresetChannelField;
+//["ACRE_PRC148", "ISAF", 6, "frequencyRX", 31.875] call acre_api_fnc_setPresetChannelField;
+//["ACRE_PRC148", "ISAF", 6, "frequencyTX", 31.875] call acre_api_fnc_setPresetChannelField;
+["ACRE_PRC148", "ISAF", 7, "label", "TAD-1"] call acre_api_fnc_setPresetChannelField;
+//["ACRE_PRC148", "ISAF", 7, "frequencyRX", 32.0] call acre_api_fnc_setPresetChannelField;
+//["ACRE_PRC148", "ISAF", 7, "frequencyTX", 32.0] call acre_api_fnc_setPresetChannelField;
+["ACRE_PRC148", "ISAF", 8, "label", "TAD-2"] call acre_api_fnc_setPresetChannelField;
+//["ACRE_PRC148", "ISAF", 8, "frequencyRX", 32.125] call acre_api_fnc_setPresetChannelField;
+//["ACRE_PRC148", "ISAF", 8, "frequencyTX", 32.125] call acre_api_fnc_setPresetChannelField;
+["ACRE_PRC148", "ISAF", 9, "label", "CTAF"] call acre_api_fnc_setPresetChannelField;
+//["ACRE_PRC148", "ISAF", 9, "frequencyRX", 32.25] call acre_api_fnc_setPresetChannelField;
+//["ACRE_PRC148", "ISAF", 9, "frequencyTX", 32.25] call acre_api_fnc_setPresetChannelField;
+["ACRE_PRC152", "ISAF", 1, "description", "BN NET"] call acre_api_fnc_setPresetChannelField;
+//["ACRE_PRC152", "ISAF", 1, "frequencyRX", 31.25] call acre_api_fnc_setPresetChannelField;
+//["ACRE_PRC152", "ISAF", 1, "frequencyTX", 31.25] call acre_api_fnc_setPresetChannelField;
+["ACRE_PRC152", "ISAF", 2, "description", "B COYNET"] call acre_api_fnc_setPresetChannelField;
+//["ACRE_PRC152", "ISAF", 2, "frequencyRX", 31.375] call acre_api_fnc_setPresetChannelField;
+//["ACRE_PRC152", "ISAF", 2, "frequencyTX", 31.375] call acre_api_fnc_setPresetChannelField;
+["ACRE_PRC152", "ISAF", 3, "description", "1-PLTNET"] call acre_api_fnc_setPresetChannelField;
+//["ACRE_PRC152", "ISAF", 3, "frequencyRX", 31.5] call acre_api_fnc_setPresetChannelField;
+//["ACRE_PRC152", "ISAF", 3, "frequencyTX", 31.5] call acre_api_fnc_setPresetChannelField;
+["ACRE_PRC152", "ISAF", 4, "description", "2-PLTNET"] call acre_api_fnc_setPresetChannelField;
+//["ACRE_PRC152", "ISAF", 4, "frequencyRX", 31.625] call acre_api_fnc_setPresetChannelField;
+//["ACRE_PRC152", "ISAF", 4, "frequencyTX", 31.625] call acre_api_fnc_setPresetChannelField;
+["ACRE_PRC152", "ISAF", 5, "description", "FCN"] call acre_api_fnc_setPresetChannelField
+//["ACRE_PRC152", "ISAF", 5, "frequencyRX", 31.75] call acre_api_fnc_setPresetChannelField;
+//["ACRE_PRC152", "ISAF", 5, "frequencyTX", 31.75] call acre_api_fnc_setPresetChannelField;
+["ACRE_PRC152", "ISAF", 6, "description", "AIR REQ NET"] call acre_api_fnc_setPresetChannelField;
+//["ACRE_PRC152", "ISAF", 6, "frequencyRX", 31.875] call acre_api_fnc_setPresetChannelField;
+//["ACRE_PRC152", "ISAF", 6, "frequencyTX", 31.875] call acre_api_fnc_setPresetChannelField;
+["ACRE_PRC152", "ISAF", 7, "description", "TAD-1"] call acre_api_fnc_setPresetChannelField;
+//["ACRE_PRC152", "ISAF", 7, "frequencyRX", 32.0] call acre_api_fnc_setPresetChannelField;
+//["ACRE_PRC152", "ISAF", 7, "frequencyTX", 32.0] call acre_api_fnc_setPresetChannelField;
+["ACRE_PRC152", "ISAF", 8, "description", "TAD-2"] call acre_api_fnc_setPresetChannelField;
+//["ACRE_PRC152", "ISAF", 8, "frequencyRX", 32.125] call acre_api_fnc_setPresetChannelField;
+//["ACRE_PRC152", "ISAF", 8, "frequencyTX", 32.125] call acre_api_fnc_setPresetChannelField;
+["ACRE_PRC152", "ISAF", 9, "description", "CTAF"] call acre_api_fnc_setPresetChannelField;
+//["ACRE_PRC152", "ISAF", 9, "frequencyRX", 32.25] call acre_api_fnc_setPresetChannelField;
+//["ACRE_PRC152", "ISAF", 9, "frequencyTX", 32.25] call acre_api_fnc_setPresetChannelField;
+["ACRE_PRC117F", "ISAF", 1, "name", "BN NET"] call acre_api_fnc_setPresetChannelField;
+//["ACRE_PRC117F", "ISAF", 1, "frequencyRX", 31.25] call acre_api_fnc_setPresetChannelField;
+//["ACRE_PRC117F", "ISAF", 1, "frequencyTX", 31.25] call acre_api_fnc_setPresetChannelField;
+["ACRE_PRC117F", "ISAF", 2, "name", "B COYNET"] call acre_api_fnc_setPresetChannelField;
+//["ACRE_PRC117F", "ISAF", 2, "frequencyRX", 31.375] call acre_api_fnc_setPresetChannelField;
+//["ACRE_PRC117F", "ISAF", 2, "frequencyTX", 31.375] call acre_api_fnc_setPresetChannelField;
+["ACRE_PRC117F", "ISAF", 3, "name", "1-PLTNET"] call acre_api_fnc_setPresetChannelField;
+//["ACRE_PRC117F", "ISAF", 3, "frequencyRX", 31.5] call acre_api_fnc_setPresetChannelField;
+//["ACRE_PRC117F", "ISAF", 3, "frequencyTX", 31.5] call acre_api_fnc_setPresetChannelField;
+["ACRE_PRC117F", "ISAF", 4, "name", "2-PLTNET"] call acre_api_fnc_setPresetChannelField;
+//["ACRE_PRC117F", "ISAF", 4, "frequencyRX", 31.625] call acre_api_fnc_setPresetChannelField;
+//["ACRE_PRC117F", "ISAF", 4, "frequencyTX", 31.625] call acre_api_fnc_setPresetChannelField;
+["ACRE_PRC117F", "ISAF", 5, "name", "FCN"] call acre_api_fnc_setPresetChannelField
+//["ACRE_PRC117F", "ISAF", 5, "frequencyRX", 31.75] call acre_api_fnc_setPresetChannelField;
+//["ACRE_PRC117F", "ISAF", 5, "frequencyTX", 31.75] call acre_api_fnc_setPresetChannelField;
+["ACRE_PRC117F", "ISAF", 6, "name", "AIR REQ NET"] call acre_api_fnc_setPresetChannelField;
+//["ACRE_PRC117F", "ISAF", 6, "frequencyRX", 31.875] call acre_api_fnc_setPresetChannelField;
+//["ACRE_PRC117F", "ISAF", 6, "frequencyTX", 31.875] call acre_api_fnc_setPresetChannelField;
+["ACRE_PRC117F", "ISAF", 7, "name", "TAD-1"] call acre_api_fnc_setPresetChannelField;
+//["ACRE_PRC117F", "ISAF", 7, "frequencyRX", 32.0] call acre_api_fnc_setPresetChannelField;
+//["ACRE_PRC117F", "ISAF", 7, "frequencyTX", 32.0] call acre_api_fnc_setPresetChannelField;
+["ACRE_PRC117F", "ISAF", 8, "name", "TAD-2"] call acre_api_fnc_setPresetChannelField;
+//["ACRE_PRC117F", "ISAF", 8, "frequencyRX", 32.125] call acre_api_fnc_setPresetChannelField;
+//["ACRE_PRC117F", "ISAF", 8, "frequencyTX", 32.125] call acre_api_fnc_setPresetChannelField;
+["ACRE_PRC117F", "ISAF", 9, "name", "CTAF"] call acre_api_fnc_setPresetChannelField;
+//["ACRE_PRC117F", "ISAF", 9, "frequencyRX", 32.25] call acre_api_fnc_setPresetChannelField;
+//["ACRE_PRC117F", "ISAF", 9, "frequencyTX", 32.25] call acre_api_fnc_setPresetChannelField;
+["ACRE_PRC148", "ISAF"] call acre_api_fnc_setPreset;
+["ACRE_PRC152", "ISAF"] call acre_api_fnc_setPreset;
+["ACRE_PRC117F", "ISAF"] call acre_api_fnc_setPreset;
diff --git a/scripts/civ_spotter_1.sqf b/scripts/civ_spotter_1.sqf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..da9f88c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/civ_spotter_1.sqf
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+/* ==================================================== */
+/* === Script for Arma3 by Whiplash. === */
+/* === This script is open-source and can be used. === */
+/* === See comments below for how-to-use. === */
+/* ==================================================== */
+// This is run by executing it from a waypoint (Scripted type).
+// Civilian spotter script. This is run when a civilian spotter calls and alarms OPFOR.
+// Initialize the variables used here in the server_init.sqf
+/* ==================================================== */
+var_civ_spotter_1 = true;
+playSound3D ["A3\Sounds_F\sfx\radio\ambient_radio29.wss", phone_random_1, false, getPosAsl phone_random_1, 1.5, 1, 60];
+playSound3D ["A3\Sounds_F\sfx\radio\ambient_radio29.wss", fobE_toc_sattelitePhone_1, false, getPosAsl fobE_toc_sattelitePhone_1, 2, 1, 20];
+Sleep 5;
diff --git a/scripts/client_side/acre.sqf b/scripts/client_side/acre.sqf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ea78a2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/client_side/acre.sqf
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+/* ==================================================== */
+/* === Script for Arma3 by Whiplash. === */
+/* === This script is open-source and can be used. === */
+/* === See comments below for how-to-use. === */
+/* ==================================================== */
+/* ==================================================== */
+private ["_unit","_radioList"];
+_unit = vehicleVarName player;
+waitUntil {[] call acre_api_fnc_isInitialized};
+_radioList = [] call acre_api_fnc_getCurrentRadioList;
+switch _unit do {
+ // BAF 2-PLT
+ case "BAF_PWRR_ACOY_2PLT_PL": {
+ {if ([_x, "ACRE_PRC343"] call acre_api_fnc_isKindOf) then {[_x,3] call acre_api_fnc_setRadioChannel; [_x,"LEFT"] call acre_api_fnc_setRadioSpatial}} forEach _radioList;
+ {if ([_x, "ACRE_PRC148"] call acre_api_fnc_isKindOf) then {[_x,4] call acre_api_fnc_setRadioChannel; [_x,"RIGHT"] call acre_api_fnc_setRadioSpatial}} forEach _radioList;
+ };
+ case "BAF_PWRR_ACOY_2PLT_PSG": {
+ {if ([_x, "ACRE_PRC343"] call acre_api_fnc_isKindOf) then {[_x,3] call acre_api_fnc_setRadioChannel; [_x,"LEFT"] call acre_api_fnc_setRadioSpatial}} forEach _radioList;
+ {if ([_x, "ACRE_PRC148"] call acre_api_fnc_isKindOf) then {[_x,4] call acre_api_fnc_setRadioChannel; [_x,"RIGHT"] call acre_api_fnc_setRadioSpatial}} forEach _radioList;
+ };
+ case "BAF_PWRR_ACOY_2PLT_RTO": {
+ {if ([_x, "ACRE_PRC343"] call acre_api_fnc_isKindOf) then {[_x,3] call acre_api_fnc_setRadioChannel; [_x,"LEFT"] call acre_api_fnc_setRadioSpatial}} forEach _radioList;
+ {if ([_x, "ACRE_PRC117F"] call acre_api_fnc_isKindOf) then {[_x,4] call acre_api_fnc_setRadioChannel; [_x,"RIGHT"] call acre_api_fnc_setRadioSpatial}} forEach _radioList;
+ };
+ {if ([_x, "ACRE_PRC343"] call acre_api_fnc_isKindOf) then {[_x,3] call acre_api_fnc_setRadioChannel; [_x,"LEFT"] call acre_api_fnc_setRadioSpatial}} forEach _radioList;
+ };
+ // BAF 2-PLT 1-SQD
+ case "BAF_PWRR_ACOY_2PLT_1SQD_SL": {
+ {if ([_x, "ACRE_PRC343"] call acre_api_fnc_isKindOf) then {[_x,1] call acre_api_fnc_setRadioChannel; [_x,"LEFT"] call acre_api_fnc_setRadioSpatial}} forEach _radioList;
+ {if ([_x, "ACRE_PRC148"] call acre_api_fnc_isKindOf) then {[_x,4] call acre_api_fnc_setRadioChannel; [_x,"RIGHT"] call acre_api_fnc_setRadioSpatial}} forEach _radioList;
+ };
+ {if ([_x, "ACRE_PRC343"] call acre_api_fnc_isKindOf) then {[_x,1] call acre_api_fnc_setRadioChannel; [_x,"LEFT"] call acre_api_fnc_setRadioSpatial}} forEach _radioList;
+ {if ([_x, "ACRE_PRC148"] call acre_api_fnc_isKindOf) then {[_x,4] call acre_api_fnc_setRadioChannel; [_x,"RIGHT"] call acre_api_fnc_setRadioSpatial}} forEach _radioList;
+ };
+ case "BAF_PWRR_ACOY_2PLT_1SQD_AR": {
+ {if ([_x, "ACRE_PRC343"] call acre_api_fnc_isKindOf) then {[_x,1] call acre_api_fnc_setRadioChannel; [_x,"LEFT"] call acre_api_fnc_setRadioSpatial}} forEach _radioList;
+ };
+ case "BAF_PWRR_ACOY_2PLT_1SQD_AR_2": {
+ {if ([_x, "ACRE_PRC343"] call acre_api_fnc_isKindOf) then {[_x,1] call acre_api_fnc_setRadioChannel; [_x,"LEFT"] call acre_api_fnc_setRadioSpatial}} forEach _radioList;
+ };
+ case "BAF_PWRR_ACOY_2PLT_1SQD_DM": {
+ {if ([_x, "ACRE_PRC343"] call acre_api_fnc_isKindOf) then {[_x,1] call acre_api_fnc_setRadioChannel; [_x,"LEFT"] call acre_api_fnc_setRadioSpatial}} forEach _radioList;
+ };
+ case "BAF_PWRR_ACOY_2PLT_1SQD_DM_2": {
+ {if ([_x, "ACRE_PRC343"] call acre_api_fnc_isKindOf) then {[_x,1] call acre_api_fnc_setRadioChannel; [_x,"LEFT"] call acre_api_fnc_setRadioSpatial}} forEach _radioList;
+ };
+ {if ([_x, "ACRE_PRC343"] call acre_api_fnc_isKindOf) then {[_x,1] call acre_api_fnc_setRadioChannel; [_x,"LEFT"] call acre_api_fnc_setRadioSpatial}} forEach _radioList;
+ };
+ case "BAF_PWRR_ACOY_2PLT_1SQD_GRND_2": {
+ {if ([_x, "ACRE_PRC343"] call acre_api_fnc_isKindOf) then {[_x,1] call acre_api_fnc_setRadioChannel; [_x,"LEFT"] call acre_api_fnc_setRadioSpatial}} forEach _radioList;
+ };
+ // BAF 2-PLT 2-SQD
+ case "BAF_PWRR_ACOY_2PLT_2SQD_SL": {
+ {if ([_x, "ACRE_PRC343"] call acre_api_fnc_isKindOf) then {[_x,2] call acre_api_fnc_setRadioChannel; [_x,"LEFT"] call acre_api_fnc_setRadioSpatial}} forEach _radioList;
+ {if ([_x, "ACRE_PRC148"] call acre_api_fnc_isKindOf) then {[_x,4] call acre_api_fnc_setRadioChannel; [_x,"RIGHT"] call acre_api_fnc_setRadioSpatial}} forEach _radioList;
+ };
+ {if ([_x, "ACRE_PRC343"] call acre_api_fnc_isKindOf) then {[_x,2] call acre_api_fnc_setRadioChannel; [_x,"LEFT"] call acre_api_fnc_setRadioSpatial}} forEach _radioList;
+ {if ([_x, "ACRE_PRC148"] call acre_api_fnc_isKindOf) then {[_x,4] call acre_api_fnc_setRadioChannel; [_x,"RIGHT"] call acre_api_fnc_setRadioSpatial}} forEach _radioList;
+ };
+ case "BAF_PWRR_ACOY_2PLT_2SQD_AR": {
+ {if ([_x, "ACRE_PRC343"] call acre_api_fnc_isKindOf) then {[_x,2] call acre_api_fnc_setRadioChannel; [_x,"LEFT"] call acre_api_fnc_setRadioSpatial}} forEach _radioList;
+ };
+ case "BAF_PWRR_ACOY_2PLT_2SQD_AR_2": {
+ {if ([_x, "ACRE_PRC343"] call acre_api_fnc_isKindOf) then {[_x,2] call acre_api_fnc_setRadioChannel; [_x,"LEFT"] call acre_api_fnc_setRadioSpatial}} forEach _radioList;
+ };
+ case "BAF_PWRR_ACOY_2PLT_2SQD_DM": {
+ {if ([_x, "ACRE_PRC343"] call acre_api_fnc_isKindOf) then {[_x,2] call acre_api_fnc_setRadioChannel; [_x,"LEFT"] call acre_api_fnc_setRadioSpatial}} forEach _radioList;
+ };
+ case "BAF_PWRR_ACOY_2PLT_2SQD_DM_2": {
+ {if ([_x, "ACRE_PRC343"] call acre_api_fnc_isKindOf) then {[_x,2] call acre_api_fnc_setRadioChannel; [_x,"LEFT"] call acre_api_fnc_setRadioSpatial}} forEach _radioList;
+ };
+ {if ([_x, "ACRE_PRC343"] call acre_api_fnc_isKindOf) then {[_x,2] call acre_api_fnc_setRadioChannel; [_x,"LEFT"] call acre_api_fnc_setRadioSpatial}} forEach _radioList;
+ };
+ case "BAF_PWRR_ACOY_2PLT_2SQD_GRND_2": {
+ {if ([_x, "ACRE_PRC343"] call acre_api_fnc_isKindOf) then {[_x,2] call acre_api_fnc_setRadioChannel; [_x,"LEFT"] call acre_api_fnc_setRadioSpatial}} forEach _radioList;
+ };
+ // FST
+ case "BAF_FST_SL": {
+ {if ([_x, "ACRE_PRC343"] call acre_api_fnc_isKindOf) then {[_x,4] call acre_api_fnc_setRadioChannel; [_x,"LEFT"] call acre_api_fnc_setRadioSpatial}} forEach _radioList;
+ {if ([_x, "ACRE_PRC148"] call acre_api_fnc_isKindOf) then {[_x,4] call acre_api_fnc_setRadioChannel; [_x,"RIGHT"] call acre_api_fnc_setRadioSpatial}} forEach _radioList;
+ };
+ case "BAF_FST_TL": {
+ {if ([_x, "ACRE_PRC343"] call acre_api_fnc_isKindOf) then {[_x,4] call acre_api_fnc_setRadioChannel; [_x,"LEFT"] call acre_api_fnc_setRadioSpatial}} forEach _radioList;
+ {if ([_x, "ACRE_PRC148"] call acre_api_fnc_isKindOf) then {[_x,4] call acre_api_fnc_setRadioChannel; [_x,"RIGHT"] call acre_api_fnc_setRadioSpatial}} forEach _radioList;
+ };
+ case "BAF_FST_JTAC": {
+ {if ([_x, "ACRE_PRC343"] call acre_api_fnc_isKindOf) then {[_x,4] call acre_api_fnc_setRadioChannel; [_x,"LEFT"] call acre_api_fnc_setRadioSpatial}} forEach _radioList;
+ {if ([_x, "ACRE_PRC148"] call acre_api_fnc_isKindOf) then {[_x,4] call acre_api_fnc_setRadioChannel; [_x,"RIGHT"] call acre_api_fnc_setRadioSpatial}} forEach _radioList;
+ {if ([_x, "ACRE_PRC117F"] call acre_api_fnc_isKindOf) then {[_x,6] call acre_api_fnc_setRadioChannel; [_x,"CENTER"] call acre_api_fnc_setRadioSpatial}} forEach _radioList;
+ };
+ case "BAF_FST_MFC": {
+ {if ([_x, "ACRE_PRC343"] call acre_api_fnc_isKindOf) then {[_x,4] call acre_api_fnc_setRadioChannel; [_x,"LEFT"] call acre_api_fnc_setRadioSpatial}} forEach _radioList;
+ {if ([_x, "ACRE_PRC148"] call acre_api_fnc_isKindOf) then {[_x,4] call acre_api_fnc_setRadioChannel; [_x,"RIGHT"] call acre_api_fnc_setRadioSpatial}} forEach _radioList;
+ {if ([_x, "ACRE_PRC117F"] call acre_api_fnc_isKindOf) then {[_x,5] call acre_api_fnc_setRadioChannel; [_x,"CENTER"] call acre_api_fnc_setRadioSpatial}} forEach _radioList;
+ };
+ case "BAF_FST_RTO": {
+ {if ([_x, "ACRE_PRC343"] call acre_api_fnc_isKindOf) then {[_x,4] call acre_api_fnc_setRadioChannel; [_x,"LEFT"] call acre_api_fnc_setRadioSpatial}} forEach _radioList;
+ {if ([_x, "ACRE_PRC117F"] call acre_api_fnc_isKindOf) then {[_x,4] call acre_api_fnc_setRadioChannel; [_x,"RIGHT"] call acre_api_fnc_setRadioSpatial}} forEach _radioList;
+ };
+ case "BAF_FST_RIFLE": {
+ {if ([_x, "ACRE_PRC343"] call acre_api_fnc_isKindOf) then {[_x,4] call acre_api_fnc_setRadioChannel; [_x,"LEFT"] call acre_api_fnc_setRadioSpatial}} forEach _radioList;
+ };
+ // Mortar
+ case "BAF_MORTAR_ATTCH_G1_1": {
+ {if ([_x, "ACRE_PRC343"] call acre_api_fnc_isKindOf) then {[_x,5] call acre_api_fnc_setRadioChannel; [_x,"LEFT"] call acre_api_fnc_setRadioSpatial}} forEach _radioList;
+ {if ([_x, "ACRE_PRC148"] call acre_api_fnc_isKindOf) then {[_x,5] call acre_api_fnc_setRadioChannel; [_x,"RIGHT"] call acre_api_fnc_setRadioSpatial}} forEach _radioList;
+ };
+ case "BAF_MORTAR_ATTCH_G1_2": {
+ {if ([_x, "ACRE_PRC343"] call acre_api_fnc_isKindOf) then {[_x,5] call acre_api_fnc_setRadioChannel; [_x,"LEFT"] call acre_api_fnc_setRadioSpatial}} forEach _radioList;
+ };
+ case "BAF_MORTAR_ATTCH_G2_1": {
+ {if ([_x, "ACRE_PRC343"] call acre_api_fnc_isKindOf) then {[_x,5] call acre_api_fnc_setRadioChannel; [_x,"LEFT"] call acre_api_fnc_setRadioSpatial}} forEach _radioList;
+ {if ([_x, "ACRE_PRC148"] call acre_api_fnc_isKindOf) then {[_x,5] call acre_api_fnc_setRadioChannel; [_x,"RIGHT"] call acre_api_fnc_setRadioSpatial}} forEach _radioList;
+ };
+ case "BAF_MORTAR_ATTCH_G2_2": {
+ {if ([_x, "ACRE_PRC343"] call acre_api_fnc_isKindOf) then {[_x,5] call acre_api_fnc_setRadioChannel; [_x,"LEFT"] call acre_api_fnc_setRadioSpatial}} forEach _radioList;
+ };
+ // EOD
+ case "BAF_EOD_ATTCH_TL": {
+ {if ([_x, "ACRE_PRC343"] call acre_api_fnc_isKindOf) then {[_x,6] call acre_api_fnc_setRadioChannel; [_x,"LEFT"] call acre_api_fnc_setRadioSpatial}} forEach _radioList;
+ {if ([_x, "ACRE_PRC148"] call acre_api_fnc_isKindOf) then {[_x,4] call acre_api_fnc_setRadioChannel; [_x,"RIGHT"] call acre_api_fnc_setRadioSpatial}} forEach _radioList;
+ };
+ case "BAF_EOD_ATTCH_ENG_1": {
+ {if ([_x, "ACRE_PRC343"] call acre_api_fnc_isKindOf) then {[_x,6] call acre_api_fnc_setRadioChannel; [_x,"LEFT"] call acre_api_fnc_setRadioSpatial}} forEach _radioList;
+ };
+ case "BAF_EOD_ATTCH_ENG_2": {
+ {if ([_x, "ACRE_PRC343"] call acre_api_fnc_isKindOf) then {[_x,6] call acre_api_fnc_setRadioChannel; [_x,"LEFT"] call acre_api_fnc_setRadioSpatial}} forEach _radioList;
+ };
+ // RECCE
+ {if ([_x, "ACRE_PRC343"] call acre_api_fnc_isKindOf) then {[_x,7] call acre_api_fnc_setRadioChannel; [_x,"LEFT"] call acre_api_fnc_setRadioSpatial}} forEach _radioList;
+ {if ([_x, "ACRE_PRC148"] call acre_api_fnc_isKindOf) then {[_x,4] call acre_api_fnc_setRadioChannel; [_x,"RIGHT"] call acre_api_fnc_setRadioSpatial}} forEach _radioList;
+ };
+ {if ([_x, "ACRE_PRC343"] call acre_api_fnc_isKindOf) then {[_x,7] call acre_api_fnc_setRadioChannel; [_x,"LEFT"] call acre_api_fnc_setRadioSpatial}} forEach _radioList;
+ {if ([_x, "ACRE_PRC148"] call acre_api_fnc_isKindOf) then {[_x,4] call acre_api_fnc_setRadioChannel; [_x,"RIGHT"] call acre_api_fnc_setRadioSpatial}} forEach _radioList;
+ };
+ {if ([_x, "ACRE_PRC343"] call acre_api_fnc_isKindOf) then {[_x,7] call acre_api_fnc_setRadioChannel; [_x,"LEFT"] call acre_api_fnc_setRadioSpatial}} forEach _radioList;
+ };
+ {if ([_x, "ACRE_PRC343"] call acre_api_fnc_isKindOf) then {[_x,7] call acre_api_fnc_setRadioChannel; [_x,"LEFT"] call acre_api_fnc_setRadioSpatial}} forEach _radioList;
+ };
+ // CIVS
+ case "z1": {
+ {if ([_x, "ACRE_PRC152"] call acre_api_fnc_isKindOf) then {[_x,1] call acre_api_fnc_setRadioChannel; [_x,"CENTER"] call acre_api_fnc_setRadioSpatial}} forEach _radioList;
+ };
+ case "z2": {
+ {if ([_x, "ACRE_PRC152"] call acre_api_fnc_isKindOf) then {[_x,1] call acre_api_fnc_setRadioChannel; [_x,"CENTER"] call acre_api_fnc_setRadioSpatial}} forEach _radioList;
+ };
diff --git a/scripts/client_side/addaction_init.sqf b/scripts/client_side/addaction_init.sqf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4237264
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/client_side/addaction_init.sqf
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+/* ==================================================== */
+/* === Script for Arma3 by Whiplash. === */
+/* === This script is open-source and can be used. === */
+/* === See comments below for how-to-use. === */
+/* ==================================================== */
+// Execute on all clients.
+// Add a new set of code for each object that should have an addAction command added.
+// Make sure to name the objects in the editor appropriately.
+// Each addAction command must reference to their own "scripts\client_side\SCRIPTNAME.sqf".
+/* ==================================================== */
+//Laptop Alarm
+fobE_toc_laptop_1 setVariable ["alarmOn", false, true];
+fobE_toc_laptop_1 addAction [("" + ("Switch Base Alarm OFF") + ""), "scripts\client_side\switch_alarm.sqf", [false, "alarmOn"], 4, false, true, "", "(_target getVariable 'alarmOn')"];
+fobE_toc_laptop_1 addAction [("" + ("Switch Base Alarm ON") + ""), "scripts\client_side\switch_alarm.sqf", [true, "alarmOn"], 4, false, true, "", "!(_target getVariable 'alarmOn')"];
+"demand additional LNA patrols",
+"_this distance _target < 3 && !isNil ""var_patrol"" && !var_patrol && (paramsArray select 0) == 1 || (paramsArray select 0) == 2 || (paramsArray select 0) == 3",
+"_caller distance _target < 3",
+{var_patrol = true; publicVariable "var_patrol";},
+false] call BIS_fnc_holdActionAdd;
+if (!isNil "mhq") then {
+ [mhq,
+ "deploy mhq (1min)",
+ "\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\holdactions\holdAction_connect_ca.paa",
+ "\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\holdactions\holdAction_connect_ca.paa",
+ "_this distance _target < 3 && !isNil ""var_mhq_enabled"" && {!var_mhq_enabled}",
+ "_caller distance _target < 3",
+ {},
+ {hint "Deploying... (Keep holding it)";},
+ {[true, "scripts\mhq_deploy.sqf"] remoteExec ["execVM", 2]; hint "MHQ Deployed (WIP)";}, // execute deploy mhq script!
+ {hint "Canceled deployment!";},
+ [],
+ 60,
+ 0,
+ false,
+ false] call BIS_fnc_holdActionAdd;
+ [mhq,
+ "undeploy mhq (1min)",
+ "\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\holdactions\holdAction_connect_ca.paa",
+ "\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\holdactions\holdAction_connect_ca.paa",
+ "_this distance _target < 3 && !isNil ""var_mhq_enabled"" && {var_mhq_enabled}",
+ "_caller distance _target < 3",
+ {},
+ {hint "Undeploying... (Keep holding it)";},
+ {[false, "scripts\mhq_deploy.sqf"] remoteExec ["execVM", 2]; hint "MHQ Undeployed (WIP)";}, // execute deploy mhq script!
+ {hint "Canceled undeployment!";},
+ [],
+ 60,
+ 0,
+ false,
+ false] call BIS_fnc_holdActionAdd;
+ [flag_mhq,
+ "teleport to the mhq",
+ "\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\holdactions\holdAction_takeOff1_ca.paa",
+ "\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\holdactions\holdAction_takeOff1_ca.paa",
+ "_this distance _target < 3 && !isNil ""var_mhq_enabled"" && {var_mhq_enabled}",
+ "_caller distance _target < 3",
+ {},
+ {},
+ {[_caller]execVM "scripts\mhq_teleport.sqf";}, //{[-2,{[_caller]execVM "scripts\mhq_teleport.sqf";}] call CBA_fnc_globalExecute}, //execute teleport script!
+ {},
+ [],
+ 5,
+ 0,
+ false,
+ false] call BIS_fnc_holdActionAdd;
diff --git a/scripts/client_side/switch_alarm.sqf b/scripts/client_side/switch_alarm.sqf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2842ace
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/client_side/switch_alarm.sqf
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+/* ==================================================== */
+/* === Script for Arma3 by Whiplash. === */
+/* === This script is open-source and can be used. === */
+/* === See comments below for how-to-use. === */
+/* ==================================================== */
+// The Following script will allow you to switch defined alarms on or off using an addAction command.
+// The addAction command is added to the object using "scripts\addactions\addaction_init.sqf".
+// The alarm will be played from a 3D source on your map.
+/* ==================================================== */
+// Initialization
+if (isDedicated) exitWith {};
+// Defining variables
+_switch = _this select 0; // the object used as the switch
+_caller = _this select 1; // the person using the addAction command
+_loudspeakers = [fobE_loudspeaker_1]; // array with all the sound sources (name objects in editor appropriately)
+// Defines variables by grabbing the addAction arguments
+_status = (_this select 3) select 0; // 1st argument, defines status of the alarm (returns true or false)
+_variable = (_this select 3) select 1; // 2nd argument, defines the variable "alarmOn"
+switch (_switch getVariable _variable) do
+ case true: {_status = false};
+ case false: {_status = true};
+// Return variables to switch object
+_switch setVariable [_variable, _status, true];
+// Play the alarm in a loop until stopped by activating the addAction
+if (_status) then
+ _alarmHandle = [_switch, _variable] spawn
+ {
+ _switch = _this select 0;
+ _variable = _this select 1;
+ _loudspeakers = _this select 2;
+ while {_switch getVariable _variable} do
+ {
+ playSound3D ["A3\Sounds_F\sfx\alarm_independent.wss", fobE_loudspeaker_1, false, getPosAsl fobE_loudspeaker_1, 5, 0.8, 400];
+ sleep 9;
+ };
+ };
+// Exit script
+if (true) exitWith{}
diff --git a/scripts/client_side/uav_terminal_control.sqf b/scripts/client_side/uav_terminal_control.sqf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fee8eaa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/client_side/uav_terminal_control.sqf
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+/* ==================================================== */
+/* === Script for Arma3 by Whiplash. === */
+/* === This script is open-source and can be used. === */
+/* === See comments below for how-to-use. === */
+/* ==================================================== */
+// The Following script will allow you to access the UAV terminal using an addAction command.
+// The addAction command is added to the object using "scripts\client_side\addaction_init.sqf".
+// OBJECT_NAME addAction [("" + ("Access UAV Terminal Controls") + ""), "scripts\client_side\uav_terminal_control.sqf", [], 5, false, true, "", "(_target getVariable 'terminalOn')"];
+/* ==================================================== */
+// Initialization
+if (isDedicated) exitWith {};
+// Defining variables
+_caller = _this select 0; // the person using the addAction command
+// Add item UAV Terminal to GPS slot
+_caller linkItem "B_UavTerminal";
+// Take UAV gunner controls
+_caller action ["UAVTerminalOpen", _caller];
+_caller connectTerminalToUAV uav_1;
+while {_caller distance fobE_toc_keyboard_1 < 2} do {
+ sleep 10;
+_caller unassignItem "C_UavTerminal";
+_caller removeItem "C_UavTerminal";
+// Exit script
+if (true) exitWith{}
diff --git a/scripts/initTeleportToSL.sqf b/scripts/initTeleportToSL.sqf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..939ae4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/initTeleportToSL.sqf
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+switch (side player) do
+ case WEST:
+ {
+ sleep 5;
+ movetoSL = player addAction ["Teleport To SL", "scripts\TeleportToSL.sqf"];
+ sleep 10;
+ hintSilent "Use your scroll wheel to teleport to your squad leader";
+ sleep 180;//3min
+ player removeAction movetoSL;
+ };
+ case EAST:
+ {
+ sleep 5;
+ movetoSL = player addAction ["Teleport To SL", "scripts\TeleportToSL.sqf"];
+ sleep 10;
+ hintSilent "Use your scroll wheel to teleport to your squad leader";
+ sleep 180;//3min
+ player removeAction movetoSL;
+ };
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/scripts/initTeleportToSLNEW.sqf b/scripts/initTeleportToSLNEW.sqf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e428bd2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/initTeleportToSLNEW.sqf
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+ /*
+Move player 3m behind his group leader or into leader's vehicle
+By Megagoth1702, thanks to Sandiford and Cheesenoggin, slightly modified by ZZEZ
+private ["_leader","_LX","_LY","_LZ"];
+//setting up basic variables
+ _leader = leader player;
+ _leader_distance_allowed = 100;
+//If leader's vehicle is the leader himself, move player 3m behind him
+ if (player distance2d _leader) > _leader_distance_allowed then
+ {
+ if (vehicle _leader == _leader) then
+ {
+ //Getting the coords
+ _LX = (getpos _leader select 0) +
+ (3*sin ((getDir _leader) -180));
+ _LY = (getpos _leader select 1) +
+ (3*cos ((getDir _leader) -180));
+ _LZ = (getpos _leader select 2);
+ player setpos [_LX,_LY,_LZ];
+ player removeAction movetoSL;
+ }
+//If leader is inside vehicle, move player into vehicle cargo
+ else
+ {
+ if ((vehicle _leader) emptyPositions "cargo"==0) then
+ {hint "No room in squad leader's vehicle."}
+ else
+ {
+ player moveincargo vehicle _leader;
+ player removeAction movetoSL;
+ };
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ {hint "You are too close to your SL."};
+ };
+ };
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/scripts/init_client.sqf b/scripts/init_client.sqf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..df3ce5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/init_client.sqf
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+/* ==================================================== */
+/* === Script for Arma3 by Whiplash. === */
+/* === This script is open-source and can be used. === */
+/* === See comments below for how-to-use. === */
+/* ==================================================== */
+// Initiates client-side scripts and sets other things like viewdistance etc.
+// JIP and non-JIP are defined separately.
+/* ==================================================== */
+/* ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************* */
+/* **** Client Commands ******************************************************************************************************************************************************** */
+/* ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************* */
+// ***************************** //
+// **** non-JIP ******** // ********************************************************************************************************************************** //
+// ***************************** //
+if (!(isNull player)) then {
+ //Set View Distance
+ setViewDistance 4000;
+ // Radios!
+ 0 fadeRadio 0; //mute in-game radio commands
+ enableRadio false;
+ enableSentences false;
+ //Execute Game Scripts
+ nonJIP = [] execVM "briefing.sqf";
+// nonJIP = [] execVM "scripts\acre_init.sqf";
+ nonJIP = [] execVM "scripts\client_side\acre.sqf";
+// ***************************** //
+// **** JIP ************ // ********************************************************************************************************************************** //
+// ***************************** //
+if (!isServer && isNull player) then {
+ waitUntil {!isNull player};
+ //Set View Distance
+ setViewDistance 4000;
+ //Misc. Radio/Weapon
+ 0 fadeRadio 0; //mute in-game radio commands
+ enableRadio false;
+ enableSentences false;
+ //Execute Game Scripts
+ JIP = [] execVM "briefing.sqf";
+// JIP = [] execVM "scripts\acre_init.sqf";
+ JIP = [] execVM "scripts\client_side\acre.sqf";
+ JIP = [] execVM "scripts\initTeleportToSL.sqf"; // uncomment if teleport is needed
+// ***************************** //
+// **** Scripts ******** // ********************************************************************************************************************************** //
+// ***************************** //
+// Things to be executed by everyone go below here
+[] execVM "scripts\client_side\addaction_init.sqf";
+[] execVM "scripts\server_side\killerchair.sqf";
+//waituntil {!IsNil "EM_weightlimits"};
+// EM_weightlimits = [0.2, 0.4, 0.7, 0.9];
+//waituntil {!IsNil "EM_enable"};
+// EM_enable = [true, true];
+//waituntil {!IsNil "EM_allowed"};
+// EM_allowed = true;
+// ***************************** //
+// **** END ************ // ********************************************************************************************************************************** //
+// ***************************** //
diff --git a/scripts/init_server.sqf b/scripts/init_server.sqf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a5975d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/init_server.sqf
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+/* ==================================================== */
+/* === Script for Arma3 by Whiplash. === */
+/* === This script is open-source and can be used. === */
+/* === See comments below for how-to-use. === */
+/* ==================================================== */
+// Initiates the server and executes server-side scripts, including parameters and functions.
+// Set global variables here aswell.
+/* ==================================================== */
+/* ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************* */
+/* **** Server Commands ******************************************************************************************************************************************************** */
+/* ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************* */
+setViewDistance 4000;
+/* ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************* */
+/* **** Server Side Scripts **************************************************************************************************************************************************** */
+/* ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************* */
+//[] execVM "scripts\acre_init.sqf";
+[] execVM "scripts\server_side\endconditions\endconditions_init.sqf";
+[] execVM "scripts\server_side\killerchair.sqf";
+[] execVM "scripts\server_side\holdaction_init.sqf";
+/* ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************* */
+/* **** Parameters ************************************************************************************************************************************************************ */
+/* ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************* */
+if ((paramsArray select 0) == 0) then {
+ setDate [2011, 5, 16, 3, 30];
+if ((paramsArray select 0) == 1) then {
+ setDate [2011, 5, 16, 9, 00];
+if ((paramsArray select 0) == 2) then {
+ setDate [2011, 5, 16, 12, 00];
+if ((paramsArray select 0) == 3) then {
+ setDate [2011, 5, 16, 18, 00];
+if ((paramsArray select 0) == 4) then {
+ setDate [2011, 5, 16, 22, 30];
+/* ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************* */
+/* **** Variables **************************************************************************************************************************************************************** */
+/* ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************* */
+// Variable for the civilian spotter script (scripts\civ_spotter_1.sqf)
+var_civ_spotter_1 = false;
+publicVariable "var_civ_spotter_1";
+var_patrol = false;
+publicVariable "var_patrol";
+var_mhq_enabled = false;
+publicVariable "var_mhq_enabled";
+/* ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************* */
+/* **** Functions **************************************************************************************************************************************************************** */
+/* ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************* */
+//whip_fnc_acreInit = compile preprocessFile "scripts\client_side\acre_init.sqf";
+// ["ACRE_PRC117F", veh_retrans, 36.625, 37.775, 20000] call acre_api_fnc_attachRxmtToObj;
+//[0.0] call acre_api_fnc_setLossModelScale;
+/* ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************* */
+/* **** BIS/ACE Var. ************************************************************************************************************************************************************ */
+/* ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************* */
+/* --> ArmA2 code snippets. Most is currently done by modules in-game!
+//enableEngineArtillery false; //Turns off BIS artillery
+ace_sys_wounds_no_medical_gear = true; // Removes automatic medical gear addition
+//ace_sys_wounds_leftdam = 0.2; // Damage left after healed in the field
+//ace_sys_tracking_markers_enabled = false; // Disables tracking markers
+//ace_sys_tracking_radio_required = true; // Disables tracking markers for units without a radio
+ace_sys_tracking_gps_required = true; // Disables tracking markers for units without a GPS
+ace_settings_enable_vd_change = true; // Enables view distance change using ACE Settings menu
+//ace_settings_enable_tg_change = false; // Enables grass change using ACE Settings menu
diff --git a/scripts/mhq_deploy.sqf b/scripts/mhq_deploy.sqf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..12f381d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/mhq_deploy.sqf
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/* ==================================================== */
+/* === Script for Arma3 by Whiplash. === */
+/* === This script is open-source and can be used. === */
+/* === See comments below for how-to-use. === */
+/* ==================================================== */
+/* ==================================================== */
+// Init
+var_mhq_enabled = _this; // set variable to true to allow teleporting to the MHQ position
+publicVariable "var_mhq_enabled";
+if (_this) then
+ [mhq, -1] call ace_cargo_fnc_setSize; // disable ACE loading when deployed
+ [mhq, false, [0, 1.4, 0], 0] call ace_dragging_fnc_setDraggable; // Disable dragging when deployed
+ flag_mhq setObjectTextureGlobal [0, "textures\tex_mhq_enable.jpg"]; // Adjust Flag texture
+ fobE_briefing_screenDouble_1 setObjectTextureGlobal [0, "textures\tex_mhq_enable.jpg"];
+ [mhq, 4] call ace_cargo_fnc_setSize; // enable ACE loading when undeployed
+ [mhq, true, [0, 1.4, 0], 0] call ace_dragging_fnc_setDraggable; // Disable dragging when undeployed
+ flag_mhq setObjectTextureGlobal [0, "textures\tex_mhq_disable.jpg"]; // Adjust Flag texture
+ fobE_briefing_screenDouble_1 setObjectTextureGlobal [0, "textures\tex_mhq_disable.jpg"];
diff --git a/scripts/mhq_teleport.sqf b/scripts/mhq_teleport.sqf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e8a4a96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/mhq_teleport.sqf
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+/* ==================================================== */
+/* === Script for Arma3 by Whiplash. === */
+/* === This script is open-source and can be used. === */
+/* === See comments below for how-to-use. === */
+/* ==================================================== */
+/* ==================================================== */
+// If variable is true, then allow teleporting
+if (var_mhq_enabled) then
+ //Allow teleporting to MHQ position
+ //_tele = _this select 0;
+ _caller = _this select 0;
+ _caller setPos (mhq getpos [2,0]);
+ _caller setVectorDir (vectorDir mhq);
+ // Exit script
+ hint "MHQ not deployed!";
+ if (true) exitWith{}
diff --git a/scripts/server_side/endconditions/end1.sqf b/scripts/server_side/endconditions/end1.sqf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2197945
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/server_side/endconditions/end1.sqf
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+/* ==================================================== */
+/* === Script for Arma3 by Whiplash. === */
+/* === This script is open-source and can be used. === */
+/* === See comments below for how-to-use. === */
+/* ==================================================== */
+// END scripts.
+// Check for different conditions to have different ending texts displayed.
+// Define the debriefing information to be shown in the description.ext! (END1, END2,... )
+/* ==================================================== */
+//if (true) then
+// [-2, {"END1" call BIS_fnc_endMission;}] call CBA_fnc_globalExecute;
+// // Exit script, wait and prevent the rest to be executed. Mission ended before script continues.
+// waitUntil {sleep 3000};
+if ( (({side _x == west && (_x distance loc_fobE) < 300} count allUnits) + ({side _x == west && (_x distance loc_fobN) < 200} count allUnits) + ({side _x == west && (_x distance loc_opA) < 100} count allUnits) + ({side _x == west && (_x distance loc_opI) < 50} count allUnits)) == ({side _x == west && (_x distance loc_center) < 7000} count allUnits) ) then
+ [-2, {"END1" call BIS_fnc_endMission;}] call CBA_fnc_globalExecute;
+ // Exit script, wait and prevent the rest to be executed. Mission ended before script continues.
+ waitUntil {sleep 3000};
+ hint "Have all troops retreat to a OP/FOB first!";
diff --git a/scripts/server_side/endconditions/endconditions_init.sqf b/scripts/server_side/endconditions/endconditions_init.sqf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3f69030
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/server_side/endconditions/endconditions_init.sqf
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+/* ==================================================== */
+/* === Script for Arma3 by Whiplash. === */
+/* === This script is open-source and can be used. === */
+/* === See comments below for how-to-use. === */
+/* ==================================================== */
+// Execute from the server.
+// Place a Game Logic on the map named "loc_center" in the center of the AO. Think of it as a circle, Game Logic must be within the center of that circle.
+// Place a Game Logic for each FOB.
+// Currently 1 end conditions is present. All units regrouped at the FOBs.
+// Make sure that each condition (if statement) has a end#.sqf script to run under "\scripts\server_side\endconditions\".
+// Important:
+// Adjust all distances below to meet the specific mission requirements!!!
+/* ==================================================== */
+_condition = true;
+while {true} do
+ sleep 15;
+ // All western units are within specific ranges of the FOB's. All units within the FOB's together are as many as all units within 7000m of the center.
+// while { ({side _x == west && (_x distance loc_fobE) < 300} count allUnits) == ({side _x == west && (_x distance loc_center) < 7000} count allUnits) } do
+ while { (({side _x == west && (_x distance loc_fobE) < 300} count allUnits) + ({side _x == west && (_x distance loc_fobN) < 200} count allUnits) + ({side _x == west && (_x distance loc_opA) < 100} count allUnits) + ({side _x == west && (_x distance loc_opI) < 50} count allUnits)) == ({side _x == west && (_x distance loc_center) < 7000} count allUnits) } do
+ {
+ if ( _condition ) then
+ {
+ fobW_toc_screenPc_3 setObjectTextureGlobal [0, "textures\tex_end_mission_true.jpg"];
+ fobE_toc_screenPc_3 setObjectTextureGlobal [0, "textures\tex_end_mission_true.jpg"];
+ _condition = false;
+ };
+ sleep 10;
+ };
+ // If people leave the base again, disable the option to end the mission until they are regrouped again!
+ if ( !_condition ) then
+ {
+ fobW_toc_screenPc_3 setObjectTextureGlobal [0, "textures\tex_end_mission_false.jpg"];
+ fobE_toc_screenPc_3 setObjectTextureGlobal [0, "textures\tex_end_mission_false.jpg"];
+ _condition = true;
+ };
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/scripts/server_side/holdaction_init.sqf b/scripts/server_side/holdaction_init.sqf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ed17f60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/server_side/holdaction_init.sqf
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+/* ==================================================== */
+/* === Script for Arma3 by Whiplash. === */
+/* === This script is open-source and can be used. === */
+/* === See comments below for how-to-use. === */
+/* ==================================================== */
+// Execute on all clients.
+// Add a new set of code for each object that should have an addAction command added.
+// Make sure to name the objects in the editor appropriately.
+// Each addAction command must reference to their own "scripts\client_side\SCRIPTNAME.sqf".
+/* ==================================================== */
+"Connect to UAV",
+"_this distance _target < 3",
+"_caller distance _target < 3",
+{[_caller]execVM "scripts\client_side\uav_terminal_control.sqf";},
+false] remoteExec ["BIS_fnc_holdActionAdd",-2,fobE_toc_keyboard_1];
+"End Mission",
+"_this distance _target < 3",
+"_caller distance _target < 3",
+{[-2,{execVM "scripts\server_side\endconditions\end1.sqf";}] call CBA_fnc_globalExecute},
+false] remoteExec ["BIS_fnc_holdActionAdd",-2,fobE_toc_screenPc_3];
+"End Mission",
+"_this distance _target < 3",
+"_caller distance _target < 3",
+{[-2,{execVM "scripts\server_side\endconditions\end1.sqf";}] call CBA_fnc_globalExecute},
+false] remoteExec ["BIS_fnc_holdActionAdd",-2,fobW_toc_screenPc_3];
+/* [generator,
+"repair generator",
+"_this distance _target < 3",
+"_caller distance _target < 3",
+{deleteVehicle mod_smoke},
+false] remoteExec ["BIS_fnc_holdActionAdd",0,generator]; */
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/scripts/server_side/killerchair.sqf b/scripts/server_side/killerchair.sqf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..646eae8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/server_side/killerchair.sqf
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+/* ==================================================== */
+/* === Script for Arma3 by Whiplash. === */
+/* === This script is open-source and can be used. === */
+/* === See comments below for how-to-use. === */
+/* ==================================================== */
+// Credits to Pax for this.
+/* ==================================================== */
+["Land_CampingChair_V2_F", "initPost", {
+ [_this select 0, false, [0, 1, 1], 0] call ace_dragging_fnc_setCarryable;
+}, nil, nil, true] call CBA_fnc_addClassEventHandler;
+["Land_OfficeChair_01_F", "initPost", {
+ [_this select 0, false, [0, 1, 1], 0] call ace_dragging_fnc_setCarryable;
+}, nil, nil, true] call CBA_fnc_addClassEventHandler;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/scripts/zeus_suicide.sqf b/scripts/zeus_suicide.sqf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..19de2ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/zeus_suicide.sqf
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+/* ==================================================== */
+/* === Script for Arma3 by Whiplash. === */
+/* === This script is open-source and can be used. === */
+/* === See comments below for how-to-use. === */
+/* ==================================================== */
+/* ==================================================== */
+if (z1 || z2) then
+ [mhq, 4] call ace_cargo_fnc_setSize; // enable ACE loading when undeployed
+ [mhq, true, [0, 1.4, 0], 0] call ace_dragging_fnc_setDraggable; // Disable dragging when undeployed
+ flag_mhq setObjectTextureGlobal [0, "textures\tex_mhq_disable.jpg"]; // Adjust Flag texture
+ fobE_briefing_screenDouble_1 setObjectTextureGlobal [0, "textures\tex_mhq_disable.jpg"];
diff --git a/tb3/f/loadout/containers/fSetRuckContents.sqf b/tb3/f/loadout/containers/fSetRuckContents.sqf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5fe9889
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tb3/f/loadout/containers/fSetRuckContents.sqf
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+private ["_unit", "_backpackContents", "_handled"];
+_unit = _this select 0;
+_handled = false;
+if ( !isNull(backpackContainer _unit) ) then // dealing with a BIS backpack
+ if ( local _unit ) then
+ {
+ _backpackContents = _this select 1;
+ {
+ for "_i" from 1 to (_x select 1) do {
+ _unit addItemToBackpack (_x select 0);
+ };
+ } forEach _backpackContents;
+ _handled = true;
+ };
+_handled // ret
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tb3/f/loadout/containers/fSetUniformContents.sqf b/tb3/f/loadout/containers/fSetUniformContents.sqf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e8bea35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tb3/f/loadout/containers/fSetUniformContents.sqf
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+private ["_unit", "_uniformContents", "_handled"];
+_unit = _this select 0;
+_handled = false;
+if ( !isNull(uniformContainer _unit) ) then // dealing with a BIS backpack
+ if ( local _unit ) then
+ {
+ _uniformContents = _this select 1;
+ {
+ for "_i" from 1 to (_x select 1) do {
+ _unit addItemToUniform (_x select 0);
+ };
+ } forEach _uniformContents;
+ _handled = true;
+ };
+_handled // ret
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tb3/f/loadout/containers/fSetVestContents.sqf b/tb3/f/loadout/containers/fSetVestContents.sqf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2f758c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tb3/f/loadout/containers/fSetVestContents.sqf
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+private ["_unit", "_vestContents", "_handled"];
+_unit = _this select 0;
+_handled = false;
+if ( !isNull(vestContainer _unit) ) then // dealing with a BIS backpack
+ if ( local _unit ) then
+ {
+ _vestContents = _this select 1;
+ {
+ for "_i" from 1 to (_x select 1) do {
+ _unit addItemToVest (_x select 0);
+ };
+ } forEach _vestContents;
+ _handled = true;
+ };
+//diag_log "Done adding ruckItems";
+_handled // ret
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tb3/f/loadout/fClearInventory.sqf b/tb3/f/loadout/fClearInventory.sqf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d7161e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tb3/f/loadout/fClearInventory.sqf
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+private ["_unit","_handled"];
+_unit = _this select 0;
+_uniform = getArray (TB3_GearPath >> _cfg >> _gear >> "uniform");
+_vest = getArray (TB3_GearPath >> _cfg >> _gear >> "vest");
+_backpack = getArray (TB3_GearPath >> _cfg >> _gear >> "backpack");
+if ( local _unit ) then {
+ _rM = magazines _unit;
+ {_unit removeMagazine _x;} forEach _rM;
+ _rAI = assignedItems _unit;
+ {_unit unassignItem _x; _unit removeItem _x;} forEach _rAI;
+ _rI = items _unit;
+ {_unit removeItem _x; } forEach _rI;
+ _rW = weapons _unit;
+ {_unit removeWeapon _x;} forEach _rW;
+ if(_uniform select 0 != uniform _unit) then { removeUniform _unit; };
+ if(_backpack select 0 != backpack _unit) then { removeBackPack _unit; };
+ if(_vest select 0 != vest _unit) then { removeVest _unit; };
+// removeGoggles _unit;
+ removeHeadGear _unit; //no you may not leave your hat on.
+} else {
+ _handled = false;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tb3/f/loadout/fLoadout.sqf b/tb3/f/loadout/fLoadout.sqf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5b32679
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tb3/f/loadout/fLoadout.sqf
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+//loadout items
+private ["_unit","_cfg","_gear","_items","_assignedItems","_weapons","_magazines","_backpack","_headgear","_uniform","_vest","_goggles","_priKit","_secKit","_backpackContents","_vestContents","_uniformContents","_vehCargoWeapons","_vehCargoMagazines","_vehCargoItems","_vehCargoRucks"];
+//core info
+_unit = _this select 0;
+_cfg = _this select 1;
+_gear = _this select 2;
+//get the defined gear.
+TB3_GearPath = (missionConfigFile >> "TB3_Gear");
+_weapons = getArray (TB3_GearPath >> _cfg >> _gear >> "weapons");
+_magazines = getArray (TB3_GearPath >> _cfg >> _gear >> "magazines");
+_priKit = getArray (TB3_GearPath >> _cfg >> _gear >> "priKit");
+_secKit = getArray (TB3_GearPath >> _cfg >> _gear >> "secKit");
+_backpack = getArray (TB3_GearPath >> _cfg >> _gear >> "backpack");
+_backpackContents = getArray (TB3_GearPath >> _cfg >> _gear >> "backpackContents");
+_headgear = getArray (TB3_GearPath >> _cfg >> _gear >> "headgear");
+_uniform = getArray (TB3_GearPath >> _cfg >> _gear >> "uniform");
+_uniformContents = getArray (TB3_GearPath >> _cfg >> _gear >> "uniformContents");
+_vest = getArray (TB3_GearPath >> _cfg >> _gear >> "vest");
+_vestContents = getArray (TB3_GearPath >> _cfg >> _gear >> "vestContents");
+_goggles = getArray (TB3_GearPath >> _cfg >> _gear >> "goggles");
+_items = getArray (TB3_GearPath >> _cfg >> _gear >> "items");
+_assignedItems = getArray (TB3_GearPath >> _cfg >> _gear >> "assignedItems");
+_vehCargoWeapons = getArray (TB3_GearPath >> _cfg >> _gear >> "vehCargoWeapons");
+_vehCargoMagazines = getArray (TB3_GearPath >> _cfg >> _gear >> "vehCargoMagazines");
+_vehCargoItems = getArray (TB3_GearPath >> _cfg >> _gear >> "vehCargoItems");
+_vehCargoRucks = getArray (TB3_GearPath >> _cfg >> _gear >> "vehCargoRucks");
+//Remove the unit's current gear if they are a person and not a vehicle, because fuck vehicles. Those fucking cunts, objects too!
+if (_unit isKindOf "Man") then {
+ if ( local _unit ) then {
+ removeAllAssignedItems _unit;
+ removeAllItemsWithMagazines _unit;
+ {_unit removeWeapon _x;} forEach weapons _unit;
+ if ((count _uniform) > 0) then {
+ if(_uniform select 0 != uniform _unit) then {
+ [_unit,_uniform select 0] call tb3_fSetUniform;
+ };
+ } else {
+ removeUniform _unit;
+ };
+ if ((count _backpack) > 0) then {
+ if(_backpack select 0 != backpack _unit) then {
+ [_unit,_backpack] call tb3_fSetBackpack;
+ };
+ } else {
+ removeBackPack _unit;
+ };
+ if ((count _vest) > 0) then {
+ if(_vest select 0 != vest _unit) then {
+ [_unit,_vest select 0] call tb3_fSetVest;
+ };
+ } else {
+ removeVest _unit;
+ };
+// removeGoggles _unit;
+ removeHeadGear _unit; //no you may not leave your hat on.
+ };
+ if ((count _assignedItems) > 0) then { [_unit,_assignedItems] call tb3_fSetLinkedItems; };
+ if ((count _headgear) > 0) then { [_unit,_headgear select 0] call tb3_fSetHeadgear; };
+ if ((count _goggles) > 0) then { [_unit,_goggles select 0] call tb3_fSetGoggles; };
+ if ((count _magazines) > 0) then { [_unit,_magazines] call tb3_fSetMagazines; };
+ if ((count _weapons) > 0) then { [_unit,_weapons,_priKit,_secKit] call tb3_fSetWeapons; };
+ if ((count _items) > 0) then { [_unit,_items] call tb3_fSetItems; };
+ if ((count _backpackContents) > 0) then { [_unit,_backpackContents] call tb3_fsetRuckContents; };
+ if ((count _uniformContents) > 0) then { [_unit,_uniformContents] call tb3_fsetUniformContents; };
+ if ((count _vestContents) > 0) then { [_unit,_vestContents] call tb3_fsetVestContents; };
+ if ((count _vehCargoItems) > 0) then { [_unit,_vehCargoItems] call tb3_fSetVehCargoItems; };
+ if ((count _vehCargoWeapons) > 0) then { [_unit,_vehCargoWeapons] call tb3_fSetVehCargoWeapons; };
+ if ((count _vehCargoMagazines) > 0) then { [_unit,_vehCargoMagazines] call tb3_fSetVehCargoMagazines; };
+ if ((count _vehCargoRucks) > 0) then { [_unit,_vehCargoRucks] call tb3_fSetVehCargoBackpacks; };
+ _unit setVariable ["tb3_loadout", _this, true];
+ _handled = true;
diff --git a/tb3/f/loadout/fSelectPrimaryMuzzle.sqf b/tb3/f/loadout/fSelectPrimaryMuzzle.sqf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..df47668
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tb3/f/loadout/fSelectPrimaryMuzzle.sqf
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+private ["_unit", "_weapon", "_muzzles"];
+_unit = _this select 0;
+_weapon = primaryWeapon _unit;
+_handled = false;
+if ( _weapon != "" ) then
+ _muzzles = getArray(configFile >> "cfgWeapons" >> _weapon >> "muzzles");
+ if ( (_muzzles select 0) == "this" ) then
+ {
+ _unit selectWeapon _weapon;
+ } else
+ {
+ _unit selectWeapon (_muzzles select 0);
+ };
+ _handled = true;
+_handled // ret
diff --git a/tb3/f/loadout/fSetBackpack.sqf b/tb3/f/loadout/fSetBackpack.sqf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1f3f306
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tb3/f/loadout/fSetBackpack.sqf
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+private ["_unit", "_backpackARR", "_backpack", "_handled"];
+_unit = _this select 0;
+_backpackARR = _this select 1;
+if ( local _unit ) then
+ switch (count _backpackARR) do {
+ case 1 : {
+ removeBackpack _unit;
+ _backpack = _backpackARR select 0;
+ _unit addBackpack _backpack;
+ _handled = true;
+ };
+ case 2 : {
+ if ((_backpackARR select 1) == 1) then {
+ removeBackpack _unit;
+ _backpack = _backpackARR select 0;
+ _unit addBackpack _backpack;
+ clearAllItemsFromBackpack _unit;
+ _handled = true;
+ } else {
+ removeBackpack _unit;
+ _backpack = _backpackARR select 0;
+ _unit addBackpack _backpack;
+ _handled = true;
+ };
+ };
+ default {_handled = false;};
+ };
+} else
+ _handled = false;
+_handled // ret
diff --git a/tb3/f/loadout/fSetGoggles.sqf b/tb3/f/loadout/fSetGoggles.sqf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cdc9656
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tb3/f/loadout/fSetGoggles.sqf
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+private ["_unit", "_goggles", "_handled"];
+_unit = _this select 0;
+if ( local _unit ) then
+// removeGoggles _unit;
+ _goggles = _this select 1;
+// _unit addGoggles _goggles;
+ _handled = true;
+} else
+ _handled = false;
+_handled // ret
diff --git a/tb3/f/loadout/fSetHeadgear.sqf b/tb3/f/loadout/fSetHeadgear.sqf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..73f28b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tb3/f/loadout/fSetHeadgear.sqf
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+private ["_unit", "_headgear", "_handled"];
+_unit = _this select 0;
+if ( local _unit ) then
+ removeHeadgear _unit;
+ _headgear = _this select 1;
+ _unit addHeadgear _headgear;
+ _handled = true;
+} else
+ _handled = false;
+_handled // ret
diff --git a/tb3/f/loadout/fSetItems.sqf b/tb3/f/loadout/fSetItems.sqf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..58ccde9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tb3/f/loadout/fSetItems.sqf
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+private ["_unit", "_items", "_handled"];
+_unit = _this select 0;
+_items = _this select 1;
+if ( local _unit ) then
+ // first remove all magazines on the unit
+ {
+ _unit removeItem _x;
+ } forEach (items _unit);
+ // and now add all given magazines
+ {
+ _items = _x select 0;
+ _amount = _x select 1;
+ for "_i" from 1 to _amount do
+ {
+ _unit addItem _items;
+ };
+ } forEach _items;
+ _handled = true;
+} else
+ _handled = false;
+_handled // ret
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tb3/f/loadout/fSetLinkedItems.sqf b/tb3/f/loadout/fSetLinkedItems.sqf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a02abff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tb3/f/loadout/fSetLinkedItems.sqf
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+private ["_unit", "_items", "_handled"];
+_unit = _this select 0;
+if ( local _unit ) then
+ // first remove all items
+ removeAllAssignedItems _unit;
+ // and now add the items
+ _items = _this select 1;
+ {
+ _unit linkItem _x;
+ } forEach _items;
+ _handled = true;
+} else
+ _handled = false;
+_handled // ret
diff --git a/tb3/f/loadout/fSetMagazines.sqf b/tb3/f/loadout/fSetMagazines.sqf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..30a0339
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tb3/f/loadout/fSetMagazines.sqf
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+private ["_unit", "_magazines", "_handled"];
+_unit = _this select 0;
+_magazines = _this select 1;
+if ( local _unit ) then
+ // first remove all magazines on the unit
+ {
+ _unit removeMagazine _x;
+ } forEach (magazines _unit);
+ // and now add all given magazines
+ {
+ _magazine = _x select 0;
+ _amount = _x select 1;
+ for "_i" from 1 to _amount do
+ {
+ _unit addMagazine _magazine;
+ };
+ } forEach _magazines;
+ _handled = true;
+} else
+ _handled = false;
+_handled // ret
diff --git a/tb3/f/loadout/fSetUniform.sqf b/tb3/f/loadout/fSetUniform.sqf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b145e3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tb3/f/loadout/fSetUniform.sqf
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+private ["_unit", "_uniform", "_handled"];
+_unit = _this select 0;
+if ( local _unit ) then
+ // first get naked
+ //removeUniform _unit;
+ // and now put some clothes on, you hippie!
+ _uniform = _this select 1;
+ /* Pending A3 update*/
+ if (_unit isUniformAllowed _uniform) then {
+ _unit addUniform _uniform;
+ } else {
+ _unit forceAddUniform _uniform;
+ };
+ //_unit addUniform _uniform;
+ _handled = true;
+} else
+ _handled = false;
+_handled // ret
diff --git a/tb3/f/loadout/fSetVest.sqf b/tb3/f/loadout/fSetVest.sqf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..db0fe39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tb3/f/loadout/fSetVest.sqf
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+private ["_unit", "_vest", "_handled"];
+_unit = _this select 0;
+if ( local _unit ) then
+ removeVest _unit;
+ _vest = _this select 1;
+ _unit addVest _vest;
+ _handled = true;
+} else
+ _handled = false;
+_handled // ret
diff --git a/tb3/f/loadout/fSetWeapons.sqf b/tb3/f/loadout/fSetWeapons.sqf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..61157dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tb3/f/loadout/fSetWeapons.sqf
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+private ["_unit", "_primaryStuff", "_secondaryStuff", "_otherStuff", "_handled"];
+_unit = _this select 0;
+_weapons = _this select 1;
+_priKit = _this select 2;
+_secKit = _this select 3;
+if ( local _unit ) then
+ // Remove all weapons on unit
+ {
+ _unit removeWeapon _x;
+ } forEach (weapons _unit);
+ // and now add the weapons
+ {
+ _unit addWeapon _x;
+ } forEach _weapons;
+ if ((count _priKit) > 0) then {
+ {
+ _unit addPrimaryWeaponItem _x;
+ } forEach _priKit;
+ };
+ //Secondary Weapon attachments
+ if ((count _secKit) > 0) then {
+ {
+ _unit addHandgunItem _x;
+ } ForEach _secKit;
+ };
+ _handled = true;
+} else
+ _handled = false;
+_handled // ret
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tb3/f/loadout/vehicleCargo/fSetVehCargoItems.sqf b/tb3/f/loadout/vehicleCargo/fSetVehCargoItems.sqf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..55ba59a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tb3/f/loadout/vehicleCargo/fSetVehCargoItems.sqf
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+private ["_unit", "_items", "_handled"];
+_unit = _this select 0;
+if ( local _unit ) then
+ // first remove all magazines in vehicle cargo
+ clearItemCargoGlobal _unit ;
+ // and now add all given magazines
+ _items = _this select 1;
+ {
+ _unit addItemCargoGlobal _x
+ } forEach _items;
+ _handled = true;
+} else
+ _handled = false;
+_handled // ret
diff --git a/tb3/f/loadout/vehicleCargo/fSetVehCargoMagazines.sqf b/tb3/f/loadout/vehicleCargo/fSetVehCargoMagazines.sqf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7e42414
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tb3/f/loadout/vehicleCargo/fSetVehCargoMagazines.sqf
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+private ["_unit", "_magazines", "_handled"];
+_unit = _this select 0;
+if ( local _unit ) then
+ // first remove all magazines in vehicle cargo
+ clearMagazineCargoGlobal _unit ;
+ // and now add all given magazines
+ _magazines = _this select 1;
+ {
+ _unit addMagazineCargoGlobal _x
+ } forEach _magazines;
+ _handled = true;
+} else
+ _handled = false;
+_handled // ret
diff --git a/tb3/f/loadout/vehicleCargo/fSetVehCargoRucks.sqf b/tb3/f/loadout/vehicleCargo/fSetVehCargoRucks.sqf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1d8b6e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tb3/f/loadout/vehicleCargo/fSetVehCargoRucks.sqf
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+private ["_unit", "_rucks", "_handled"];
+_unit = _this select 0;
+if ( local _unit ) then
+ // first remove all magazines in vehicle cargo
+ clearBackpackCargoGlobal _unit ;
+ // and now add all given magazines
+ _rucks = _this select 1;
+ {
+ _unit addBackpackCargoGlobal _x
+ } forEach _rucks;
+ _handled = true;
+} else
+ _handled = false;
+_handled // ret
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tb3/f/loadout/vehicleCargo/fSetVehCargoWeapons.sqf b/tb3/f/loadout/vehicleCargo/fSetVehCargoWeapons.sqf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f6026fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tb3/f/loadout/vehicleCargo/fSetVehCargoWeapons.sqf
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+private ["_unit", "_weapons", "_handled"];
+_unit = _this select 0;
+if ( local _unit ) then
+ // first remove all weapons in vehicle cargo
+ clearWeaponCargoGlobal _unit ;
+ // and now add all given weapons
+ _weapons = _this select 1;
+ {
+ _unit addWeaponCargoGlobal _x
+ } forEach _weapons;
+ _handled = true;
+} else
+ _handled = false;
+_handled // ret
diff --git a/tb3/loadouts.hpp b/tb3/loadouts.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6d4add0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tb3/loadouts.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,2589 @@
+//Loadouts called with: [this,"side_class","unit_class"] call tb3_fLoadout;
+class TB3_Gear {
+ class WEST {
+ /* ******************** */
+ /* British Armed Forces */
+ /* ******************** */
+ // Base loadouts
+ class BAF_RIFLE_BASE {
+ weapons[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_L85A2","UK3CB_BAF_L131A1"};
+ priKit[] = {"RKSL_optic_LDS","UK3CB_BAF_SFFH"};
+ secKit[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_Flashlight_L131A1","UK3CB_BAF_9_17Rnd"};
+ assignedItems[] = {"ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch"};
+ headgear[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_H_Mk7_Camo_E"};
+ goggles[] = {};
+ uniform[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_U_CombatUniform_MTP"};
+ uniformContents[] = {
+ {"ACRE_PRC343",1},
+ {"ACE_EarPlugs",1},
+ {"ACE_MapTools",1},
+ {"Chemlight_green",1}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_fieldDressing",4}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_elasticBandage",4}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_packingBandage",3}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_quikclot",3}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_morphine",1}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_tourniquet",1} // IFAK
+ };
+ vest[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_V_Osprey_Rifleman_C"};
+ vestContents[] = {
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_H_Beret_PWRR",1},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_HMNVS",1},
+ {"ACE_IR_Strobe_Item",1},
+ {"ACE_CableTie",1},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_556_30Rnd",6},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_556_30Rnd_T",1},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_9_17Rnd",2},
+ {"rhs_mag_m67",2},
+ {"rhs_mag_an_m8hc",1} // Orange for leaders, white for soldiers
+ };
+ backpack[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_B_Bergen_MTP_Rifleman_L_D", 1};
+ backpackContents[] = {
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_G_Tactical_Orange",1}, // Different color for different units
+ {"ACE_Sandbag_empty",1},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_556_30Rnd",3},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_556_30Rnd_T",1},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_556_100Rnd",1},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_556_100Rnd_T",1},
+ {"rhs_mag_m67",2},
+ {"rhs_mag_an_m8hc",2},
+ {"rhs_mag_m18_green",1},
+ {"rhs_mag_m18_red",1},
+ {"Chemlight_green",2},
+ {"Chemlight_red",2},
+ {"Chemlight_yellow",1},
+ {"ACE_HandFlare_Red",1},
+ {"ACE_HandFlare_Green",1}
+ };
+ magazines[] = {}; items[] = {};
+ };
+ // FOB personal
+ class BAF_FOB_MC {
+ weapons[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_L131A1"};
+ priKit[] = {};
+ secKit[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_Flashlight_L131A1","UK3CB_BAF_9_17Rnd"};
+ assignedItems[] = {"ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch"};
+ headgear[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_H_Beret_PWRR"};
+ goggles[] = {};
+ uniform[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_U_CombatUniform_MTP_TShirt"};
+ uniformContents[] = {
+ {"ACE_EarPlugs",1},
+ {"ACE_MapTools",1},
+ {"Chemlight_green",1}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_fieldDressing",4}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_elasticBandage",4}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_packingBandage",3}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_quikclot",3}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_morphine",1}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_tourniquet",1} // IFAK
+ };
+ vest[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_V_Osprey_Holster"};
+ vestContents[] = {
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_9_17Rnd",1},
+ {"ACRE_PRC148",1}, // Not for all units
+ {"ACRE_PRC152",1} // Not for all units
+ };
+ backpack[] = {};
+ backpackContents[] = {
+ };
+ magazines[] = {}; items[] = {};
+ };
+ class BAF_FOB_RTO {
+ weapons[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_L131A1"};
+ priKit[] = {};
+ secKit[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_Flashlight_L131A1","UK3CB_BAF_9_17Rnd"};
+ assignedItems[] = {"ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch"};
+ headgear[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_H_Earphone"};
+ goggles[] = {};
+ uniform[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_U_CombatUniform_MTP_TShirt"};
+ uniformContents[] = {
+ {"ACE_EarPlugs",1},
+ {"ACE_MapTools",1},
+ {"Chemlight_green",1}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_fieldDressing",4}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_elasticBandage",4}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_packingBandage",3}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_quikclot",3}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_morphine",1}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_tourniquet",1} // IFAK
+ };
+ vest[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_V_Osprey_Holster"};
+ vestContents[] = {
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_9_17Rnd",1},
+ {"ACRE_PRC148",1}, // Not for all units
+ {"ACRE_PRC152",1} // Not for all units
+ };
+ backpack[] = {};
+ backpackContents[] = {
+ };
+ magazines[] = {}; items[] = {};
+ };
+ // PWRR Platoon HQ
+ class BAF_PWRR_PL {
+ weapons[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_L85A2_EMAG","UK3CB_BAF_L131A1","ACE_Vector"};
+ priKit[] = {"RKSL_optic_LDS","UK3CB_BAF_SFFH"};
+ secKit[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_Flashlight_L131A1","UK3CB_BAF_9_17Rnd"};
+ assignedItems[] = {"ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch"};
+ headgear[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_H_Mk7_Net_CESS_A"};
+ goggles[] = {};
+ uniform[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_U_CombatUniform_MTP"};
+ uniformContents[] = {
+ {"ACRE_PRC343",1},
+ {"ACE_EarPlugs",1},
+ {"ACE_MapTools",1},
+ {"Chemlight_green",1}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_fieldDressing",4}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_elasticBandage",4}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_packingBandage",3}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_quikclot",3}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_morphine",1}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_tourniquet",1} // IFAK
+ };
+ vest[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_V_Osprey_SL_A"};
+ vestContents[] = {
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_HMNVS",1},
+ {"ACE_IR_Strobe_Item",1},
+ {"ACE_CableTie",1},
+ {"ACE_Flashlight_MX991",1},
+ {"ACRE_PRC148",1},
+ {"ACE_DAGR",1},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_556_30Rnd",6},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_556_30Rnd_T",1},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_9_17Rnd",2},
+ {"rhs_mag_m18_green",1} // Orange for leaders, white for soldiers
+ };
+ backpack[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_B_Bergen_MTP_SL_L_A", 1};
+ backpackContents[] = {
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_G_Tactical_Black",1}, // Different color for different units
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_H_Beret_PWRR_PRR",1},
+ {"ACE_Sandbag_empty",1},
+ {"ACE_HuntIR_monitor",1},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_556_30Rnd",3},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_556_30Rnd_T",1},
+ {"rhs_mag_an_m8hc",2},
+ {"rhs_mag_m18_green",2},
+ {"rhs_mag_m18_red",2},
+ {"Chemlight_green",2},
+ {"Chemlight_red",2},
+ {"Chemlight_yellow",1},
+ {"ACE_HandFlare_Red",1},
+ {"ACE_HandFlare_Green",1}
+ };
+ magazines[] = {}; items[] = {};
+ };
+ class BAF_PWRR_PSG {
+ weapons[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_L85A2_RIS_Tan","UK3CB_BAF_L131A1","Binocular"};
+ priKit[] = {"RKSL_optic_LDS","UK3CB_BAF_LLM_Flashlight_Tan","UK3CB_BAF_SFFH"};
+ secKit[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_Flashlight_L131A1","UK3CB_BAF_9_17Rnd"};
+ assignedItems[] = {"ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch"};
+ headgear[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_H_Mk7_Net_ESS_A"};
+ goggles[] = {};
+ uniform[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_U_CombatUniform_MTP"};
+ uniformContents[] = {
+ {"ACRE_PRC343",1},
+ {"ACE_EarPlugs",1},
+ {"ACE_MapTools",1},
+ {"Chemlight_green",1}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_fieldDressing",4}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_elasticBandage",4}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_packingBandage",3}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_quikclot",3}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_morphine",1}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_tourniquet",1} // IFAK
+ };
+ vest[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_V_Osprey_SL_B"};
+ vestContents[] = {
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_HMNVS",1},
+ {"ACE_IR_Strobe_Item",1},
+ {"ACE_CableTie",1},
+ {"ACE_Flashlight_MX991",1},
+ {"ACRE_PRC148",1},
+ {"ACE_DAGR",1},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_556_30Rnd",6},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_556_30Rnd_T",1},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_9_17Rnd",2},
+ {"rhs_mag_m18_green",1} // Orange for leaders, white for soldiers
+ };
+ backpack[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_B_Bergen_MTP_SL_L_A", 1};
+ backpackContents[] = {
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_G_Tactical_Clear",1}, // Different color for different units
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_H_Beret_PWRR_PRR",1},
+ {"ACE_Sandbag_empty",1},
+ {"ACE_HuntIR_monitor",1},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_556_30Rnd",3},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_556_30Rnd_T",1},
+ {"rhs_mag_m67",4},
+ {"rhs_mag_an_m8hc",2},
+ {"rhs_mag_m18_green",1},
+ {"rhs_mag_m18_red",1},
+ {"Chemlight_green",2},
+ {"Chemlight_red",2},
+ {"Chemlight_yellow",1},
+ {"ACE_HandFlare_Red",1},
+ {"ACE_HandFlare_Green",1}
+ };
+ magazines[] = {}; items[] = {};
+ };
+ class BAF_PWRR_PLRTO {
+ weapons[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_L85A2_RIS_Tan","UK3CB_BAF_L131A1"};
+ priKit[] = {"RKSL_optic_LDS","UK3CB_BAF_LLM_Flashlight_Tan","UK3CB_BAF_SFFH"};
+ secKit[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_Flashlight_L131A1","UK3CB_BAF_9_17Rnd"};
+ assignedItems[] = {"ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch"};
+ headgear[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_H_Mk7_Scrim_C"};
+ goggles[] = {};
+ uniform[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_U_CombatUniform_MTP_ShortSleeve"};
+ uniformContents[] = {
+ {"ACRE_PRC343",1},
+ {"ACE_EarPlugs",1},
+ {"ACE_MapTools",1},
+ {"Chemlight_green",1}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_fieldDressing",4}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_elasticBandage",4}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_packingBandage",3}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_quikclot",3}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_morphine",1}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_tourniquet",1} // IFAK
+ };
+ vest[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_V_Osprey_SL_B"};
+ vestContents[] = {
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_HMNVS",1},
+ {"ACE_IR_Strobe_Item",1},
+ {"ACE_CableTie",1},
+ {"ACE_Flashlight_MX991",1},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_556_30Rnd",6},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_556_30Rnd_T",1},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_9_17Rnd",2},
+ {"rhs_mag_m67",2},
+ {"rhs_mag_an_m8hc",1} // Orange for leaders, white for soldiers
+ };
+ backpack[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_B_Bergen_MTP_Radio_L_A", 1};
+ backpackContents[] = {
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_G_Tactical_Orange",1}, // Different color for different units
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_H_Beret_PWRR_PRR",1},
+ {"ACE_Sandbag_empty",1},
+ {"ACRE_PRC117F",1},
+ {"rhs_mag_m18_green",1},
+ {"rhs_mag_m18_red",1},
+ {"Chemlight_green",1},
+ {"Chemlight_red",1},
+ {"Chemlight_yellow",1}
+ };
+ magazines[] = {}; items[] = {};
+ };
+ class BAF_PWRR_MEDIC_1 {
+ weapons[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_L85A2_RIS_AFG_Tan","UK3CB_BAF_L131A1"};
+ priKit[] = {"RKSL_optic_LDS","UK3CB_BAF_LLM_Flashlight_Tan","UK3CB_BAF_SFFH"};
+ secKit[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_Flashlight_L131A1","UK3CB_BAF_9_17Rnd"};
+ assignedItems[] = {"ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch"};
+ headgear[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_H_Mk7_Camo_CESS_D"};
+ goggles[] = {};
+ uniform[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_U_CombatUniform_MTP_ShortSleeve"};
+ uniformContents[] = {
+ {"ACRE_PRC343",1},
+ {"ACE_EarPlugs",1},
+ {"ACE_MapTools",1},
+ {"Chemlight_green",1}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_fieldDressing",4}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_elasticBandage",4}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_packingBandage",3}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_quikclot",3}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_morphine",1}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_tourniquet",1} // IFAK
+ };
+ vest[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_V_Osprey_Medic_D"};
+ vestContents[] = {
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_HMNVS",1},
+ {"ACE_IR_Strobe_Item",1},
+ {"ACE_CableTie",1},
+ {"ACE_Flashlight_MX991",1},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_556_30Rnd",6},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_556_30Rnd_T",1},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_9_17Rnd",2},
+ {"ACE_tourniquet",3}, // Medicpack
+ {"ACE_fieldDressing",5}, // Medicpack
+ {"ACE_elasticBandage",5}, // Medicpack
+ {"rhs_mag_an_m8hc",1} // Orange for leaders, white for soldiers
+ };
+ backpack[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_B_Bergen_MTP_Medic_L_A", 1};
+ backpackContents[] = {
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_G_Tactical_Clear",1}, // Different color for different units
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_H_Beret_PWRR",1},
+ {"ACE_fieldDressing",10}, // Medicpack
+ {"ACE_elasticBandage",10}, // Medicpack
+ {"ACE_packingBandage",10}, // Medicpack
+ {"ACE_quikclot",10}, // Medicpack
+ {"ACE_morphine",10}, // Medicpack
+ {"ACE_epinephrine",5}, // Medicpack
+ {"ACE_atropine",5}, // Medicpack
+ {"ACE_salineIV_500",6}, // Medicpack
+ {"ACE_salineIV",2}, // Medicpack
+ {"ACE_personalAidKit",2}, // Medicpack
+ {"ACE_surgicalKit",1}, // Medicpack
+ {"rhs_mag_m18_green",2},
+ {"rhs_mag_m18_red",2},
+ {"Chemlight_green",2},
+ {"ACE_HandFlare_Green",1}
+ };
+ magazines[] = {}; items[] = {};
+ };
+ class BAF_PWRR_MEDIC_2 {
+ weapons[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_L85A2_RIS_AFG_Tan","UK3CB_BAF_L131A1"};
+ priKit[] = {"RKSL_optic_LDS","UK3CB_BAF_LLM_Flashlight_Tan","UK3CB_BAF_SFFH"};
+ secKit[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_Flashlight_L131A1","UK3CB_BAF_9_17Rnd"};
+ assignedItems[] = {"ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch"};
+ headgear[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_H_Mk7_Net_ESS_D"};
+ goggles[] = {};
+ uniform[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_U_CombatUniform_MTP_ShortSleeve"};
+ uniformContents[] = {
+ {"ACRE_PRC343",1},
+ {"ACE_EarPlugs",1},
+ {"ACE_MapTools",1},
+ {"Chemlight_green",1}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_fieldDressing",4}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_elasticBandage",4}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_packingBandage",3}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_quikclot",3}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_morphine",1}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_tourniquet",1} // IFAK
+ };
+ vest[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_V_Osprey_Medic_D"};
+ vestContents[] = {
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_HMNVS",1},
+ {"ACE_IR_Strobe_Item",1},
+ {"ACE_CableTie",1},
+ {"ACE_Flashlight_MX991",1},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_556_30Rnd",6},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_556_30Rnd_T",1},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_9_17Rnd",2},
+ {"rhs_mag_m67",2},
+ {"ACE_tourniquet",3}, // Medicpack
+ {"ACE_fieldDressing",5}, // Medicpack
+ {"ACE_elasticBandage",5}, // Medicpack
+ {"rhs_mag_an_m8hc",1} // Orange for leaders, white for soldiers
+ };
+ backpack[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_B_Bergen_MTP_Medic_L_B", 1};
+ backpackContents[] = {
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_G_Tactical_Clear",1}, // Different color for different units
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_H_Beret_PWRR",1},
+ {"ACE_fieldDressing",10}, // Medicpack
+ {"ACE_elasticBandage",10}, // Medicpack
+ {"ACE_packingBandage",10}, // Medicpack
+ {"ACE_quikclot",10}, // Medicpack
+ {"ACE_morphine",10}, // Medicpack
+ {"ACE_epinephrine",5}, // Medicpack
+ {"ACE_atropine",5}, // Medicpack
+ {"ACE_salineIV_500",6}, // Medicpack
+ {"ACE_salineIV",2}, // Medicpack
+ {"ACE_personalAidKit",2}, // Medicpack
+ {"ACE_surgicalKit",1}, // Medicpack
+ {"rhs_mag_m18_green",2},
+ {"rhs_mag_m18_red",2},
+ {"Chemlight_green",2},
+ {"ACE_HandFlare_Green",1}
+ };
+ magazines[] = {}; items[] = {};
+ };
+ // PWRR Section
+ class BAF_PWRR_SL {
+ weapons[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_L85A2_UGL_HWS","UK3CB_BAF_L131A1","ACE_Vector"};
+ priKit[] = {"RKSL_optic_LDS","UK3CB_BAF_LLM_Flashlight_Tan","UK3CB_BAF_SFFH"};
+ secKit[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_Flashlight_L131A1","UK3CB_BAF_9_17Rnd"};
+ assignedItems[] = {"ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch"};
+ headgear[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_H_Mk7_Camo_ESS_A"};
+ goggles[] = {};
+ uniform[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_U_CombatUniform_MTP_ShortSleeve"};
+ uniformContents[] = {
+ {"ACRE_PRC343",1},
+ {"ACE_EarPlugs",1},
+ {"ACE_MapTools",1},
+ {"Chemlight_green",1}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_fieldDressing",4}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_elasticBandage",4}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_packingBandage",3}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_quikclot",3}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_morphine",1}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_tourniquet",1} // IFAK
+ };
+ vest[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_V_Osprey_SL_C"};
+ vestContents[] = {
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_HMNVS",1},
+ {"ACE_IR_Strobe_Item",1},
+ {"ACE_CableTie",1},
+ {"ACE_Flashlight_MX991",1},
+ {"ACRE_PRC148",1},
+ {"ACE_DAGR",1},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_556_30Rnd",6},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_556_30Rnd_T",1},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_9_17Rnd",2},
+ {"rhs_mag_m67",2},
+ {"rhs_mag_m18_green",1},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_1Rnd_HEDP_Grenade_shell",2},
+ {"1Rnd_SmokeYellow_Grenade_shell",1},
+ {"1Rnd_SmokeOrange_Grenade_shell",1}
+ };
+ backpack[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_B_Bergen_MTP_SL_L_A", 1};
+ backpackContents[] = {
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_G_Tactical_Black",1}, // Different color for different units
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_H_Beret_PWRR_PRR",1},
+ {"ACE_Sandbag_empty",1},
+ {"ACE_HuntIR_monitor",1},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_556_30Rnd",3},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_556_30Rnd_T",1},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_1Rnd_HEDP_Grenade_shell",3},
+ {"1Rnd_SmokeGreen_Grenade_shell",3},
+ {"1Rnd_SmokeRed_Grenade_shell",3},
+ {"ACE_HuntIR_M203",3},
+ {"rhs_mag_m67",2},
+ {"rhs_mag_an_m8hc",2},
+ {"rhs_mag_m18_green",2},
+ {"rhs_mag_m18_red",2},
+ {"Chemlight_green",2},
+ {"Chemlight_red",2},
+ {"Chemlight_yellow",1},
+ {"ACE_HandFlare_Red",1},
+ {"ACE_HandFlare_Green",1}
+ };
+ magazines[] = {}; items[] = {};
+ };
+ class BAF_PWRR_FTL {
+ weapons[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_L85A2_RIS_Tan","UK3CB_BAF_L131A1","Binocular"};
+ priKit[] = {"RKSL_optic_LDS","UK3CB_BAF_LLM_Flashlight_Tan","UK3CB_BAF_SFFH"};
+ secKit[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_Flashlight_L131A1","UK3CB_BAF_9_17Rnd"};
+ assignedItems[] = {"ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch"};
+ headgear[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_H_Mk7_Camo_CESS_A"};
+ goggles[] = {};
+ uniform[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_U_CombatUniform_MTP"};
+ uniformContents[] = {
+ {"ACRE_PRC343",1},
+ {"ACE_EarPlugs",1},
+ {"ACE_MapTools",1},
+ {"Chemlight_green",1}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_fieldDressing",4}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_elasticBandage",4}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_packingBandage",3}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_quikclot",3}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_morphine",1}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_tourniquet",1} // IFAK
+ };
+ vest[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_V_Osprey_SL_D"};
+ vestContents[] = {
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_HMNVS",1},
+ {"ACE_IR_Strobe_Item",1},
+ {"ACE_CableTie",1},
+ {"ACE_Flashlight_MX991",1},
+ {"ACRE_PRC148",1},
+ {"ACE_DAGR",1},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_556_30Rnd",6},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_556_30Rnd_T",1},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_9_17Rnd",2},
+ {"rhs_mag_m67",2},
+ {"rhs_mag_m18_green",1}
+ };
+ backpack[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_B_Bergen_MTP_SL_L_A", 1};
+ backpackContents[] = {
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_G_Tactical_Clear",1}, // Different color for different units
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_H_Beret_PWRR_PRR",1},
+ {"ACE_Sandbag_empty",1},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_556_30Rnd",3},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_556_30Rnd_T",1},
+ {"1Rnd_HE_Grenade_shell",3},
+ {"rhs_mag_m67",2},
+ {"rhs_mag_an_m8hc",2},
+ {"rhs_mag_m18_green",2},
+ {"rhs_mag_m18_red",2},
+ {"Chemlight_green",2},
+ {"Chemlight_red",2},
+ {"Chemlight_yellow",1},
+ {"ACE_HandFlare_Red",1},
+ {"ACE_HandFlare_Green",1}
+ };
+ magazines[] = {}; items[] = {};
+ };
+ class BAF_PWRR_DM {
+ weapons[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_L129A1","UK3CB_BAF_L131A1","Binocular"};
+ priKit[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_TA648_308","UK3CB_BAF_LLM_Flashlight_Tan","UK3CB_underbarrel_acc_fgrip_bipod"};
+ secKit[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_Flashlight_L131A1","UK3CB_BAF_9_17Rnd"};
+ assignedItems[] = {"ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch"};
+ headgear[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_H_Mk7_Net_CESS_D"};
+ goggles[] = {};
+ uniform[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_U_CombatUniform_MTP_TShirt"};
+ uniformContents[] = {
+ {"ACRE_PRC343",1},
+ {"ACE_EarPlugs",1},
+ {"ACE_MapTools",1},
+ {"Chemlight_green",1}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_fieldDressing",4}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_elasticBandage",4}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_packingBandage",3}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_quikclot",3}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_morphine",1}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_tourniquet",1} // IFAK
+ };
+ vest[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_V_Osprey_Marksman_A"};
+ vestContents[] = {
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_HMNVS",1},
+ {"ACE_IR_Strobe_Item",1},
+ {"ACE_CableTie",1},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_762_L42A1_20Rnd",5},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_762_L42A1_20Rnd_T",2},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_9_17Rnd",2},
+ {"rhs_mag_an_m8hc",1} // Orange for leaders, white for soldiers
+ };
+ backpack[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_B_Bergen_MTP_PointMan_L_A", 1};
+ backpackContents[] = {
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_G_Tactical_Orange",1}, // Different color for different units
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_H_Beret_PWRR",1},
+ {"ACE_Sandbag_empty",1},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_L128A1",1},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_Kite",1},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_Silencer_L115A3",1},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_762_L42A1_20Rnd",3},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_762_L42A1_20Rnd_T",1},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_12G_Pellets",2},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_12G_Slugs",2},
+ {"rhs_mag_m18_green",1},
+ {"rhs_mag_m18_red",1},
+ {"Chemlight_green",2},
+ {"Chemlight_red",2},
+ {"Chemlight_yellow",1}
+ };
+ magazines[] = {}; items[] = {};
+ };
+ class BAF_PWRR_DM_2 {
+ weapons[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_L129A1","UK3CB_BAF_L131A1","Binocular"};
+ priKit[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_TA648_308","UK3CB_BAF_LLM_Flashlight_Tan","UK3CB_underbarrel_acc_grippod"};
+ secKit[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_Flashlight_L131A1","UK3CB_BAF_9_17Rnd"};
+ assignedItems[] = {"ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch"};
+ headgear[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_H_Mk7_Net_CESS_D"};
+ goggles[] = {};
+ uniform[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_U_CombatUniform_MTP_ShortSleeve"};
+ uniformContents[] = {
+ {"ACRE_PRC343",1},
+ {"ACE_EarPlugs",1},
+ {"ACE_MapTools",1},
+ {"Chemlight_green",1}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_fieldDressing",4}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_elasticBandage",4}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_packingBandage",3}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_quikclot",3}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_morphine",1}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_tourniquet",1} // IFAK
+ };
+ vest[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_V_Osprey_Marksman_A"};
+ vestContents[] = {
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_HMNVS",1},
+ {"ACE_IR_Strobe_Item",1},
+ {"ACE_CableTie",1},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_762_L42A1_20Rnd",5},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_762_L42A1_20Rnd_T",2},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_9_17Rnd",2},
+ {"rhs_mag_an_m8hc",1} // Orange for leaders, white for soldiers
+ };
+ backpack[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_B_Bergen_MTP_PointMan_L_A", 1};
+ backpackContents[] = {
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_G_Tactical_Orange",1}, // Different color for different units
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_H_Beret_PWRR",1},
+ {"ACE_Sandbag_empty",1},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_L128A1",1},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_Kite",1},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_Silencer_L115A3",1},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_762_L42A1_20Rnd",3},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_762_L42A1_20Rnd_T",1},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_12G_Pellets",2},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_12G_Slugs",2},
+ {"rhs_mag_m18_green",1},
+ {"rhs_mag_m18_red",1},
+ {"Chemlight_green",2},
+ {"Chemlight_red",2},
+ {"Chemlight_yellow",1}
+ };
+ magazines[] = {}; items[] = {};
+ };
+ class BAF_PWRR_AR {
+ weapons[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_L110A2RIS","UK3CB_BAF_L131A1"};
+ priKit[] = {"RKSL_optic_LDS","UK3CB_BAF_LLM_Flashlight_Tan","UK3CB_BAF_SFFH"};
+ secKit[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_Flashlight_L131A1","UK3CB_BAF_9_17Rnd"};
+ assignedItems[] = {"ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch"};
+ headgear[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_H_Mk7_Camo_ESS_D"};
+ goggles[] = {};
+ uniform[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_U_CombatUniform_MTP_ShortSleeve"};
+ uniformContents[] = {
+ {"ACRE_PRC343",1},
+ {"ACE_EarPlugs",1},
+ {"ACE_MapTools",1},
+ {"Chemlight_green",1}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_fieldDressing",4}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_elasticBandage",4}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_packingBandage",3}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_quikclot",3}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_morphine",1}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_tourniquet",1} // IFAK
+ };
+ vest[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_V_Osprey_MG_B"};
+ vestContents[] = {
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_HMNVS",1},
+ {"ACE_IR_Strobe_Item",1},
+ {"ACE_CableTie",1},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_556_200Rnd",1},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_556_200Rnd_T",1},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_9_17Rnd",2}
+ };
+ backpack[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_B_Bergen_MTP_Rifleman_L_D", 1};
+ backpackContents[] = {
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_G_Tactical_Orange",1}, // Different color for different units
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_H_Beret_PWRR",1},
+ {"ACE_Sandbag_empty",1},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_556_200Rnd",1},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_556_200Rnd_T",1},
+ {"rhs_mag_m67",2},
+ {"rhs_mag_an_m8hc",2},
+ {"rhs_mag_m18_green",2},
+ {"rhs_mag_m18_red",1},
+ {"Chemlight_green",1},
+ {"Chemlight_red",2},
+ {"Chemlight_yellow",1}
+ };
+ magazines[] = {}; items[] = {};
+ };
+ class BAF_PWRR_AR_2 {
+ weapons[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_L110A3","UK3CB_BAF_L131A1"};
+ priKit[] = {"RKSL_optic_LDS","UK3CB_BAF_LLM_Flashlight_Tan","UK3CB_BAF_SFFH"};
+ secKit[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_Flashlight_L131A1","UK3CB_BAF_9_17Rnd"};
+ assignedItems[] = {"ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch"};
+ headgear[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_H_Mk7_Camo_ESS_D"};
+ goggles[] = {};
+ uniform[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_U_CombatUniform_MTP_ShortSleeve"};
+ uniformContents[] = {
+ {"ACRE_PRC343",1},
+ {"ACE_EarPlugs",1},
+ {"ACE_MapTools",1},
+ {"Chemlight_green",1}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_fieldDressing",4}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_elasticBandage",4}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_packingBandage",3}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_quikclot",3}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_morphine",1}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_tourniquet",1} // IFAK
+ };
+ vest[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_V_Osprey_MG_B"};
+ vestContents[] = {
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_HMNVS",1},
+ {"ACE_IR_Strobe_Item",1},
+ {"ACE_CableTie",1},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_556_200Rnd",1},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_556_200Rnd_T",1},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_9_17Rnd",2}
+ };
+ backpack[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_B_Bergen_MTP_Rifleman_L_D", 1};
+ backpackContents[] = {
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_G_Tactical_Orange",1}, // Different color for different units
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_H_Beret_PWRR",1},
+ {"ACE_Sandbag_empty",1},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_556_200Rnd",1},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_556_200Rnd_T",1},
+ {"rhs_mag_m67",2},
+ {"rhs_mag_an_m8hc",2},
+ {"rhs_mag_m18_green",2},
+ {"rhs_mag_m18_red",1},
+ {"Chemlight_green",1},
+ {"Chemlight_red",2},
+ {"Chemlight_yellow",1}
+ };
+ magazines[] = {}; items[] = {};
+ };
+ class BAF_PWRR_GRND {
+ weapons[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_L85A2_UGL","UK3CB_BAF_L131A1"};
+ priKit[] = {"RKSL_optic_LDS","UK3CB_BAF_LLM_Flashlight_Tan","UK3CB_BAF_SFFH"};
+ secKit[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_Flashlight_L131A1","UK3CB_BAF_9_17Rnd"};
+ assignedItems[] = {"ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch"};
+ headgear[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_H_Mk7_Camo_F"};
+ goggles[] = {};
+ uniform[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_U_CombatUniform_MTP"};
+ uniformContents[] = {
+ {"ACRE_PRC343",1},
+ {"ACE_EarPlugs",1},
+ {"ACE_MapTools",1},
+ {"Chemlight_green",1}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_fieldDressing",4}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_elasticBandage",4}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_packingBandage",3}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_quikclot",3}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_morphine",1}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_tourniquet",1} // IFAK
+ };
+ vest[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_V_Osprey_Grenadier_B"};
+ vestContents[] = {
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_HMNVS",1},
+ {"ACE_IR_Strobe_Item",1},
+ {"ACE_CableTie",1},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_556_30Rnd",6},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_556_30Rnd_T",1},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_9_17Rnd",2},
+ {"rhs_mag_m67",2},
+ {"rhs_mag_an_m8hc",1},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_1Rnd_HEDP_Grenade_shell",5},
+ {"1Rnd_SmokeRed_Grenade_shell",1}
+ };
+ backpack[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_B_Bergen_MTP_Rifleman_L_C", 1};
+ backpackContents[] = {
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_G_Tactical_Orange",1}, // Different color for different units
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_H_Beret_PWRR",1},
+ {"ACE_Sandbag_empty",1},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_556_30Rnd",3},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_556_30Rnd_T",1},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_1Rnd_HEDP_Grenade_shell",15},
+ {"1Rnd_SmokeGreen_Grenade_shell",5},
+ {"1Rnd_SmokeRed_Grenade_shell",5},
+ {"UGL_FlareRed_F",3},
+ {"rhs_mag_m67",2},
+ {"rhs_mag_an_m8hc",2},
+ {"rhs_mag_m18_green",1},
+ {"rhs_mag_m18_red",1},
+ {"Chemlight_green",2},
+ {"Chemlight_red",2},
+ {"Chemlight_yellow",1},
+ {"ACE_HandFlare_Red",1},
+ {"ACE_HandFlare_Green",1}
+ };
+ magazines[] = {}; items[] = {};
+ };
+ class BAF_PWRR_RIFLE {
+ weapons[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_L85A2","UK3CB_BAF_L131A1","UK3CB_BAF_AT4_CS_AT_Launcher"};
+ priKit[] = {"RKSL_optic_LDS","UK3CB_BAF_SFFH"};
+ secKit[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_Flashlight_L131A1","UK3CB_BAF_9_17Rnd"};
+ assignedItems[] = {"ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch"};
+ headgear[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_H_Mk7_Camo_E"};
+ goggles[] = {};
+ uniform[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_U_CombatUniform_MTP"};
+ uniformContents[] = {
+ {"ACRE_PRC343",1},
+ {"ACE_EarPlugs",1},
+ {"ACE_MapTools",1},
+ {"Chemlight_green",1}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_fieldDressing",4}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_elasticBandage",4}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_packingBandage",3}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_quikclot",3}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_morphine",1}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_tourniquet",1} // IFAK
+ };
+ vest[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_V_Osprey_Rifleman_C"};
+ vestContents[] = {
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_HMNVS",1},
+ {"ACE_IR_Strobe_Item",1},
+ {"ACE_CableTie",1},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_556_30Rnd",6},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_556_30Rnd_T",1},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_9_17Rnd",2},
+ {"rhs_mag_m67",2},
+ {"rhs_mag_an_m8hc",1} // Orange for leaders, white for soldiers
+ };
+ backpack[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_B_Bergen_MTP_Rifleman_L_B", 1};
+ backpackContents[] = {
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_G_Tactical_Orange",1}, // Different color for different units
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_H_Beret_PWRR",1},
+ {"ACE_Sandbag_empty",1},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_556_30Rnd",3},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_556_30Rnd_T",1},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_556_100Rnd",1},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_556_100Rnd_T",1},
+ {"rhs_mag_m67",2},
+ {"rhs_mag_an_m8hc",2},
+ {"rhs_mag_m18_green",1},
+ {"rhs_mag_m18_red",1},
+ {"Chemlight_green",2},
+ {"Chemlight_red",2},
+ {"Chemlight_yellow",1},
+ {"ACE_HandFlare_Red",1},
+ {"ACE_HandFlare_Green",1}
+ };
+ magazines[] = {}; items[] = {};
+ };
+ // FST Attachment
+ class BAF_FST_SL {
+ weapons[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_L119A1_FG","UK3CB_BAF_L131A1","ACE_Vector"};
+ priKit[] = {"RKSL_optic_LDS","UK3CB_BAF_LLM_Flashlight_Tan","UK3CB_BAF_Silencer_L85"};
+ secKit[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_Flashlight_L131A1","rhsusf_acc_omega9k","UK3CB_BAF_9_17Rnd"};
+ assignedItems[] = {"ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch"};
+ headgear[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_H_Mk7_Scrim_ESS_C"};
+ goggles[] = {};
+ uniform[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_U_CombatUniform_MTP_ShortSleeve"};
+ uniformContents[] = {
+ {"ACRE_PRC343",1},
+ {"ACE_EarPlugs",1},
+ {"ACE_MapTools",1},
+ {"Chemlight_green",1}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_fieldDressing",4}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_elasticBandage",4}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_packingBandage",3}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_quikclot",3}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_morphine",1}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_tourniquet",1} // IFAK
+ };
+ vest[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_V_Osprey_SL_B"};
+ vestContents[] = {
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_HMNVS",1},
+ {"ACE_IR_Strobe_Item",1},
+ {"ACE_CableTie",1},
+ {"ACE_Flashlight_MX991",1},
+ {"ACRE_PRC148",1},
+ {"ACE_DAGR",1},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_556_30Rnd",6},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_556_30Rnd_T",1},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_9_17Rnd",2},
+ {"rhs_mag_m18_green",1}
+ };
+ backpack[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_B_Bergen_MTP_SL_L_A", 1};
+ backpackContents[] = {
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_G_Tactical_Clear",1}, // Different color for different units
+ {"rhsusf_shemagh_tan",1},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_H_Beret_PWRR_PRR",1},
+ {"ACE_Sandbag_empty",1},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_556_30Rnd",3},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_556_30Rnd_T",1},
+ {"rhs_mag_m67",4},
+ {"rhs_mag_an_m8hc",2},
+ {"rhs_mag_m18_green",2},
+ {"rhs_mag_m18_red",2},
+ {"Chemlight_green",2},
+ {"Chemlight_red",2},
+ {"Chemlight_yellow",1},
+ {"ACE_HandFlare_Red",1},
+ {"ACE_HandFlare_Green",1}
+ };
+ magazines[] = {}; items[] = {};
+ };
+ class BAF_FST_TL {
+ weapons[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_L119A1_FG","UK3CB_BAF_L131A1","Binocular"};
+ priKit[] = {"RKSL_optic_LDS","UK3CB_BAF_LLM_Flashlight_Tan","UK3CB_BAF_Silencer_L85"};
+ secKit[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_Flashlight_L131A1","rhsusf_acc_omega9k","UK3CB_BAF_9_17Rnd"};
+ assignedItems[] = {"ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch"};
+ headgear[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_H_Mk7_Scrim_B"};
+ goggles[] = {};
+ uniform[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_U_CombatUniform_MTP_ShortSleeve"};
+ uniformContents[] = {
+ {"ACRE_PRC343",1},
+ {"ACE_EarPlugs",1},
+ {"ACE_MapTools",1},
+ {"Chemlight_green",1}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_fieldDressing",4}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_elasticBandage",4}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_packingBandage",3}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_quikclot",3}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_morphine",1}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_tourniquet",1} // IFAK
+ };
+ vest[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_V_Osprey_SL_B"};
+ vestContents[] = {
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_HMNVS",1},
+ {"ACE_IR_Strobe_Item",1},
+ {"ACE_CableTie",1},
+ {"ACE_Flashlight_MX991",1},
+ {"ACRE_PRC148",1},
+ {"ACE_DAGR",1},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_556_30Rnd",6},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_556_30Rnd_T",1},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_9_17Rnd",2},
+ {"rhs_mag_m18_green",1}
+ };
+ backpack[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_B_Bergen_MTP_Rifleman_L_D", 1};
+ backpackContents[] = {
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_G_Tactical_Clear",1}, // Different color for different units
+ {"rhsusf_shemagh2_tan",1},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_H_Beret_PWRR_PRR",1},
+ {"ACE_Sandbag_empty",1},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_556_30Rnd",3},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_556_30Rnd_T",1},
+ {"rhs_mag_m67",4},
+ {"rhs_mag_an_m8hc",2},
+ {"rhs_mag_m18_green",2},
+ {"rhs_mag_m18_red",2},
+ {"Chemlight_green",2},
+ {"Chemlight_red",2},
+ {"Chemlight_yellow",1},
+ {"ACE_HandFlare_Red",1},
+ {"ACE_HandFlare_Green",1}
+ };
+ magazines[] = {}; items[] = {};
+ };
+ class BAF_FST_JTAC {
+ weapons[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_L119A1_UKUGL","UK3CB_BAF_L131A1","ACE_Vector"};
+ priKit[] = {"RKSL_optic_LDS","UK3CB_BAF_LLM_Flashlight_Tan","UK3CB_BAF_Silencer_L85"};
+ secKit[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_Flashlight_L131A1","rhsusf_acc_omega9k","UK3CB_BAF_9_17Rnd"};
+ assignedItems[] = {"ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch"};
+ headgear[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_H_Mk7_Net_ESS_A"};
+ goggles[] = {};
+ uniform[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_U_CombatUniform_MTP_ShortSleeve"};
+ uniformContents[] = {
+ {"ACRE_PRC343",1},
+ {"ACE_EarPlugs",1},
+ {"ACE_MapTools",1},
+ {"Chemlight_green",1}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_fieldDressing",4}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_elasticBandage",4}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_packingBandage",3}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_quikclot",3}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_morphine",1}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_tourniquet",1} // IFAK
+ };
+ vest[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_V_Osprey_SL_C"};
+ vestContents[] = {
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_HMNVS",1},
+ {"ACE_IR_Strobe_Item",1},
+ {"ACE_CableTie",1},
+ {"ACE_Flashlight_MX991",1},
+ {"ACRE_PRC148",1},
+ {"ACE_DAGR",1},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_556_30Rnd",6},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_556_30Rnd_T",1},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_9_17Rnd",2},
+ {"rhs_mag_m18_green",1},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_1Rnd_HEDP_Grenade_shell",3},
+ {"1Rnd_SmokeGreen_Grenade_shell",4},
+ {"1Rnd_SmokeRed_Grenade_shell",4},
+ {"ACE_HuntIR_M203",3}
+ };
+ backpack[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_B_Bergen_MTP_JTAC_L_A", 1};
+ backpackContents[] = {
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_G_Tactical_Clear",1}, // Different color for different units
+ {"rhsusf_shemagh2_tan",1},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_H_Beret_PWRR_PRR",1},
+ {"ACRE_PRC117F",1},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_Soflam_Laserdesignator",1},
+ {"Laserbatteries",1},
+ {"ACE_HuntIR_monitor",1},
+ {"rhs_mag_an_m8hc",2},
+ {"rhs_mag_m18_green",2},
+ {"rhs_mag_m18_red",2},
+ {"Chemlight_green",2},
+ {"Chemlight_red",2},
+ {"Chemlight_yellow",2},
+ {"ACE_HandFlare_Red",1},
+ {"ACE_HandFlare_Green",1}
+ };
+ magazines[] = {}; items[] = {};
+ };
+ class BAF_FST_MFC {
+ weapons[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_L119A1_FG","UK3CB_BAF_L131A1","ACE_Vector"};
+ priKit[] = {"RKSL_optic_LDS","UK3CB_BAF_LLM_Flashlight_Tan","UK3CB_BAF_Silencer_L85"};
+ secKit[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_Flashlight_L131A1","rhsusf_acc_omega9k","UK3CB_BAF_9_17Rnd"};
+ assignedItems[] = {"ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch"};
+ headgear[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_H_Mk7_Scrim_ESS_A"};
+ goggles[] = {};
+ uniform[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_U_CombatUniform_MTP_ShortSleeve"};
+ uniformContents[] = {
+ {"ACRE_PRC343",1},
+ {"ACE_EarPlugs",1},
+ {"ACE_MapTools",1},
+ {"Chemlight_green",1}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_fieldDressing",4}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_elasticBandage",4}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_packingBandage",3}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_quikclot",3}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_morphine",1}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_tourniquet",1} // IFAK
+ };
+ vest[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_V_Osprey_SL_B"};
+ vestContents[] = {
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_HMNVS",1},
+ {"ACE_IR_Strobe_Item",1},
+ {"ACE_CableTie",1},
+ {"ACE_Flashlight_MX991",1},
+ {"ACRE_PRC148",1},
+ {"ACE_DAGR",1},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_556_30Rnd",6},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_556_30Rnd_T",1},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_9_17Rnd",2}
+ };
+ backpack[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_B_Bergen_MTP_Radio_L_A", 1};
+ backpackContents[] = {
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_G_Tactical_Clear",1}, // Different color for different units
+ {"rhsusf_shemagh_tan",1},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_H_Beret_PWRR_PRR",1},
+ {"ACRE_PRC117F",1},
+ {"ACE_RangeTable_82mm",1},
+ {"rhs_mag_an_m8hc",2},
+ {"rhs_mag_m18_green",1},
+ {"rhs_mag_m18_red",1},
+ {"Chemlight_green",2},
+ {"Chemlight_red",2},
+ {"Chemlight_yellow",1},
+ {"ACE_HandFlare_Red",1},
+ {"ACE_HandFlare_Green",1}
+ };
+ magazines[] = {}; items[] = {};
+ };
+ class BAF_FST_RTO {
+ weapons[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_L119A1_FG","UK3CB_BAF_L131A1","ACE_Vector"};
+ priKit[] = {"RKSL_optic_LDS","UK3CB_BAF_LLM_Flashlight_Tan","UK3CB_BAF_Silencer_L85"};
+ secKit[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_Flashlight_L131A1","rhsusf_acc_omega9k","UK3CB_BAF_9_17Rnd"};
+ assignedItems[] = {"ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch"};
+ headgear[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_H_Mk7_Scrim_E"};
+ goggles[] = {};
+ uniform[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_U_CombatUniform_MTP_ShortSleeve"};
+ uniformContents[] = {
+ {"ACRE_PRC343",1},
+ {"ACE_EarPlugs",1},
+ {"ACE_MapTools",1},
+ {"Chemlight_green",1}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_fieldDressing",4}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_elasticBandage",4}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_packingBandage",3}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_quikclot",3}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_morphine",1}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_tourniquet",1} // IFAK
+ };
+ vest[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_V_Osprey_Rifleman_C"};
+ vestContents[] = {
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_HMNVS",1},
+ {"ACE_IR_Strobe_Item",1},
+ {"ACE_CableTie",1},
+ {"ACE_Flashlight_MX991",1},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_556_30Rnd",6},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_556_30Rnd_T",1},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_9_17Rnd",2},
+ {"rhs_mag_m67",2},
+ {"rhs_mag_an_m8hc",1} // Orange for leaders, white for soldiers
+ };
+ backpack[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_B_Bergen_MTP_Radio_L_B", 1};
+ backpackContents[] = {
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_G_Tactical_Orange",1}, // Different color for different units
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_H_Beret_PWRR_PRR",1},
+ {"rhsusf_shemagh_tan",1},
+ {"ACE_Sandbag_empty",1},
+ {"ACRE_PRC117F",1},
+ {"rhs_mag_m18_green",1},
+ {"rhs_mag_m18_red",1},
+ {"Chemlight_green",1},
+ {"Chemlight_red",1},
+ {"Chemlight_yellow",1}
+ };
+ magazines[] = {}; items[] = {};
+ };
+ class BAF_FST_RIFLE {
+ weapons[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_L119A1_FG","UK3CB_BAF_L131A1","ACE_Vector"};
+ priKit[] = {"RKSL_optic_LDS","UK3CB_BAF_LLM_Flashlight_Tan","UK3CB_BAF_Silencer_L85"};
+ secKit[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_Flashlight_L131A1","rhsusf_acc_omega9k","UK3CB_BAF_9_17Rnd"};
+ assignedItems[] = {"ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch"};
+ headgear[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_H_Mk7_Scrim_D"};
+ goggles[] = {};
+ uniform[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_U_CombatUniform_MTP"};
+ uniformContents[] = {
+ {"ACRE_PRC343",1},
+ {"ACE_EarPlugs",1},
+ {"ACE_MapTools",1},
+ {"Chemlight_green",1}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_fieldDressing",4}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_elasticBandage",4}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_packingBandage",3}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_quikclot",3}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_morphine",1}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_tourniquet",1} // IFAK
+ };
+ vest[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_V_Osprey_Rifleman_C"};
+ vestContents[] = {
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_HMNVS",1},
+ {"ACE_IR_Strobe_Item",1},
+ {"ACE_CableTie",1},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_556_30Rnd",6},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_556_30Rnd_T",1},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_9_17Rnd",2},
+ {"rhs_mag_m67",2},
+ {"rhs_mag_an_m8hc",1} // Orange for leaders, white for soldiers
+ };
+ backpack[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_B_Bergen_MTP_Rifleman_L_D", 1};
+ backpackContents[] = {
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_G_Tactical_Orange",1}, // Different color for different units
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_H_Beret_PWRR_PRR",1},
+ {"rhsusf_shemagh2_tan",1},
+ {"ACE_Sandbag_empty",1},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_556_30Rnd",3},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_556_30Rnd_T",1},
+ {"rhs_mag_m67",2},
+ {"rhs_mag_an_m8hc",2},
+ {"rhs_mag_m18_green",1},
+ {"rhs_mag_m18_red",1},
+ {"Chemlight_green",2},
+ {"Chemlight_red",2},
+ {"Chemlight_yellow",1},
+ {"ACE_HandFlare_Red",1},
+ {"ACE_HandFlare_Green",1}
+ };
+ magazines[] = {}; items[] = {};
+ };
+ // Recce Attachment
+ weapons[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_L129A1","UK3CB_BAF_L131A1","ACE_Vector"};
+ priKit[] = {"RKSL_optic_PMII_312_sunshade","UK3CB_BAF_LLM_Flashlight_Tan","UK3CB_underbarrel_acc_fgrip_bipod","UK3CB_BAF_Silencer_L115A3"};
+ secKit[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_Flashlight_L131A1","rhsusf_acc_omega9k","UK3CB_BAF_9_17Rnd"};
+ assignedItems[] = {"ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch"};
+ headgear[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_H_Mk7_Scrim_ESS_B"};
+ goggles[] = {};
+ uniform[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_U_CombatUniform_MTP_ShortSleeve"};
+ uniformContents[] = {
+ {"ACRE_PRC343",1},
+ {"ACE_EarPlugs",1},
+ {"ACE_MapTools",1},
+ {"Chemlight_green",1}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_fieldDressing",4}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_elasticBandage",4}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_packingBandage",3}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_quikclot",3}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_morphine",1}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_tourniquet",1} // IFAK
+ };
+ vest[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_V_Osprey_MG_B"};
+ vestContents[] = {
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_HMNVS",1},
+ {"ACE_IR_Strobe_Item",1},
+ {"ACE_CableTie",1},
+ {"ACE_Flashlight_MX991",1},
+ {"ACRE_PRC148",1},
+ {"ACE_DAGR",1},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_762_L42A1_20Rnd",6},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_762_L42A1_20Rnd_T",1},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_9_17Rnd",2},
+ {"rhs_mag_m67",2},
+ {"rhs_mag_m18_green",1}
+ };
+ backpack[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_B_Carryall_MTP", 1};
+ backpackContents[] = {
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_G_Tactical_Clear",1}, // Different color for different units
+ {"rhsusf_shemagh2_tan",1},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_H_Beret_PWRR_PRR",1},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_MaxiKite",1},
+ {"ACE_wirecutter",1},
+ {"ACE_Sandbag_empty",1},
+ {"ACE_RangeCard",1},
+ {"ACE_SpottingScope",1},
+ {"ACE_Kestrel4500",1},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_762_L42A1_20Rnd",3},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_762_L42A1_20Rnd_T",1},
+ {"rhs_mag_m67",2},
+ {"rhs_mag_an_m8hc",2},
+ {"rhs_mag_m18_green",2},
+ {"rhs_mag_m18_red",2},
+ {"Chemlight_green",2},
+ {"Chemlight_red",2},
+ {"Chemlight_yellow",1},
+ {"ACE_HandFlare_Red",1},
+ {"ACE_HandFlare_Green",1}
+ };
+ magazines[] = {}; items[] = {};
+ };
+ weapons[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_L115A3_DE_Ghillie","UK3CB_BAF_L131A1"};
+ priKit[] = {"RKSL_optic_PMII_525","UK3CB_BAF_Silencer_L115A3"};
+ secKit[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_Flashlight_L131A1","rhsusf_acc_omega9k","UK3CB_BAF_9_17Rnd"};
+ assignedItems[] = {"ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch"};
+ headgear[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_H_Mk7_Scrim_F"};
+ goggles[] = {};
+ uniform[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_U_CombatUniform_MTP_ShortSleeve"};
+ uniformContents[] = {
+ {"ACRE_PRC343",1},
+ {"ACE_EarPlugs",1},
+ {"ACE_MapTools",1},
+ {"Chemlight_green",1}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_fieldDressing",4}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_elasticBandage",4}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_packingBandage",3}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_quikclot",3}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_morphine",1}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_tourniquet",1} // IFAK
+ };
+ vest[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_V_Osprey_MG_B"};
+ vestContents[] = {
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_HMNVS",1},
+ {"ACE_IR_Strobe_Item",1},
+ {"ACE_CableTie",1},
+ {"ACE_Flashlight_MX991",1},
+ {"ACE_DAGR",1},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_338_5Rnd",6},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_338_5Rnd_Tracer",1},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_9_17Rnd",2},
+ {"rhs_mag_m67",2},
+ {"rhs_mag_m18_green",1}
+ };
+ backpack[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_B_Carryall_MTP", 1};
+ backpackContents[] = {
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_G_Tactical_Clear",1}, // Different color for different units
+ {"rhsusf_shemagh2_tan",1},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_H_Beret_PWRR",1},
+ {"ACE_Sandbag_empty",1},
+ {"ACE_RangeCard",1},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_338_5Rnd",3},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_338_5Rnd_Tracer",1},
+ {"rhs_mag_m67",2},
+ {"rhs_mag_an_m8hc",2},
+ {"rhs_mag_m18_green",2},
+ {"rhs_mag_m18_red",2},
+ {"Chemlight_green",2},
+ {"Chemlight_red",2},
+ {"Chemlight_yellow",1},
+ {"ACE_HandFlare_Red",1},
+ {"ACE_HandFlare_Green",1}
+ };
+ magazines[] = {}; items[] = {};
+ };
+ // EOD Attachment
+ class BAF_EOD_ENG_1 {
+ weapons[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_L85A2_RIS_Tan","UK3CB_BAF_L131A1","Binocular"};
+ priKit[] = {"RKSL_optic_LDS","UK3CB_BAF_LLM_Flashlight_Tan","UK3CB_BAF_SFFH"};
+ secKit[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_Flashlight_L131A1","UK3CB_BAF_9_17Rnd"};
+ assignedItems[] = {"ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch"};
+ headgear[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_H_Mk7_Camo_CESS_D"};
+ goggles[] = {};
+ uniform[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_U_CombatUniform_MTP_ShortSleeve"};
+ uniformContents[] = {
+ {"ACRE_PRC343",1},
+ {"ACE_EarPlugs",1},
+ {"ACE_MapTools",1},
+ {"Chemlight_green",1}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_fieldDressing",4}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_elasticBandage",4}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_packingBandage",3}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_quikclot",3}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_morphine",1}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_tourniquet",1} // IFAK
+ };
+ vest[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_V_Osprey_SL_D"};
+ vestContents[] = {
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_HMNVS",1},
+ {"ACE_IR_Strobe_Item",1},
+ {"ACE_CableTie",1},
+ {"ACE_Flashlight_MX991",1},
+ {"ACRE_PRC148",1},
+ {"ACE_DAGR",1},
+ {"ACE_DefusalKit",1},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_556_30Rnd",6},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_556_30Rnd_T",1},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_9_17Rnd",2},
+ {"rhs_mag_m67",2},
+ {"rhs_mag_an_m8hc",1} // Orange for leaders, white for soldiers
+ };
+ backpack[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_B_Bergen_MTP_Sapper_L_A", 1};
+ backpackContents[] = {
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_G_Tactical_Orange",1}, // Different color for different units
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_H_Beret_PWRR",1},
+ {"ACE_Sandbag_empty",5},
+ {"ACE_VMH3",1},
+ {"ACE_Clacker",1},
+ {"DemoCharge_Remote_Mag",5},
+ {"rhs_mag_m18_green",2},
+ {"rhs_mag_m18_red",2},
+ {"Chemlight_green",5},
+ {"Chemlight_red",5},
+ {"Chemlight_yellow",5},
+ {"ACE_HandFlare_Red",1},
+ {"ACE_HandFlare_Green",1}
+ };
+ magazines[] = {}; items[] = {};
+ };
+ class BAF_EOD_ENG_2 {
+ weapons[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_L85A2_RIS_Tan","UK3CB_BAF_L131A1","Binocular"};
+ priKit[] = {"RKSL_optic_LDS","UK3CB_BAF_LLM_Flashlight_Tan","UK3CB_BAF_SFFH"};
+ secKit[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_Flashlight_L131A1","UK3CB_BAF_9_17Rnd"};
+ assignedItems[] = {"ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch"};
+ headgear[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_H_Mk7_Camo_ESS_D"};
+ goggles[] = {};
+ uniform[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_U_CombatUniform_MTP_ShortSleeve"};
+ uniformContents[] = {
+ {"ACRE_PRC343",1},
+ {"ACE_EarPlugs",1},
+ {"ACE_MapTools",1},
+ {"Chemlight_green",1}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_fieldDressing",4}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_elasticBandage",4}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_packingBandage",3}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_quikclot",3}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_morphine",1}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_tourniquet",1} // IFAK
+ };
+ vest[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_V_Osprey_MG_B"};
+ vestContents[] = {
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_HMNVS",1},
+ {"ACE_IR_Strobe_Item",1},
+ {"ACE_CableTie",1},
+ {"ACE_Flashlight_MX991",1},
+ {"ACE_DAGR",1},
+ {"ACE_DefusalKit",1},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_556_30Rnd",6},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_556_30Rnd_T",1},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_9_17Rnd",2},
+ {"rhs_mag_m67",2},
+ {"rhs_mag_an_m8hc",1} // Orange for leaders, white for soldiers
+ };
+ backpack[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_B_Bergen_MTP_Sapper_L_A", 1};
+ backpackContents[] = {
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_G_Tactical_Orange",1}, // Different color for different units
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_H_Beret_PWRR",1},
+ {"ACE_Sandbag_empty",5},
+ {"ACE_VMH3",1},
+ {"ACE_Clacker",1},
+ {"DemoCharge_Remote_Mag",5},
+ {"rhs_mag_m18_green",2},
+ {"rhs_mag_m18_red",2},
+ {"Chemlight_green",5},
+ {"Chemlight_red",5},
+ {"Chemlight_yellow",5},
+ {"ACE_HandFlare_Red",1},
+ {"ACE_HandFlare_Green",1}
+ };
+ magazines[] = {}; items[] = {};
+ };
+ class BAF_EOD_ENG_3 {
+ weapons[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_L85A2_RIS_Tan","UK3CB_BAF_L131A1"};
+ priKit[] = {"RKSL_optic_LDS","UK3CB_BAF_LLM_Flashlight_Tan","UK3CB_BAF_SFFH"};
+ secKit[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_Flashlight_L131A1","UK3CB_BAF_9_17Rnd"};
+ assignedItems[] = {"ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch"};
+ headgear[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_H_Mk7_Camo_ESS_D"};
+ goggles[] = {};
+ uniform[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_U_CombatUniform_MTP_ShortSleeve"};
+ uniformContents[] = {
+ {"ACRE_PRC343",1},
+ {"ACE_EarPlugs",1},
+ {"ACE_MapTools",1},
+ {"Chemlight_green",1}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_fieldDressing",4}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_elasticBandage",4}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_packingBandage",3}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_quikclot",3}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_morphine",1}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_tourniquet",1} // IFAK
+ };
+ vest[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_V_Osprey_MG_B"};
+ vestContents[] = {
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_HMNVS",1},
+ {"ACE_IR_Strobe_Item",1},
+ {"ACE_CableTie",1},
+ {"ACE_Flashlight_MX991",1},
+ {"ACE_DAGR",1},
+ {"ACE_DefusalKit",1},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_556_30Rnd",6},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_556_30Rnd_T",1},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_9_17Rnd",2},
+ {"rhs_mag_m67",2},
+ {"rhs_mag_an_m8hc",1} // Orange for leaders, white for soldiers
+ };
+ backpack[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_B_Bergen_MTP_Engineer_L_A", 1};
+ backpackContents[] = {
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_G_Tactical_Orange",1}, // Different color for different units
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_H_Beret_PWRR",1},
+ {"ACE_Sandbag_empty",5},
+ {"ACE_wirecutter",1},
+ {"ACE_Clacker",1},
+ {"SatchelCharge_Remote_Mag",1},
+ {"ClaymoreDirectionalMine_Remote_Mag",2},
+ {"rhs_mag_m18_green",1},
+ {"rhs_mag_m18_red",1},
+ {"Chemlight_green",5},
+ {"Chemlight_red",5},
+ {"Chemlight_yellow",5},
+ {"ACE_HandFlare_Red",1},
+ {"ACE_HandFlare_Green",1}
+ };
+ magazines[] = {}; items[] = {};
+ };
+ // Mortar Attachment
+ class BAF_MORTAR_TL {
+ weapons[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_L85A2","UK3CB_BAF_L131A1"};
+ priKit[] = {"RKSL_optic_LDS","UK3CB_BAF_SFFH"};
+ secKit[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_Flashlight_L131A1","UK3CB_BAF_9_17Rnd"};
+ assignedItems[] = {"ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch"};
+ headgear[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_H_Boonie_MTP_PRR"};
+ goggles[] = {};
+ uniform[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_U_CombatUniform_MTP_TShirt"};
+ uniformContents[] = {
+ {"ACRE_PRC343",1},
+ {"ACE_EarPlugs",1},
+ {"ACE_MapTools",1},
+ {"Chemlight_green",1}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_fieldDressing",4}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_elasticBandage",4}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_packingBandage",3}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_quikclot",3}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_morphine",1}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_tourniquet",1} // IFAK
+ };
+ vest[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_V_Osprey_Holster"};
+ vestContents[] = {
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_H_Beret_PWRR",1},
+ {"rhsusf_shemagh_tan",1},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_HMNVS",1},
+ {"ACE_IR_Strobe_Item",1},
+ {"ACRE_PRC148",1},
+ {"ACE_RangeTable_82mm",1},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_556_30Rnd",3},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_9_17Rnd",2}
+ };
+ backpack[] = {};
+ backpackContents[] = {
+ };
+ magazines[] = {}; items[] = {};
+ };
+ weapons[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_L85A2","UK3CB_BAF_L131A1"};
+ priKit[] = {"RKSL_optic_LDS","UK3CB_BAF_SFFH"};
+ secKit[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_Flashlight_L131A1","UK3CB_BAF_9_17Rnd"};
+ assignedItems[] = {"ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch"};
+ headgear[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_H_Boonie_MTP"};
+ goggles[] = {};
+ uniform[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_U_CombatUniform_MTP_TShirt"};
+ uniformContents[] = {
+ {"ACRE_PRC343",1},
+ {"ACE_EarPlugs",1},
+ {"ACE_MapTools",1},
+ {"Chemlight_green",1}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_fieldDressing",4}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_elasticBandage",4}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_packingBandage",3}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_quikclot",3}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_morphine",1}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_tourniquet",1} // IFAK
+ };
+ vest[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_V_Osprey_Holster"};
+ vestContents[] = {
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_H_Beret",1},
+ {"rhsusf_shemagh_tan",1},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_HMNVS",1},
+ {"ACE_IR_Strobe_Item",1},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_556_30Rnd",3},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_9_17Rnd",2}
+ };
+ backpack[] = {};
+ backpackContents[] = {
+ };
+ magazines[] = {}; items[] = {};
+ };
+ // Pilots + Crew
+ class BAF_HELO_PILOT {
+ weapons[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_L22","UK3CB_BAF_L131A1"};
+ priKit[] = {"RKSL_optic_LDS","UK3CB_BAF_SFFH"};
+ secKit[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_Flashlight_L131A1","UK3CB_BAF_9_17Rnd"};
+ assignedItems[] = {"ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","rhsusf_ANPVS_15","ItemGPS"};
+ headgear[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_H_PilotHelmetHeli_A"};
+ goggles[] = {"G_Aviator"};
+ uniform[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_U_HeliPilotCoveralls_RAF"};
+ uniformContents[] = {
+ {"ACE_EarPlugs",1},
+ {"ACE_MapTools",1},
+ {"Chemlight_green",1}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_fieldDressing",4}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_elasticBandage",4}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_packingBandage",3}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_quikclot",3}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_morphine",1}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_tourniquet",1} // IFAK
+ };
+ vest[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_V_Pilot_A"};
+ vestContents[] = {
+ {"ACE_IR_Strobe_Item",1},
+ {"ACE_CableTie",1},
+ {"ACE_Flashlight_MX991",1},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_556_30Rnd",3},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_556_30Rnd_T",1},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_9_17Rnd",2},
+ {"rhs_mag_an_m8hc",1},
+ {"rhs_mag_m18_red",1},
+ {"rhs_mag_m18_green",1}
+ };
+ backpack[] = {};
+ backpackContents[] = {
+ };
+ magazines[] = {}; items[] = {};
+ };
+ class BAF_HELO_CREW {
+ weapons[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_L22","UK3CB_BAF_L131A1","Binocular"};
+ priKit[] = {"RKSL_optic_LDS","UK3CB_BAF_SFFH"};
+ secKit[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_Flashlight_L131A1","UK3CB_BAF_9_17Rnd"};
+ assignedItems[] = {"ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","rhsusf_ANPVS_15"};
+ headgear[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_H_CrewHelmet_A"};
+ goggles[] = {"G_Aviator"};
+ uniform[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_U_HeliPilotCoveralls_RAF"};
+ uniformContents[] = {
+ {"ACE_EarPlugs",1},
+ {"ACE_MapTools",1},
+ {"Chemlight_green",1}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_fieldDressing",4}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_elasticBandage",4}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_packingBandage",3}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_quikclot",3}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_morphine",1}, // IFAK
+ {"ACE_tourniquet",1} // IFAK
+ };
+ vest[] = {"UK3CB_BAF_V_Pilot_A"};
+ vestContents[] = {
+ {"ACE_IR_Strobe_Item",1},
+ {"ACE_CableTie",1},
+ {"ACE_Flashlight_MX991",1},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_556_30Rnd",3},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_556_30Rnd_T",1},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_9_17Rnd",2},
+ {"rhs_mag_an_m8hc",1},
+ {"rhs_mag_m18_red",1},
+ {"rhs_mag_m18_green",1}
+ };
+ backpack[] = {};
+ backpackContents[] = {
+ };
+ magazines[] = {}; items[] = {};
+ };
+ /* ***************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** */
+ /* ***** VEHICLES ******************************************************************************************************************************************************** */
+ /* ***************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** */
+ class BAF_MAINT_BASE {
+ vehCargoWeapons[] = {
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_AT4_CS_AT_Launcher",0}
+ };
+ vehCargoMagazines[] = {
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_127_100Rnd",10},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_762_200Rnd",10},
+ {"ACE_HandFlare_Red",2},
+ {"ACE_HandFlare_Yellow",2}
+ };
+ vehCargoItems[] = {
+ {"ToolKit",2},
+ {"ACE_wirecutter",1},
+ {"Chemlight_green",1}, // First Aid Vehicle
+ {"ACE_fieldDressing",8}, // First Aid Vehicle
+ {"ACE_elasticBandage",8}, // First Aid Vehicle
+ {"ACE_packingBandage",5}, // First Aid Vehicle
+ {"ACE_quikclot",5}, // First Aid Vehicle
+ {"ACE_morphine",5}, // First Aid Vehicle
+ {"ACE_epinephrine",3}, // First Aid Vehicle
+ {"ACE_tourniquet",3}, // First Aid Vehicle
+ {"ACE_personalAidKit",3}, // First Aid Vehicle
+ {"ACE_bodyBag",2} // First Aid Vehicle
+ };
+ vehCargoRucks[] = {
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_B_Bergen_MTP_Rifleman_L_D",0}
+ };
+ };
+ class BAF_LAND_BASE {
+ vehCargoWeapons[] = {
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_AT4_CS_AT_Launcher",1}
+ };
+ vehCargoMagazines[] = {
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_556_30Rnd",20},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_556_30Rnd_T",5},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_556_200Rnd",5},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_762_100Rnd_T",5},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_762_L42A1_20Rnd",10},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_762_L42A1_20Rnd_T",5},
+ {"rhs_mag_an_m8hc",10},
+ {"rhs_mag_m67",5},
+ {"ACE_HandFlare_Red",2},
+ {"ACE_HandFlare_Yellow",2}
+ };
+ vehCargoItems[] = {
+ {"ACE_wirecutter",1},
+ {"ACE_Sandbag_empty",20},
+ {"Chemlight_green",1}, // First Aid Vehicle
+ {"ACE_fieldDressing",8}, // First Aid Vehicle
+ {"ACE_elasticBandage",8}, // First Aid Vehicle
+ {"ACE_packingBandage",5}, // First Aid Vehicle
+ {"ACE_quikclot",5}, // First Aid Vehicle
+ {"ACE_morphine",5}, // First Aid Vehicle
+ {"ACE_epinephrine",3}, // First Aid Vehicle
+ {"ACE_tourniquet",3}, // First Aid Vehicle
+ {"ACE_personalAidKit",3}, // First Aid Vehicle
+ {"ACE_bodyBag",2} // First Aid Vehicle
+ };
+ vehCargoRucks[] = {
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_B_Bergen_MTP_Rifleman_L_D",1}
+ };
+ };
+ vehCargoWeapons[] = {
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_Javelin_Slung_Tube",1},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_Javelin_CLU",1}
+ };
+ vehCargoMagazines[] = {
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_762_200Rnd",8},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_556_30Rnd",20},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_556_30Rnd_T",5},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_556_200Rnd",5},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_762_100Rnd_T",5},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_762_L42A1_20Rnd",10},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_762_L42A1_20Rnd_T",5},
+ {"rhs_mag_an_m8hc",10},
+ {"rhs_mag_m67",5},
+ {"ACE_HandFlare_Red",2},
+ {"ACE_HandFlare_Yellow",2}
+ };
+ vehCargoItems[] = {
+ {"ACE_wirecutter",1},
+ {"ACE_Sandbag_empty",20},
+ {"Chemlight_green",1}, // First Aid Vehicle
+ {"ACE_fieldDressing",8}, // First Aid Vehicle
+ {"ACE_elasticBandage",8}, // First Aid Vehicle
+ {"ACE_packingBandage",5}, // First Aid Vehicle
+ {"ACE_quikclot",5}, // First Aid Vehicle
+ {"ACE_morphine",5}, // First Aid Vehicle
+ {"ACE_epinephrine",3}, // First Aid Vehicle
+ {"ACE_tourniquet",3}, // First Aid Vehicle
+ {"ACE_personalAidKit",3}, // First Aid Vehicle
+ {"ACE_bodyBag",2} // First Aid Vehicle
+ };
+ vehCargoRucks[] = {
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_B_Bergen_MTP_Rifleman_L_D",2}
+ };
+ };
+ vehCargoWeapons[] = {
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_Javelin_Slung_Tube",1},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_Javelin_CLU",1}
+ };
+ vehCargoMagazines[] = {
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_127_100Rnd",4},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_762_200Rnd",4},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_556_30Rnd",20},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_556_30Rnd_T",5},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_556_200Rnd",5},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_762_100Rnd_T",5},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_762_L42A1_20Rnd",10},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_762_L42A1_20Rnd_T",5},
+ {"rhs_mag_an_m8hc",10},
+ {"rhs_mag_m67",5},
+ {"ACE_HandFlare_Red",2},
+ {"ACE_HandFlare_Yellow",2}
+ };
+ vehCargoItems[] = {
+ {"ACE_wirecutter",1},
+ {"ACE_Sandbag_empty",20},
+ {"Chemlight_green",1}, // First Aid Vehicle
+ {"ACE_fieldDressing",8}, // First Aid Vehicle
+ {"ACE_elasticBandage",8}, // First Aid Vehicle
+ {"ACE_packingBandage",5}, // First Aid Vehicle
+ {"ACE_quikclot",5}, // First Aid Vehicle
+ {"ACE_morphine",5}, // First Aid Vehicle
+ {"ACE_epinephrine",3}, // First Aid Vehicle
+ {"ACE_tourniquet",3}, // First Aid Vehicle
+ {"ACE_personalAidKit",3}, // First Aid Vehicle
+ {"ACE_bodyBag",2} // First Aid Vehicle
+ };
+ vehCargoRucks[] = {
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_B_Bergen_MTP_Rifleman_L_D",2}
+ };
+ };
+ vehCargoWeapons[] = {
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_Javelin_Slung_Tube",1},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_Javelin_CLU",1}
+ };
+ vehCargoMagazines[] = {
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_32Rnd_40mm_G_Box",4},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_762_200Rnd",4},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_556_30Rnd",20},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_556_30Rnd_T",5},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_556_200Rnd",5},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_762_100Rnd_T",5},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_762_L42A1_20Rnd",10},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_762_L42A1_20Rnd_T",5},
+ {"rhs_mag_an_m8hc",10},
+ {"rhs_mag_m67",5},
+ {"ACE_HandFlare_Red",2},
+ {"ACE_HandFlare_Yellow",2}
+ };
+ vehCargoItems[] = {
+ {"ACE_wirecutter",1},
+ {"ACE_Sandbag_empty",20},
+ {"Chemlight_green",1}, // First Aid Vehicle
+ {"ACE_fieldDressing",8}, // First Aid Vehicle
+ {"ACE_elasticBandage",8}, // First Aid Vehicle
+ {"ACE_packingBandage",5}, // First Aid Vehicle
+ {"ACE_quikclot",5}, // First Aid Vehicle
+ {"ACE_morphine",5}, // First Aid Vehicle
+ {"ACE_epinephrine",3}, // First Aid Vehicle
+ {"ACE_tourniquet",3}, // First Aid Vehicle
+ {"ACE_personalAidKit",3}, // First Aid Vehicle
+ {"ACE_bodyBag",2} // First Aid Vehicle
+ };
+ vehCargoRucks[] = {
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_B_Bergen_MTP_Rifleman_L_D",2}
+ };
+ };
+ class BAF_LAND_HQ {
+ vehCargoWeapons[] = {
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_AT4_CS_AT_Launcher",0},
+ {"ACE_VMH3",1},
+ {"Binocular",1},
+ {"ACE_MX2A",1},
+ {"ACE_Yardage450",1},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_Soflam_Laserdesignator",1}
+ };
+ vehCargoMagazines[] = {
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_556_30Rnd",20},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_556_30Rnd_T",5},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_556_200Rnd",5},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_762_100Rnd_T",5},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_762_L42A1_20Rnd",10},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_762_L42A1_20Rnd_T",5},
+ {"ACE_HuntIR_M203",10},
+ {"rhs_mag_an_m8hc",10},
+ {"rhs_mag_m67",5},
+ {"Laserbatteries",5},
+ {"DemoCharge_Remote_Mag",5},
+ {"ACE_HandFlare_Red",2},
+ {"ACE_HandFlare_Yellow",2}
+ };
+ vehCargoItems[] = {
+ {"ACE_wirecutter",1},
+ {"ACE_SpottingScope",2},
+ {"ACE_Tripod",1},
+ {"ACE_Sandbag_empty",20},
+ {"ACRE_PRC148",1},
+ {"ACE_Clacker",1},
+ {"ACE_DefusalKit",1},
+ {"ACE_RangeTable_82mm",1},
+ {"ACE_Kestrel4500",1},
+ {"ACE_DAGR",1},
+ {"ACE_HuntIR_monitor",1},
+ {"ACE_Flashlight_MX991",1},
+ {"Chemlight_green",1}, // First Aid Vehicle
+ {"ACE_fieldDressing",8}, // First Aid Vehicle
+ {"ACE_elasticBandage",8}, // First Aid Vehicle
+ {"ACE_packingBandage",5}, // First Aid Vehicle
+ {"ACE_quikclot",5}, // First Aid Vehicle
+ {"ACE_morphine",5}, // First Aid Vehicle
+ {"ACE_epinephrine",3}, // First Aid Vehicle
+ {"ACE_tourniquet",3}, // First Aid Vehicle
+ {"ACE_personalAidKit",3}, // First Aid Vehicle
+ {"ACE_bodyBag",2} // First Aid Vehicle
+ };
+ vehCargoRucks[] = {
+ {"ACE_TacticalLadder_Pack",1},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_B_Bergen_MTP_Rifleman_L_D",1}
+ };
+ };
+ class BAF_LAND_MEDIC {
+ vehCargoWeapons[] = {
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_AT4_CS_AT_Launcher",0}
+ };
+ vehCargoMagazines[] = {
+ {"rhs_mag_an_m8hc",10},
+ {"ACE_HandFlare_Red",2},
+ {"ACE_HandFlare_Yellow",2}
+ };
+ vehCargoItems[] = {
+ {"ACE_wirecutter",1},
+ {"ACE_Sandbag_empty",10},
+ {"Chemlight_green",1},
+ {"ACE_fieldDressing",20},
+ {"ACE_elasticBandage",20},
+ {"ACE_packingBandage",20},
+ {"ACE_quikclot",20},
+ {"ACE_morphine",20},
+ {"ACE_epinephrine",13},
+ {"ACE_atropine",10},
+ {"ACE_tourniquet",10},
+ {"ACE_plasmaIV",5},
+ {"ACE_plasmaIV_250",15},
+ {"ACE_bloodIV",5},
+ {"ACE_bloodIV_250",15},
+ {"ACE_salineIV",5},
+ {"ACE_salineIV_250",15},
+ {"ACE_surgicalKit",10},
+ {"ACE_personalAidKit",10},
+ {"ACE_bodyBag",5}
+ };
+ vehCargoRucks[] = {
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_B_Bergen_MTP_Medic_L_A",1}
+ };
+ };
+ vehCargoWeapons[] = {
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_AT4_CS_AT_Launcher",1}
+ };
+ vehCargoMagazines[] = {
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_556_30Rnd",20},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_556_30Rnd_T",5},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_556_200Rnd",5},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_762_100Rnd_T",5},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_762_L42A1_20Rnd",10},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_762_L42A1_20Rnd_T",5},
+ {"rhs_mag_an_m8hc",10},
+ {"rhs_mag_m67",5},
+ {"ACE_HandFlare_Red",2},
+ {"ACE_HandFlare_Yellow",2}
+ };
+ vehCargoItems[] = {
+ {"ACE_wirecutter",1},
+ {"ACE_Sandbag_empty",10},
+ {"Chemlight_green",1}, // First Aid Vehicle
+ {"ACE_fieldDressing",8}, // First Aid Vehicle
+ {"ACE_elasticBandage",8}, // First Aid Vehicle
+ {"ACE_packingBandage",5}, // First Aid Vehicle
+ {"ACE_quikclot",5}, // First Aid Vehicle
+ {"ACE_morphine",5}, // First Aid Vehicle
+ {"ACE_epinephrine",3}, // First Aid Vehicle
+ {"ACE_tourniquet",3}, // First Aid Vehicle
+ {"ACE_personalAidKit",3}, // First Aid Vehicle
+ {"ACE_bodyBag",2} // First Aid Vehicle
+ };
+ vehCargoRucks[] = {
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_B_Bergen_MTP_Rifleman_L_D",1}
+ };
+ };
+ vehCargoWeapons[] = {
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_AT4_CS_AT_Launcher",1},
+ {"ACE_Vector",1},
+ {"ACE_MX2A",1},
+ {"ACE_Yardage450",1},
+ {"Laserdesignator",1}
+ };
+ vehCargoMagazines[] = {
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_556_30Rnd",20},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_556_30Rnd_T",5},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_762_L42A1_20Rnd",10},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_762_L42A1_20Rnd_T",5},
+ {"ACE_HuntIR_M203",10},
+ {"rhs_mag_an_m8hc",10},
+ {"rhs_mag_m67",5},
+ {"Laserbatteries",5},
+ {"ACE_HandFlare_Red",5},
+ {"ACE_HandFlare_Yellow",5},
+ {"ACE_HandFlare_Green",5},
+ {"SatchelCharge_Remote_Mag",1},
+ {"DemoCharge_Remote_Mag",5}
+ };
+ vehCargoItems[] = {
+ {"ACE_wirecutter",1},
+ {"ACE_SpottingScope",2},
+ {"ACE_Tripod",1},
+ {"ACE_UAVBattery",2},
+ {"ACE_RangeCard",1},
+ {"ACE_RangeTable_82mm",1},
+ {"ACE_Kestrel4500",1},
+ {"ACE_DAGR",1},
+ {"ACE_HuntIR_monitor",1},
+ {"B_UavTerminal",1},
+ {"ACE_DefusalKit",1},
+ {"ACE_Clacker",1},
+ {"ACE_Sandbag_empty",10},
+ {"ACE_MapTools",1},
+ {"ACE_EarPlugs",1},
+ {"Chemlight_green",15},
+ {"Chemlight_yellow",15},
+ {"Chemlight_red",15},
+ {"ACE_fieldDressing",15}, // First Aid Vehicle
+ {"ACE_elasticBandage",15}, // First Aid Vehicle
+ {"ACE_packingBandage",10}, // First Aid Vehicle
+ {"ACE_quikclot",10}, // First Aid Vehicle
+ {"ACE_morphine",8}, // First Aid Vehicle
+ {"ACE_epinephrine",5}, // First Aid Vehicle
+ {"ACE_plasmaIV_500",4}, // First Aid Vehicle
+ {"ACE_salineIV_500",4}, // First Aid Vehicle
+ {"ACE_bloodIV_500",4}, // First Aid Vehicle
+ {"ACE_tourniquet",5}, // First Aid Vehicle
+ {"ACE_surgicalKit",1}, // First Aid Vehicle
+ {"ACE_personalAidKit",3}, // First Aid Vehicle
+ {"ACE_bodyBag",2} // First Aid Vehicle
+ };
+ vehCargoRucks[] = {
+ {"ACE_TacticalLadder_Pack",1},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_B_Bergen_MTP_Rifleman_L_D",1}
+ };
+ };
+ vehCargoWeapons[] = {
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_AT4_CS_AT_Launcher",1}
+ };
+ vehCargoMagazines[] = {
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_127_100Rnd",4},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_762_200Rnd",4},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_556_30Rnd",20},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_556_30Rnd_T",5},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_556_200Rnd",5},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_762_100Rnd_T",5},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_762_L42A1_20Rnd",10},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_762_L42A1_20Rnd_T",5},
+ {"rhs_mag_an_m8hc",10},
+ {"rhs_mag_m67",5},
+ {"ACE_HandFlare_Red",2},
+ {"ACE_HandFlare_Yellow",2}
+ };
+ vehCargoItems[] = {
+ {"ACE_wirecutter",1},
+ {"ACE_Sandbag_empty",20},
+ {"Chemlight_green",1}, // First Aid Vehicle
+ {"ACE_fieldDressing",8}, // First Aid Vehicle
+ {"ACE_elasticBandage",8}, // First Aid Vehicle
+ {"ACE_packingBandage",5}, // First Aid Vehicle
+ {"ACE_quikclot",5}, // First Aid Vehicle
+ {"ACE_morphine",5}, // First Aid Vehicle
+ {"ACE_epinephrine",3}, // First Aid Vehicle
+ {"ACE_tourniquet",3}, // First Aid Vehicle
+ {"ACE_personalAidKit",3}, // First Aid Vehicle
+ {"ACE_bodyBag",2} // First Aid Vehicle
+ };
+ vehCargoRucks[] = {
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_B_Bergen_MTP_Rifleman_L_D",1}
+ };
+ };
+ vehCargoWeapons[] = {
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_AT4_CS_AT_Launcher",1}
+ };
+ vehCargoMagazines[] = {
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_32Rnd_40mm_G_Box",4},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_762_200Rnd",4},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_556_30Rnd",20},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_556_30Rnd_T",5},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_556_200Rnd",5},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_762_100Rnd_T",5},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_762_L42A1_20Rnd",10},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_762_L42A1_20Rnd_T",5},
+ {"rhs_mag_an_m8hc",10},
+ {"rhs_mag_m67",5},
+ {"ACE_HandFlare_Red",2},
+ {"ACE_HandFlare_Yellow",2}
+ };
+ vehCargoItems[] = {
+ {"ACE_wirecutter",1},
+ {"ACE_Sandbag_empty",20},
+ {"Chemlight_green",1}, // First Aid Vehicle
+ {"ACE_fieldDressing",8}, // First Aid Vehicle
+ {"ACE_elasticBandage",8}, // First Aid Vehicle
+ {"ACE_packingBandage",5}, // First Aid Vehicle
+ {"ACE_quikclot",5}, // First Aid Vehicle
+ {"ACE_morphine",5}, // First Aid Vehicle
+ {"ACE_epinephrine",3}, // First Aid Vehicle
+ {"ACE_tourniquet",3}, // First Aid Vehicle
+ {"ACE_personalAidKit",3}, // First Aid Vehicle
+ {"ACE_bodyBag",2} // First Aid Vehicle
+ };
+ vehCargoRucks[] = {
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_B_Bergen_MTP_Rifleman_L_D",1}
+ };
+ };
+ class BAF_APACHE {
+ vehCargoWeapons[] = {
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_L22",0}
+ };
+ vehCargoMagazines[] = {
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_556_30Rnd",0}
+ };
+ vehCargoItems[] = {
+ {"Chemlight_green",1}, // First Aid Vehicle
+ {"ACE_fieldDressing",4}, // First Aid Vehicle
+ {"ACE_elasticBandage",4}, // First Aid Vehicle
+ {"ACE_packingBandage",3}, // First Aid Vehicle
+ {"ACE_quikclot",3}, // First Aid Vehicle
+ {"ACE_morphine",3}, // First Aid Vehicle
+ {"ACE_epinephrine",2}, // First Aid Vehicle
+ {"ACE_tourniquet",1}, // First Aid Vehicle
+ {"ACE_personalAidKit",1}, // First Aid Vehicle
+ {"ACE_bodyBag",1} // First Aid Vehicle
+ };
+ vehCargoRucks[] = {
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_B_Bergen_MTP_Rifleman_L_D",0}
+ };
+ };
+ class BAF_WILDCAT {
+ vehCargoWeapons[] = {
+ };
+ vehCargoMagazines[] = {
+ };
+ vehCargoItems[] = {
+ {"Chemlight_green",1}, // First Aid Vehicle
+ {"ACE_fieldDressing",4}, // First Aid Vehicle
+ {"ACE_elasticBandage",4}, // First Aid Vehicle
+ {"ACE_packingBandage",3}, // First Aid Vehicle
+ {"ACE_quikclot",3}, // First Aid Vehicle
+ {"ACE_morphine",3}, // First Aid Vehicle
+ {"ACE_epinephrine",2}, // First Aid Vehicle
+ {"ACE_tourniquet",1}, // First Aid Vehicle
+ {"ACE_personalAidKit",1}, // First Aid Vehicle
+ {"ACE_bodyBag",1} // First Aid Vehicle
+ };
+ vehCargoRucks[] = {
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_B_Bergen_MTP_Rifleman_L_D",0}
+ };
+ };
+ class BAF_MERLIN {
+ vehCargoWeapons[] = {
+ };
+ vehCargoMagazines[] = {
+ };
+ vehCargoItems[] = {
+ {"Chemlight_green",5}, // First Aid Vehicle
+ {"ACE_fieldDressing",20}, // First Aid Vehicle
+ {"ACE_elasticBandage",20}, // First Aid Vehicle
+ {"ACE_packingBandage",15}, // First Aid Vehicle
+ {"ACE_quikclot",15}, // First Aid Vehicle
+ {"ACE_morphine",15}, // First Aid Vehicle
+ {"ACE_epinephrine",10}, // First Aid Vehicle
+ {"ACE_tourniquet",5}, // First Aid Vehicle
+ {"ACE_personalAidKit",5}, // First Aid Vehicle
+ {"ACE_bodyBag",5} // First Aid Vehicle
+ };
+ vehCargoRucks[] = {
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_B_Bergen_MTP_Rifleman_L_D",0}
+ };
+ };
+ vehCargoWeapons[] = {
+ };
+ vehCargoMagazines[] = {
+ {"rhs_mag_an_m8hc",10},
+ {"ACE_HandFlare_Red",2},
+ {"ACE_HandFlare_Yellow",2}
+ };
+ vehCargoItems[] = {
+ {"ACE_wirecutter",1},
+ {"ACE_Sandbag_empty",10},
+ {"Chemlight_green",1},
+ {"ACE_fieldDressing",20},
+ {"ACE_elasticBandage",20},
+ {"ACE_packingBandage",20},
+ {"ACE_quikclot",20},
+ {"ACE_morphine",20},
+ {"ACE_epinephrine",13},
+ {"ACE_atropine",10},
+ {"ACE_tourniquet",10},
+ {"ACE_plasmaIV",5},
+ {"ACE_plasmaIV_250",15},
+ {"ACE_bloodIV",5},
+ {"ACE_bloodIV_250",15},
+ {"ACE_salineIV",5},
+ {"ACE_salineIV_250",15},
+ {"ACE_surgicalKit",10},
+ {"ACE_personalAidKit",10},
+ {"ACE_bodyBag",5}
+ };
+ vehCargoRucks[] = {
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_B_Bergen_MTP_Medic_L_A",1}
+ };
+ };
+ /* ***************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** */
+ /* ***** CRATES ********************************************************************************************************************************************************** */
+ /* ***************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** */
+ class BAF_CRATE_FOB_1 {
+ vehCargoWeapons[] = {
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_L85A2",10},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_L110A2",4},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_L110_762",2},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_L131A1",10},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_AT4_CS_AT_Launcher",4},
+ {"ACE_VMH3",1},
+ {"Binocular",2},
+ {"ACE_Vector",2}
+ };
+ vehCargoMagazines[] = {
+ {"DemoCharge_Remote_Mag",30},
+ {"SatchelCharge_Remote_Mag",10}
+ };
+ vehCargoItems[] = {
+ {"ToolKit",5},
+ {"ACE_RangeTable_82mm",2},
+ {"RKSL_optic_LDS",10},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_Eotech",10},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_Flashlight_L131A1",10},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_LLM_Flashlight_Tan",10},
+ {"ACE_NVG_Gen1",20},
+ {"ACRE_PRC343",10},
+ {"ACRE_PRC148",10},
+ {"ACRE_PRC117F",2},
+ {"ACE_MapTools",20},
+ {"ACE_Clacker",5},
+ {"ACE_DefusalKit",10},
+ {"ACE_Flashlight_MX991",10},
+ {"ItemMap",20},
+ {"ItemCompass",20},
+ {"ItemWatch",20}
+ };
+ vehCargoRucks[] = {
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_B_Bergen_MTP_Rifleman_L_D",5}
+ };
+ };
+ class BAF_CRATE_FOB_2 {
+ vehCargoWeapons[] = {
+ {"Binocular",2}
+ };
+ vehCargoMagazines[] = {
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_556_30Rnd",100},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_556_30Rnd_T",50},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_556_100Rnd",30},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_556_100Rnd_T",20},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_556_200Rnd",50},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_762_100Rnd_T",30},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_9_17Rnd",50},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_762_L42A1_20Rnd",30},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_338_5Rnd",20},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_338_5Rnd",10},
+ {"1Rnd_HE_Grenade_shell",100},
+ {"1Rnd_SmokeYellow_Grenade_shell",50},
+ {"1Rnd_SmokeOrange_Grenade_shell",50},
+ {"UGL_FlareRed_F",50},
+ {"rhs_mag_m67",50},
+ {"rhs_mag_an_m8hc",50},
+ {"rhs_mag_m18_green",30},
+ {"rhs_mag_m18_red",30},
+ {"ACE_HuntIR_M203",20},
+ {"ACE_M84",30},
+ {"ACE_M14",30},
+ {"Chemlight_green",50},
+ {"Chemlight_red",50},
+ {"Chemlight_yellow",50},
+ {"Chemlight_blue",50},
+ {"ACE_HandFlare_Red",20},
+ {"ACE_HandFlare_Green",20},
+ {"ACE_HandFlare_Yellow",20},
+ {"ACE_HandFlare_White",20}
+ };
+ vehCargoItems[] = {
+ {"ACE_SpareBarrel",5},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_V_Osprey_Lite",10},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_H_Mk7_Camo_E",10},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_H_Boonie_MTP",10},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_G_Tactical_Orange",10},
+ {"ACE_EarPlugs",20},
+ {"ACE_IR_Strobe_Item",20},
+ {"ACE_CableTie",20},
+ {"ACE_Sandbag_empty",50},
+ {"ACE_fieldDressing",30},
+ {"ACE_elasticBandage",30},
+ {"ACE_packingBandage",30},
+ {"ACE_morphine",20}
+ };
+ vehCargoRucks[] = {
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_B_Bergen_MTP_Rifleman_L_D",5}
+ };
+ };
+ class BAF_CRATE_FOB_3 {
+ vehCargoWeapons[] = {
+ {"Binocular",0}
+ };
+ vehCargoMagazines[] = {
+ {"rhs_mag_m67",30}
+ };
+ vehCargoItems[] = {
+ {"ACE_SpareBarrel",0}
+ };
+ vehCargoRucks[] = {
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_B_Bergen_MTP_Rifleman_L_D",0}
+ };
+ };
+ class BAF_CRATE_FOB_4 {
+ vehCargoWeapons[] = {
+ {"Binocular",0}
+ };
+ vehCargoMagazines[] = {
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_556_30Rnd",50},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_556_200Rnd",30},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_9_17Rnd",50},
+ {"1Rnd_HE_Grenade_shell",20}
+ };
+ vehCargoItems[] = {
+ {"ACE_SpareBarrel",5}
+ };
+ vehCargoRucks[] = {
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_B_Bergen_MTP_Rifleman_L_D",0}
+ };
+ };
+ vehCargoWeapons[] = {
+ {"Binocular",0}
+ };
+ vehCargoMagazines[] = {
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_556_30Rnd",0}
+ };
+ vehCargoItems[] = {
+ {"ACE_fieldDressing",80},
+ {"ACE_elasticBandage",80},
+ {"ACE_packingBandage",80},
+ {"ACE_quikclot",80},
+ {"ACE_morphine",40},
+ {"ACE_epinephrine",40},
+ {"ACE_atropine",40},
+ {"ACE_tourniquet",30},
+ {"ACE_plasmaIV",10},
+ {"ACE_plasmaIV_500",15},
+ {"ACE_plasmaIV_250",20},
+ {"ACE_bloodIV",10},
+ {"ACE_bloodIV_500",15},
+ {"ACE_bloodIV_250",20},
+ {"ACE_salineIV",10},
+ {"ACE_salineIV_500",15},
+ {"ACE_salineIV_250",20},
+ {"ACE_surgicalKit",10},
+ {"ACE_personalAidKit",30},
+ {"ACE_bodyBag",20}
+ };
+ vehCargoRucks[] = {
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_B_Bergen_MTP_Medic_L_A",2}
+ };
+ };
+ vehCargoWeapons[] = {
+ {"Binocular",0}
+ };
+ vehCargoMagazines[] = {
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_556_30Rnd",0}
+ };
+ vehCargoItems[] = {
+ {"ACE_fieldDressing",20},
+ {"ACE_elasticBandage",20},
+ {"ACE_packingBandage",20},
+ {"ACE_quikclot",20},
+ {"ACE_morphine",10},
+ {"ACE_epinephrine",10},
+ {"ACE_atropine",10},
+ {"ACE_tourniquet",10},
+ {"ACE_plasmaIV",5},
+ {"ACE_bloodIV",5},
+ {"ACE_salineIV",5},
+ {"ACE_surgicalKit",3},
+ {"ACE_personalAidKit",15}
+ };
+ vehCargoRucks[] = {
+ };
+ };
+ class BAF_CRATE_FOBN {
+ vehCargoWeapons[] = {
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_L85A2",2},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_L110_762",1},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_L131A1",2},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_AT4_CS_AT_Launcher",1},
+ {"ACE_VMH3",1},
+ {"Binocular",1},
+ {"ACE_Vector",1}
+ };
+ vehCargoMagazines[] = {
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_556_30Rnd",50},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_556_30Rnd_T",20},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_556_200Rnd",20},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_762_100Rnd_T",15},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_9_17Rnd",20},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_762_L42A1_20Rnd",30},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_338_5Rnd",20},
+ {"1Rnd_HE_Grenade_shell",30},
+ {"1Rnd_SmokeYellow_Grenade_shell",20},
+ {"1Rnd_SmokeOrange_Grenade_shell",20},
+ {"UGL_FlareRed_F",15},
+ {"rhs_mag_m67",15},
+ {"rhs_mag_an_m8hc",30},
+ {"rhs_mag_m18_green",20},
+ {"rhs_mag_m18_red",20},
+ {"ACE_HuntIR_M203",5},
+ {"ACE_M84",10},
+ {"ACE_M14",10},
+ {"DemoCharge_Remote_Mag",10},
+ {"SatchelCharge_Remote_Mag",2},
+ {"Chemlight_green",20},
+ {"Chemlight_red",20},
+ {"Chemlight_yellow",20},
+ {"Chemlight_blue",20},
+ {"ACE_HandFlare_Red",10},
+ {"ACE_HandFlare_Green",10},
+ {"ACE_HandFlare_Yellow",10},
+ {"ACE_HandFlare_White",10}
+ };
+ vehCargoItems[] = {
+ {"ToolKit",2},
+ {"ACE_RangeTable_82mm",2},
+ {"RKSL_optic_LDS",5},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_Eotech",5},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_Flashlight_L131A1",2},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_LLM_Flashlight_Tan",2},
+ {"ACE_SpareBarrel",2},
+ {"ACE_NVG_Gen1",2},
+ {"ACRE_PRC343",5},
+ {"ACRE_PRC148",5},
+ {"ACRE_PRC117F",1},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_V_Osprey_Lite",5},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_H_Mk7_Camo_E",5},
+ {"ACE_EarPlugs",5},
+ {"ACE_MapTools",2},
+ {"ACE_IR_Strobe_Item",5},
+ {"ACE_CableTie",2},
+ {"ACE_Clacker",2},
+ {"ACE_DefusalKit",2},
+ {"ACE_Sandbag_empty",30},
+ {"ItemMap",2}
+ };
+ vehCargoRucks[] = {
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_B_Bergen_MTP_Rifleman_L_D",5}
+ };
+ };
+ vehCargoWeapons[] = {
+ {"Binocular",0}
+ };
+ vehCargoMagazines[] = {
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_556_30Rnd",0}
+ };
+ vehCargoItems[] = {
+ {"ToolKit",5}
+ };
+ vehCargoRucks[] = {
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_B_Bergen_MTP_Rifleman_L_D",5}
+ };
+ };
+ class BAF_CRATE_AMMO {
+ vehCargoWeapons[] = {
+ {"Binocular",0}
+ };
+ vehCargoMagazines[] = {
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_127_100Rnd",15},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_32Rnd_40mm_G_Box",10},
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_762_200Rnd",20}
+ };
+ vehCargoItems[] = {
+ {"ToolKit",0}
+ };
+ vehCargoRucks[] = {
+ {"UK3CB_BAF_B_Bergen_MTP_Rifleman_L_D",0}
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ class CIV {
+ class JOURNALIST {
+ weapons[] = {};
+ priKit[] = {};
+ secKit[] = {};
+ assignedItems[] = {"ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch"};
+ headgear[] = {"H_Cap_press"};
+ goggles[] = {};
+ uniform[] = {"U_C_IDAP_Man_cargo_F"};
+ uniformContents[] = {
+ };
+ vest[] = {"V_Pocketed_coyote_F"};
+ vestContents[] = {
+ {"ACE_fieldDressing",1},
+ {"ACE_elasticBandage",1},
+ {"ACE_packingBandage",1}
+ };
+ backpack[] = {"B_LegStrapBag_coyote_F", 1};
+ backpackContents[] = {
+ {"ACE_MapTools",1},
+ {"ACRE_PRC152",1}
+ };
+ magazines[] = {}; items[] = {};
+ };
+ class LOCAL {
+ weapons[] = {};
+ priKit[] = {};
+ secKit[] = {};
+ assignedItems[] = {"ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch"};
+ headgear[] = {"JO_Pakol_LBrown"};
+ goggles[] = {};
+ uniform[] = {"JO_KP_BG"};
+ uniformContents[] = {
+ {"ACRE_PRC152",1},
+ {"ACE_fieldDressing",1},
+ {"ACE_elasticBandage",1},
+ {"ACE_packingBandage",1}
+ };
+ vest[] = {};
+ vestContents[] = {
+ };
+ backpack[] = {};
+ backpackContents[] = {
+ };
+ magazines[] = {}; items[] = {};
+ };
+ };
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tb3/preInit.sqf b/tb3/preInit.sqf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..603ca6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tb3/preInit.sqf
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+tb3_fLoadout = compile (preprocessFileLineNumbers "tb3\f\loadout\fLoadout.sqf");
+tb3_fSelectPrimaryMuzzle = compile (preprocessFileLineNumbers "tb3\f\loadout\fSelectPrimaryMuzzle.sqf");
+tb3_fSetItems = compile (preprocessFileLineNumbers "tb3\f\loadout\fSetItems.sqf");
+tb3_fSetLinkedItems = compile (preprocessFileLineNumbers "tb3\f\loadout\fSetLinkedItems.sqf");
+tb3_fSetUniform = compile (preprocessFileLineNumbers "tb3\f\loadout\fSetUniform.sqf");
+tb3_fSetVest = compile (preprocessFileLineNumbers "tb3\f\loadout\fSetVest.sqf");
+tb3_fSetHeadgear = compile (preprocessFileLineNumbers "tb3\f\loadout\fSetHeadgear.sqf");
+tb3_fSetGoggles = compile (preprocessFileLineNumbers "tb3\f\loadout\fSetGoggles.sqf");
+tb3_fSetBackpack = compile (preprocessFileLineNumbers "tb3\f\loadout\fSetBackpack.sqf");
+tb3_fSetWeapons = compile (preprocessFileLineNumbers "tb3\f\loadout\fSetWeapons.sqf");
+tb3_fSetMagazines = compile (preprocessFileLineNumbers "tb3\f\loadout\fSetMagazines.sqf");
+tb3_fSetRuckContents = compile (preprocessFileLineNumbers "tb3\f\loadout\containers\fSetRuckContents.sqf");
+tb3_fSetVestContents = compile (preprocessFileLineNumbers "tb3\f\loadout\containers\fSetVestContents.sqf");
+tb3_fSetUniformContents = compile (preprocessFileLineNumbers "tb3\f\loadout\containers\fSetUniformContents.sqf");
+tb3_fSetVehCargoMagazines = compile (preprocessFileLineNumbers "tb3\f\loadout\vehicleCargo\fSetVehCargoMagazines.sqf");
+tb3_fSetVehCargoWeapons = compile (preprocessFileLineNumbers "tb3\f\loadout\vehicleCargo\fSetVehCargoWeapons.sqf");
+tb3_fSetVehCargoItems = compile (preprocessFileLineNumbers "tb3\f\loadout\vehicleCargo\fSetVehCargoItems.sqf");
+tb3_fSetVehCargoBackpacks = compile (preprocessFileLineNumbers "tb3\f\loadout\vehicleCargo\fSetVehCargoRucks.sqf");
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/textures/patches/EOD.paa b/textures/patches/EOD.paa
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9076d9d
Binary files /dev/null and b/textures/patches/EOD.paa differ
diff --git a/textures/patches/JTAC.paa b/textures/patches/JTAC.paa
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fac14bf
Binary files /dev/null and b/textures/patches/JTAC.paa differ
diff --git a/textures/patches/SQL.paa b/textures/patches/SQL.paa
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8d96fa5
Binary files /dev/null and b/textures/patches/SQL.paa differ
diff --git a/textures/patches/TL.paa b/textures/patches/TL.paa
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1216c21
Binary files /dev/null and b/textures/patches/TL.paa differ
diff --git a/textures/tex_bft.jpg b/textures/tex_bft.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cdf0850
Binary files /dev/null and b/textures/tex_bft.jpg differ
diff --git a/textures/tex_briefing.jpg b/textures/tex_briefing.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f1753ab
Binary files /dev/null and b/textures/tex_briefing.jpg differ
diff --git a/textures/tex_end_mission_false.jpg b/textures/tex_end_mission_false.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..98b43cc
Binary files /dev/null and b/textures/tex_end_mission_false.jpg differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5306637
Binary files /dev/null and b/textures/tex_end_mission_true.jpg differ
diff --git a/textures/tex_flag_isaf.jpg b/textures/tex_flag_isaf.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..96766cc
Binary files /dev/null and b/textures/tex_flag_isaf.jpg differ
diff --git a/textures/tex_flag_usmc.jpg b/textures/tex_flag_usmc.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e9ef51
Binary files /dev/null and b/textures/tex_flag_usmc.jpg differ
diff --git a/textures/tex_gear.jpg b/textures/tex_gear.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..10153aa
Binary files /dev/null and b/textures/tex_gear.jpg differ
diff --git a/textures/tex_leaflet_bh_5.jpg b/textures/tex_leaflet_bh_5.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..928c964
Binary files /dev/null and b/textures/tex_leaflet_bh_5.jpg differ
diff --git a/textures/tex_mhq_disable.jpg b/textures/tex_mhq_disable.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dca7b34
Binary files /dev/null and b/textures/tex_mhq_disable.jpg differ
diff --git a/textures/tex_mhq_enable.jpg b/textures/tex_mhq_enable.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4eb5d69
Binary files /dev/null and b/textures/tex_mhq_enable.jpg differ
diff --git a/textures/tex_slides_laptop.jpg b/textures/tex_slides_laptop.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d69ed64
Binary files /dev/null and b/textures/tex_slides_laptop.jpg differ
diff --git a/textures/tex_toc.jpg b/textures/tex_toc.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f20d2c0
Binary files /dev/null and b/textures/tex_toc.jpg differ