- Fixed bug in CSS/JS Tabs triggered by activating a tab when there are no active tabs (muicss#321)
- Updated devDependencies
- Updated devDependencies and rebuilt packages
- Updated devDependencies and rebuilt packages
- Added UNSAFE_ prefix to deprecated React methods to hide console warnings
- Updated devDependencies and rebuilt packages
- Added up/right/left options to caret component in CSS/JS, React and Angular libraries
- Added menu placement and alignment options to dropdown component in CSS/JS, React and Angular libraries
- Updated devDependencies and rebuilt packages
- [CSS] Fixed bug with autofill pseudo selector preventing floating labels from working properly in Firefox
- [CSS] Added autofill support to floating labels
- Release of 0.9.39-rc1
- [CSS] Reverted dimentions to use 'px' by default
- [CSS] Added pre-compiled 'rem' version to extras
- [REACT] Fixed issue preventing use of duplicate values in select options
- [REACT] Added support for placeholder to Select component
- [ANGULAR] Added support for placeholder to mui-select component
- Added
SASS option to choose 'px' or 'rem' - Added pre-compiled px-only version of MUI CSS to extras
- Fixed double underline issue with
tag caused by latest version of Normalize CSS
- Switched to using 'rem' instead of 'px' for most CSS dimensions
- Added support for
attribute to React Select component
- Added close-on-escape support to Dropdown components in MUI CSS/JS, React and Angular libraries.
- Added
event trigger to CSS/JS Select component
- Set bubbles=true for
event on CSS/JS Select component
- Fixed typo in
attribute used in MUI React Input, Textarea and Select component
- Fixed tab-focus issue affecting Input, Textarea and Select components with labels in Firefox 57 (muicss#252)
- Added support for automatic scroll after keypress events in Select component menu (muicss#203)
- Re-implemented MUI React textfield components using HOC pattern (fixes muicss#246)
- Fixed scroll lock issue in Firefox Quantum
- Added support for use-default to CSS/JS Select component
- Added support for Select menu row height SASS variable
- Upgraded devDependencies
- Fixed issue with MUI React Col component in React 16
- Switched to console.warn for MUI React warnings instead of console.error
- Fixed bug in React Input component triggered by using
- Added configuration options for Select component CSS
- Added MUI Email SCSS files to
NPM package - Upgraded devDependencies
- Fixed bug VanillaJS Select component preventing first item from being selected when no other items are checked (muicss#228)
- Added
attribute reference to inner control elements in React Checkbox/Input/Radio/Select/Textarea components
- Improvements and bugfixes to MUI Angular Input component
- Switched from string 'refs' in MUI React to methods
- Upgraded devDependencies
- Fixed
styling issue (muicss#223) - Added
box-sizing: border-box
to Select component menu wrapper to fix sizing issue
- Removed http-server from npm dependencies
- Improved smoothness of MUI React Button ripple effect (muicss#217)
- Added ng-checked support to MUI Angular Checkbox and Radio components
- Upgraded devDependencies
- Upgraded to React 15.6.0
- Added support for
property to MUI React Select component
- Upgraded to React 15.5.0
- Fixed issue with CSS/JS DOM insertion CSS causing animation flash on disabled elements
- Added top/left borders to dropdown component menu on IE
- Deferred creation of ripple effect container element to mousedown event in CSS/JS library
- Fixed issue in Chrome where textfield floating labels were ignoring autofill events in CSS/JS library
- Added support for jump-to alphabetical matches to CSS/JS, Angular and React Select components
- Fixed CSS animation trigger bug in IE Edge
- Upgraded devDependencies
- Updated React TextField component to allow object or string labels
- Bumped version number
- Added more fine-grained CSS state classes to input and textfield controls
- Control instance has not lost focus.mui--is-touched
- Control instance has lost focus.mui--is-pristine
- User has not interacted with control instance.mui--is-dirty
- User has interacted with control instance.mui--is-empty
- Control instance is empty.mui--is-not-empty
- Control instance is not empty
- Skipping replacement of
CSS states on window blur event - Removed hard coded anchor tag :hover color
- Minimized global CSS footprint (mui.css)
- Includes Normalize.css
- Sets font styles for
tags - Sets style for naked
tags - Sets style for
, etc. - No longer sets
box-sizing: border-box
CSS property globally - No longer modifies styles for
,<input type="search">
,<input type="file">
,<input type="radio">
,<input type="checkbox">
- Added version without globals (mui-noglobals.css)
- No global CSS properties
- Bugfix for IE Edge box shadows
- Added
class to scope<legend>
- Reverted to body method for scroll lock
- Fixed bug causing issues with validation of required input fields when MUI JS is loaded asynchronously
- Fixed static/dynamic content bug in React Tabs component
- Added support for controlled tabs in React Tabs component
- Changed
in React Tabs component
- Fixed bug in React Select component that added
property to outer<div>
element wrather than inner<select>
element - Improved ripple code, fixed bug in opera
- Made CSS/JS Select component more robust against memory leaks
- Added '!default` modifier to value of $mui-base-font-smoothing in SASS
- Implemented MDL ripple technique to fix animation flash issue muicss#169
- Decreased box-shadow effect when button is activated
- Fixed issue with single tab elements in React Tabs component
- Improved handling of MUI animationstart callbacks - using useCapture to capture event and calling ev.stopImmediatePropagation() to prevent other listeners from firing
- Fixed bug preventing ripple effect on dynamically added dropdown button elements in CSS/JS library
- Removed flicker on animationstart helpers css load
- upgraded devDependencies
- Fixed styling issue in CSS/JS Dropdown component when using non-INPUT/BUTTON toggle elements
- Fixed issue with reference to
in React Select component causing problems with server-side rendering - Added missing
breakpoint to Angular library - Introduced use of documentFragment in CSS/JS Select component to improve performance
- Upgraded Normalize.css to 5.0.0
- Moved node-inserted CSS classes to JavaScript library
- Fixed issue with integer 0 values in React Input/Textarea components
- Added support for visible scroll bars to overlay method
- Refactored CSS/JS, React, Angular Select components
- Using more robust, wrapper-based method for wrapping built-in
elements - Fixed bug in jqLite.one() method preventing detaching method with useCapture
- Added minified files to packages/cdn/extra
- Added support for disabled options to MUI CSS/JS Select component
- Modified Select components to use browser built-in menu for touchscreen devices
- Added RTL support to CSS
- Added CDN package to NPM package
- Added gulp watch task for development
- Improved handling of focused elements when overlay method is activated
- Added up/down scroll to overlay by setting focus to overlay element
- Fixed issue with MUI Angular button attributes (e.g.
- Added support for Optgroups to CSS/JS Select component
- Added support for custom className to React Option component
- Fixed bug causing React Select component to ignore value change on item click in dropdown menu
- Removed reset scroll position from overlay teardown
- Fixed bug causing React Input and Textarea components with defaultValue to unfloat labels on state update
- Fixed bug preventing execution of onFocus callback in React Input and Textarea components
- Fixed empty/not-empty CSS bug with React Input and Textarea components
- Changed class name of background color helpers
- Added danger color to background color helpers
- Added background color helpers
- Improved handling of spread attributes in MUI React library to prevent unknown property warnings in React 15.2.1
- Fixed bug in React Button component that was ignoring mouse/touch event callbacks (onMouseDown, onMouseUp, onMouseLeave, onTouchStart, onTouchEnd)
- Fixed bug in React dropdown component causing issues with server-side rendering
- Removed reference to document in MUI React button module causing issues with server-side rendering
- Improved handling of ripple dimensions to deal with long buttons
- Fixed bug causing recursive call to requestAnimationFrame
- Fixed slow animation issue with ripple effect in Firefox on linux
- Improved ripple effect animation
- Added support for select box label to MUI CSS/JS, MUI React and MUI Angular
- Set z-index of .mui-select__menu to 2 to fix overlap bug with floating action buttons
- Added react@^15.0.0 as peerDependency in NPM package.json
- Fixed Angular injector minification bug in MUI Tabs
- Bugfix to Email SASS semantic markup
- Handling timeouts gracefully in React componentWillUnmount
- Using ES6 for Angular source code
- Added MUI Angular to NPM package
- Added support for
attribute to React DropdownItem
- Added support for Angular Tabs directive
- Fixed focus bug with Angular Select directive
- Added support for React 15.0.1
- Fixed bug causing onChange to be called twice on React and
- Major upgrade to Angular library - fixed many bugs and added missing features
- Fixed bug in React Dropdown that prevented menu from closing when a DropdownItem was selected
- Fixed bug in React Dropdown that fired onClick event on DropdownItem twice
- Added support for onSelect event to React Dropdown
- Added support for React elements to React Dropdown label
- Fixed bug that kept dropdowns open when other dropdowns were clicked on
- Added JS
eveent handler to mui-textfield input elements - Improved organization of MUI sass files
- Improved organization of MUI js files
- Fixed component name errors in NPM react.js module
- Changed React SelectItem component name to Option
- Added controlled controller support to React Select, Checkbox, Radio
- Bugfixes to Angular library
- Changed React input component names to Input and Textarea
- Added Angular library
- Added support for other React attributes and events
- Set default font-family to "Arial, Verdana, Tahoma" for better cross-browser support out of the box
- Added defaultValue and controlled component support to React TextInput and TextareaInput
- Made CSS/JS ripple node removal more robust
- Added value, defaultValue, onChange support to React Select component
- Changed boolean properties to use React built-in names:
- isAutofocus -> autoFocus
- isChecked -> checked
- isDisabled -> disabled
- isRequired -> required
- Changed other boolean properties to use React-like names:
- isFluid -> fluid
- isInline -> inline
- isInvalid -> invalid
- isJustified -> justified
- isLabelFloating -> floatingLabel
- Added support for defaultChecked to React Checkbox and Radio components
- Replaced .mui-textfield--invalid with .mui--is-invalid
- Replaced .mui--text-black-{XX}, .mui--text-white-{XX} color helpers with:
- .mui--text-dark
- .mui--text-dark-secondary
- .mui--text-dark-hint
- .mui--text-light
- .mui--text-light-secondary
- .mui--text-light-hint
- .mui--text-accent
- .mui--text-accent-secondary
- .mui--text-accent-hint
- Major non-backwards compatible modifications to React library
- Added .mui--text-black and .mui--text-white
- Added 'xl' screen size and changed default widths for 'sm', 'md' and 'lg' breakpoints
- Fixed bug causing mui.overlay('off') to throw error when called before turning on overlay
- Fixed path to js file for
npm package
- Added .mui-textfield--invalid css helper
- Replaced .mui--text-black-26 with .mui--text-black-38 to bring CSS color helpers in line with MD spec
- Improves floating label animation by using CSS transform
- Added .mui-body--scroll-lock specifically for scroll lock
- Uses body class for scroll lock
- Upgraded to React 0.14.3
- Improved IE10+ CSS borders for buttons, panels and select menu
- Improved positioning of select menu
- Improved logic of select menu initial scroll position
- Improved window scroll lock
- Moved textfield floating label modifier to wrapper class
- Disabled use of .mui-textfield__input and .mui-textfield__label--floating
- Added html email example layout
- Changed .mui--notransition to .mui--no-transition
- Added .mui--no-user-select
- Removed color attribute from typography classes
- Added text color helpers
- Migrated colors.css to BEM syntax
- Migrated CSS/JS and Email Libraries to BEM syntax
- Removed internal bootstrap source code dependency
- Removed MUIRoundButton from React library
- Added support for data-attributes in Tabs CSS
- Added tab events
- Removed unnecessary styles from button CSS
- Using "mui-is-" syntax for stateful CSS (e.g. mui-is-active)
- Added data-attributes syntax for buttons, dropdowns, tables, container
- Added a dark button option
- Changed floating action button naming from "floating" to "fab"
- Removed default down arrow on select component on IE
- Raising Error objects
- Decreased $mui-container-sm width by 18px to account for vertical scrollbar
- Bugfix to _outsideClick handler in react library
- Using default <select> behavior on touch devices
- Bugfix to mui-react-combined.js build script
- Removed styles on bare element
- Removed styles on bare element
- Removed styles on bare input[type="radio"], input[type="checkbox"], input[type="range"], select[multiple], select[size]
- Renamed $mui-panel-bg to $mui-panel-bg-color
- Changed btn-raised box-shadow to 0 2px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.20)
- Disabled font-smoothing by default
- Set all button font weights to 500
- Bugfix to add font-smoothing to inputs, textareas and buttons on Safari
- Removed on-load underline from required fields
- Removed '*' from required field labels
- Removed top/bottom margin from form-inline buttons
- Improved raised button box shadow
- Added text font-smoothing to body by default
- Removed custom letter-spacing
- Set button font-weight to 500, 600 for white text
- Moved mui-colors.css to extra/ directory in dist/
- Added mui-combined.js to extra/
- Added mui-react-combined.js to extra/
- Set maximum height of select element menu to viewport height
- Removed ignore 'dist' directory from bower.json
- Added support for label wrapping to mui-form-group via data-attribute
- Added .mui-dirty class to .mui-form-control elements on focus
- Added secret mui.tabs.activate() method
- Bugfix to js/tabs.js in DOM node listener
- Re-built dist to fix css issue
- Fixed bug in dropdown to close menu on item select
- Added compiled files to release
- Fixed typo in React dropdown componentWillUnmount()
- Changed style of empty required fields
- Added form validator handlers
- Implemented form-control handler to set mui-empty classes
- Migrated floating labels to use mui-empty classes
- Added 'change' event dispatching to select component
- Added mui-select component to CSS/JS
- Split forms.js into two libraries in source code
- Using un-minified files for meteor distribution
- Fixed bug to prevent form submission on dropdown click
- Fixed bug in forms.js missing function
- Removed bower dependencies
- Copied bootstrap source into repo
- Improved React forms
- Added React buttons, dropdowns, tabs
- Improved mui-btn box-shadow rules
- Removed outline from mui-btn on focus
- Improved CSS depth helper box-shadow rules
- Added .mui-appbar-top helper
- Added onclose callback option to overlay
- Added accent color buttons
- Fixed reversed values of $mui-accent-color-dark and $mui-accent-color-light
- Changed MUI SASS variable names with "-background" to "-bg"
- Updated npm dependencies
- Added touchstart listener for ripple effect
- Set z-index of mui-dropdown-menu to 1
- Changed data attribute name of dropdown to "data-mui-toggle"
- Added tabs to CSS/JS
- Added support for overlay options and childElement
- Added jsdoc documentation to javascript modules
- Removed vertical-align from mui-table
- Added !important to mui-align helpers
- Added .mui-dropdown-menu-right to support right-aligned dropdowns
- Improved handling of dropdowns by triggering on toggle button instead of wrapper
- Added .mui-align-[baseline|top|middle|bottom] helper classes
- Fixed bug in webcomponents/buttons.js that was causing syntax error
- Fixed bug in webcomponents/forms.js that was causing an undefined function error
- Added dist/ to repository to better support 3rd party frameworks
- Removed configurable prfx in favor of explicit 'mui-'
- Prepended 'mui-' to SASS variable names
- Fixed issue with ripples and dropdowns not triggering due to clicks on button child elements
- Using CSS animation listeners to detect node insertions
- Centralized animationstart listener in js/lib/util.js