The opentelemetry-tracing
quickstart demonstrates the use of the OpenTelemetry tracing specification in WildFly.
OpenTelemetry is a set of APIs, SDKs, tooling and integrations that are designed for the creation and management of
telemetry data such as traces, metrics, and logs. OpenTelemetry support in WildFly is limited to traces only.
WildFly’s support of OpenTelemetry provides out of the box tracing of Jakarta REST calls, as well as
container-managed Jakarta REST Client invocations. Additionally, applications can have injected a Tracer
in order to create and manage custom `Span`s as a given application may require. These traces are exported
to an OpenTelemetry Collector instance listening on the same host.
In this quickstart, we have a collection of CDI beans and REST endpoints that expose functionalities of the OpenTelemetry support in WildFly.
In the following instructions, replace WILDFLY_HOME
with the actual path to your WildFly installation. The installation path is described in detail here: Use of WILDFLY_HOME and JBOSS_HOME Variables.
When you see the replaceable variable QUICKSTART_HOME, replace it with the path to the root directory of all of the quickstarts.
To complete this guide, you will need:
less than 15 minutes
JDK 11+ installed with
configured appropriately -
Apache Maven 3.5.3+
Docker Compose, or alternatively Podman Compose
In the following instructions, replace WILDFLY_HOME
with the actual path to your WildFly installation. The installation path is described in detail here: Use of WILDFLY_HOME and JBOSS_HOME Variables.
When you see the replaceable variable QUICKSTART_HOME, replace it with the path to the root directory of all of the quickstarts.
Open a terminal and navigate to the root of the WildFly directory.
Start the WildFly server with the default profile by typing the following command.
NoteFor Windows, use the WILDFLY_HOME\bin\standalone.bat
You enable OpenTelemetry by running JBoss CLI commands. For your convenience, this quickstart batches the commands into a configure-opentelemtry.cli
script provided in the root directory of this quickstart.
Before you begin, make sure you do the following:
Back up the WildFly standalone server configuration as described above.
Start the WildFly server with the standalone default profile as described above.
Review the
file in the root of this quickstart directory. This script adds the configuration that enables OpenTelemetry for the quickstart components. Comments in the script describe the purpose of each block of commands. -
Open a new terminal, navigate to the root directory of this quickstart, and run the following command, replacing
with the path to your server:$ WILDFLY_HOME/bin/ --connect --file=configure-opentelemetry.cli
NoteFor Windows, use the WILDFLY_HOME\bin\jboss-cli.bat
script.You should see the following result when you run the script:
The batch executed successfully process-state: reload-required
You’ll need to reload the configuration after that:
$ WILDFLY_HOME/bin/ --connect --commands=reload
By default, WildFly will publish traces every 10 seconds, so you will soon start seeing errors about a refused connection.
This is because we told WildFly to publish to a server that is not there, so we need to fix that. To make that as simple as possible, you can use Docker Compose to start an instance of the OpenTelemetry Collector.
The Docker Compose configuration file is docker-compose.yaml
version: "3"
# - logs:/var/log
image: otel/opentelemetry-collector
command: [--config=/etc/otel-collector-config.yaml]
- ./otel-collector-config.yaml:/etc/otel-collector-config.yaml:Z
- 1888:1888 # pprof extension
- 13133:13133 # health_check extension
- 4317:4317 # OTLP gRPC receiver
- 4318:4318 # OTLP http receiver
- 55679:55679 # zpages extension
The Collector server configuration file is otel-collector-config.yaml
verbosity: detailed
receivers: [otlp]
processors: []
exporters: [logging]
extensions: [health_check, pprof, zpages]
We can now bring up the collector instance:
$ docker-compose up
The service should be available almost immediately, which you can verify by looking for the log entry Everything is ready. Begin running and processing data.
You may use Podman as alternative to Docker if you prefer, in such case the command should be |
If your environment does not support Docker or Podman, please refer to Otel Collector documentation for alternatives on how to install and run the OpenTelemetry Collector. |
Part of the value of OpenTelemetry is its vendor-agnostic approach to exporting its various supported signals. As such, this demo will only log the incoming traces, leaving the relaying of those signals to a downstream aggregation platform as an exercise for the reader. |
Now we can start adding our custom spans from our application.
The OpenTelemetry support in WildFly provides an implicit tracing of all Jakarta REST resources. That means that for all applications, WildFly will automatically:
extract the Span context from the incoming Jakarta REST request
start a new Span on incoming Jakarta REST request and close it when the request is completed
inject Span context to any outgoing Jakarta REST request
start a Span for any outgoing Jakarta REST request and finish the Span when the request is completed
The OpenTelemetry API also supports explicit tracing should your application required it:
package org.wildfly.quickstarts.opentelemetry;
import jakarta.enterprise.context.RequestScoped;
import jakarta.inject.Inject;
import io.opentelemetry.api.trace.Span;
import io.opentelemetry.api.trace.Tracer;
public class ExplicitlyTracedBean {
private Tracer tracer;
public String getHello() {
Span prepareHelloSpan = tracer.spanBuilder("prepare-hello").startSpan();
String hello = "hello";
Span processHelloSpan = tracer.spanBuilder("process-hello").startSpan();
hello = hello.toUpperCase();
return hello;
Make sure you start the WildFly server as described above.
Open a terminal and navigate to the root directory of this quickstart.
Type the following command to build the quickstart.
$ mvn clean package
Type the following command to deploy the quickstart.
$ mvn wildfly:deploy
This deploys the opentelemetry-tracing/target/opentelemetry-tracing.war
to the running instance of the server.
You should see a message in the server log indicating that the archive deployed successfully.
You can either access the application via your browser at http://localhost:8080/opentelemetry-tracing/implicit-trace, or http://localhost:8080/opentelemetry-tracing/explicit-trace. You can also access it from the command line:
$ curl http://localhost:8080/opentelemetry-tracing/implicit-trace
$ curl http://localhost:8080/opentelemetry-tracing/explicit-trace
Either endpoint should return a simple document:
You can view the traces by looking at the Collector’s log. You should see something like this:
otel-collector_1 | 2023-12-13T21:05:28.002Z info TracesExporter {"kind": "exporter", "data_type": "traces", "name": "logging", "resource spans": 1, "spans": 1}
otel-collector_1 | 2023-12-13T21:05:28.002Z info ResourceSpans #0
otel-collector_1 | Resource SchemaURL:
otel-collector_1 | Resource attributes:
otel-collector_1 | -> Str(opentelemetry-tracing.war)
otel-collector_1 | -> telemetry.sdk.language: Str(java)
otel-collector_1 | -> Str(opentelemetry)
otel-collector_1 | -> telemetry.sdk.version: Str(1.29.0)
otel-collector_1 | ScopeSpans #0
otel-collector_1 | ScopeSpans SchemaURL:
otel-collector_1 | InstrumentationScope io.smallrye.opentelemetry 2.6.0
otel-collector_1 | Span #0
otel-collector_1 | Trace ID : c761e8fadec36d222adac36dcff1f4b1
otel-collector_1 | Parent ID :
otel-collector_1 | ID : 08f93dd25f75b5cd
otel-collector_1 | Name : GET /opentelemetry-tracing/implicit-trace
otel-collector_1 | Kind : Server
otel-collector_1 | Start time : 2023-12-13 21:05:20.560054393 +0000 UTC
otel-collector_1 | End time : 2023-12-13 21:05:20.621635685 +0000 UTC
otel-collector_1 | Status code : Unset
otel-collector_1 | Status message :
otel-collector_1 | Attributes:
otel-collector_1 | -> Int(8080)
otel-collector_1 | -> http.scheme: Str(http)
otel-collector_1 | -> http.method: Str(GET)
otel-collector_1 | -> http.status_code: Int(200)
otel-collector_1 | -> net.transport: Str(ip_tcp)
otel-collector_1 | -> user_agent.original: Str(curl/8.2.1)
otel-collector_1 | -> Str(localhost)
otel-collector_1 | -> http.route: Str(/opentelemetry-tracing/implicit-trace)
otel-collector_1 | -> Str(/opentelemetry-tracing/implicit-trace)
otel-collector_1 | -> Str(
otel-collector_1 | {"kind": "exporter", "data_type": "traces", "name": "logging"}
This quickstart includes integration tests, which are located under the src/test/
directory. The integration tests verify that the quickstart runs correctly when deployed on the server.
Follow these steps to run the integration tests.
Make sure you start the WildFly server, as previously described.
Make sure you build and deploy the quickstart, as previously described.
Type the following command to run the
goal with theintegration-testing
profile activated.$ mvn verify -Pintegration-testing
You may also use the environment variable |
When you are finished testing the quickstart, follow these steps to undeploy the archive.
Make sure you start the WildFly server as described above.
Open a terminal and navigate to the root directory of this quickstart.
Type this command to undeploy the archive:
$ mvn wildfly:undeploy
You can restore the original server configuration using either of the following methods.
You can run the
script provided in the root directory of this quickstart. -
You can manually restore the configuration using the backup copy of the configuration file.
Start the WildFly server as described above.
Open a new terminal, navigate to the root directory of this quickstart, and run the following command, replacing
with the path to your server:$ WILDFLY_HOME/bin/ --connect --file=restore-configuration.cli
NoteFor Windows, use the WILDFLY_HOME\bin\jboss-cli.bat
When you have completed testing the quickstart, you can restore the original server configuration by manually restoring the backup copy the configuration file.
If it is running, stop the WildFly server.
Replace the
file with the backup copy of the file.
Instead of using a standard WildFly server distribution, you can alternatively provision a WildFly server to deploy and run the quickstart, by activating the Maven profile named provisioned-server
when building the quickstart:
$ mvn clean package -Pprovisioned-server
The provisioned WildFly server, with the quickstart deployed, can then be found in the target/server
directory, and its usage is similar to a standard server distribution, with the simplification that there is never the need to specify the server configuration to be started.
The server provisioning functionality is provided by the WildFly Maven Plugin, and you may find its configuration in the quickstart pom.xml
<!-- deploys the quickstart on root web context -->
Since the plugin configuration above deploys quickstart on root web context of the provisioned server, the URL to access the application should not have the |
The integration tests included with this quickstart, which verify that the quickstart runs correctly, may also be run with a provisioned server.
Follow these steps to run the integration tests.
Make sure the server is provisioned.
$ mvn clean package -Pprovisioned-server
Start the WildFly provisioned server, this time using the WildFly Maven Plugin, which is recommended for testing due to simpler automation. The path to the provisioned server should be specified using the
system property.$ mvn wildfly:start -DjbossHome=target/server
Type the following command to run the
goal with theintegration-testing
profile activated, and specifying the quickstart’s URL using
system property, which for a provisioned server by default ishttp://localhost:8080
.$ mvn verify -Pintegration-testing
Shutdown the WildFly provisioned server, this time using the WildFly Maven Plugin too.
$ mvn wildfly:shutdown
You can use the WildFly JAR Maven plug-in to build a WildFly bootable JAR to run this quickstart.
The quickstart pom.xml
file contains a Maven profile named bootable-jar which configures the bootable JAR building:
Build the quickstart bootable JAR with the following command:
$ mvn clean package -Pbootable-jar
Run the quickstart application contained in the bootable JAR:
$ java -jar target/opentelemetry-tracing-bootable.jar
You can now interact with the quickstart application.
After the quickstart application is deployed, the bootable JAR includes the application in the root context. Therefore, any URLs related to the application should not have the |
The integration tests included with this quickstart, which verify that the quickstart runs correctly, may also be run with a bootable jar.
Follow these steps to run the integration tests.
Make sure the bootable jar is provisioned.
$ mvn clean package -Pbootable-jar
Start the WildFly bootable jar, this time using the WildFly Maven Jar Plugin, which is recommend for testing due to simpler automation.
$ mvn wildfly-jar:start -Djar-file-name=target/opentelemetry-tracing-bootable.jar
Type the following command to run the
goal with theintegration-testing
profile activated, and specifying the quickstart’s URL using
system property, which for a bootable jar by default ishttp://localhost:8080
.$ mvn verify -Pintegration-testing
Shutdown the WildFly bootable jar, this time using the WildFly Maven Jar Plugin too.
$ mvn wildfly-jar:shutdown
On OpenShift, the S2I build with Apache Maven uses an openshift
Maven profile to provision a WildFly server, deploy and run the quickstart in OpenShift environment.
The server provisioning functionality is provided by the WildFly Maven Plugin, and you may find its configuration in the quickstart pom.xml
You may note that unlike the provisioned-server
profile it uses the cloud feature pack which enables a configuration tuned for OpenShift environment.
This section contains the basic instructions to build and deploy this quickstart to WildFly for OpenShift or WildFly for OpenShift Online using Helm Charts.
You must be logged in OpenShift and have an
client to connect to OpenShift -
Helm must be installed to deploy the backend on OpenShift.
Once you have installed Helm, you need to add the repository that provides Helm Charts for WildFly.
$ helm repo add wildfly
"wildfly" has been added to your repositories
$ helm search repo wildfly
wildfly/wildfly ... ... Build and Deploy WildFly applications on OpenShift
wildfly/wildfly-common ... ... A library chart for WildFly-based applications
Log in to your OpenShift instance using the oc login
The backend will be built and deployed on OpenShift with a Helm Chart for WildFly.
Navigate to the root directory of this quickstart and run the following command:
$ helm install opentelemetry-tracing -f charts/helm.yaml wildfly/wildfly --wait --timeout=10m0s
NAME: opentelemetry-tracing
STATUS: deployed
This command will return once the application has successfully deployed. In case of a timeout, you can check the status of the application with the following command in another terminal:
oc get deployment opentelemetry-tracing
The Helm Chart for this quickstart contains all the information to build an image from the source code using S2I on Java 17:
ref: 31.x
contextDir: opentelemetry-tracing
replicas: 1
This will create a new deployment on OpenShift and deploy the application.
If you want to see all the configuration elements to customize your deployment you can use the following command:
$ helm show readme wildfly/wildfly
Get the URL of the route to the deployment.
$ oc get route opentelemetry-tracing -o jsonpath="{}"
Access the application in your web browser using the displayed URL.
The Maven profile named |
The integration tests included with this quickstart, which verify that the quickstart runs correctly, may also be run with the quickstart running on OpenShift.
The integration tests expect a deployed application, so make sure you have deployed the quickstart on OpenShift before you begin. |
Run the integration tests using the following command to run the verify
goal with the integration-testing
profile activated and the proper URL:
$ mvn verify -Pintegration-testing$(oc get route opentelemetry-tracing --template='{{ }}')
The tests are using SSL to connect to the quickstart running on OpenShift. So you need the certificates to be trusted by the machine the tests are run from. |
OpenTelemetry Tracing provides the mechanisms for your application to participate
in the distributed tracing with minimal effort on the application side. The Jakarta REST
resources are always traced by default, but the specification allows you to create
individual spans directly with the CDI injection of the io.opentelemetry.api.trace.Tracer