- js-lisp needs:
- A good name
- A bunch of use cases + examples + tutorials, etc
- Better documentation (Racket's documentation might be a good model to follow)
- Support for more browsers
- A website
- Write !! as a shortcut for (not (not ...))
- Write ! as an alias for (not ...)
- Write +=, -=, /=, *=, %=, &&= (and-equal?)
- Write <<, >>, &, | (bitwise operations)
- Write <<=, >>=, &=, |=
- Add macros: (every), (some), (notany), (notevery)
- They all take the form (name #'predicate sequence)
- Add default values for &opt arguments
- Do &key stuff
- Write the (reduce) function (or macro?)
- Add regex literals (/.../[a-zA-Z]+)
- Rewrite the parser to handle macro expansion
- Think about adding the concept of generators
- (yield 'some 'values) throws a lisp.exception.YieldException
- Create all of the rest of the functions/macros that have TODOs in the project ((case) or (switch), etc)
- Start thinking of all of the *features* that can be set. For example:
- What OS you're on: (:os-windows, :linux, :macos, etc)
- What OS flavor you're running: (:os-flavor-xp, :os-flavor-ubuntu, :os-flavor-leopard, etc)
- What version your OS is: (:os-version-sp2, :os-version-2.62, etc)
- What browser you're in: (:browser-chrome, :browser-safari, :browser-firefox, etc)
- What version your browser is: (:browser-version-1.2, etc)
- Supported features: (:web-sockets, :css3, :web-workers, etc)
- Whether you're in the browser or a console: (:browser, :console)
- What JavaScript runtime you're in: (:runtime-node, :runtime-rhino, etc)
- Add support for feature expressions
- #+firefox (do something for firefox)
- #-windows (only do this if we're not on windows)
- #+(or unix macos)
- Add a couple functions and macros to make working with features nicer
- Function: (feature :feature), (feature '(:list :of :features))
- (defun feature (feature-or-list) (!! (find-any (ensure-list feature-or-list) *features*)))
- Function: (when (feature :feature-name) ...), (when (feature '(:feature :list)) ...)
- Macro: (when-feature :feature-name ...) -> `(when (feature ,feature-name) ,@body)
- Function: (feature :feature), (feature '(:list :of :features))
- Think about a (formatcl) function that uses CL's format language (the spec: http://www.cs.cmu.edu/Groups/AI/html/cltl/clm/node200.html)
- Put an online book or tutorial/example set into the roadmap (in the distant future). Also, make a roadmap.
- Put a website into the roadmap (for the not-so-distant future).
- Create SpecialForm and convert all relevant "macros" to special forms. Update Macro to return expanded code on .expand(), and resolved code on .call() and .apply().
- Make the browser REPL evaluate expressions each on their own line if it receives more than one
- Add a transcript to the REPL (just use controller.history)
- Ideas
- Look through Practical Common Lisp for ideas on what to implement next
- Check out this page of awesome links: http://www.apl.jhu.edu/~hall/lisp.html
- Take a look at the CL, scheme, elisp, and closure specs for ideas. OR just conform to one language. OR make an implementation per language
- Start putting together a library of lisp methods and macros
- Good reference: http://www.cs.cmu.edu/Groups/AI/html/cltl/clm/
- Write better/more documentation for current functions/macros
- Write function: (load) (loads and evaluates a lisp file inline, synchronously)
- Think about the fact that 'nil' is actually the empty list (right now it's 'null')
- Write macro: (defmacro) (and corresponding parsers: ",", "`", "@")
- Make more error classes for each type of error (ArgumentError, TypeError, etc)
- Make some proofs of concept (or "examples"). Some good ones would be:
- A lisp repl in the browser (javascript vt100 emulator)
- An interactive UI using a popular framework (or several UIs using different frameworks)
- A game (a graphical one)
- A graphics-intensive simulation
- An animation library or game-development framework
- An in-browser text editor (js-emacs or, more likely, something much simpler)
- A dynamic form (like a multi-"page" survey)
- An audio sequencer
- Something with this perhaps: http://sizzlejs.com/
- Any others?
- Look at how different lisps handle users trying to define both functions and macros (and vars for that matter) that have already been defined
- Make a Cons class for sexp's (instead of using Array)
- Write related functions: (first), (rest), (second), (third), (last)
- OR: (car), (cdr), (caar), (cadr), (caaar), etc
- Write macro: (is-list) (for Cons')
- Write function: (is-array) (because at this point lists will be Cons')
- Make a webpage at the root of /src that runs on
rake run
- This webpage should link off to the test runner(s) and all examples
- As a demonstration, all the interactions of this page should be written in lisp
- Think about how to get line numbers from lisp scripts for debugging
- Add macro: (prop <prop.dot.path>)
- Example: (prop ($ this) some.func)
- Or add macro: (get "string.dot.path" [object])
- (get "aVar")
- (let ((prop "some.prop")) (get prop))
- (get "some.prop" this)
- Research how closures are implemented in languages
- Think about changing how Env works:
- Javascript libs can't access (let)'d variables New:
- There's only one Env instance which uses global for everything
- Env has "scopes"
- Each scope is a set of vars that have changed and their old values so the Env can be reset when that scope goes out
- scope = Scope(parentScope, env)
- Closures copy scopes (which takes the current values, instead of the old values)
- Think about Cons' and how they'll fit in (or if they will...)
- Test defining a class from scratch (using the prototype property)
- Think about implementing generic methods
- Is a CLOS-like class system worth looking into (considering JavaScript is object-oriented)?
- Think about beginning to tackle (loop)
- Think about writing a mini app/game/widget/whatever in 100% lisp (or maybe just using jQuery?)
- Find some better ways to do documentation. Latex? Automatically-generated latex files from jsdoc perhaps? Convert the latex to PDF and HTML?
- Finish testing (and preferably documenting) the functionality that already exists.
- Add these tests: http://norvig.com/lispytest.py (modify the lisp syntax accordingly)
- Think of ways to break the current (defmacro) implementation because I don't trust it.
- Test return values of sexps (including null when there is no return)
- Fix backticks, unquotes (commas), and list expanders (@).
- Maybe: Rewrite (cond) with (defmacro)
- Maybe: Write = as a shortcut for (setq ...)
- Build a cookie api into the platform
- Build a url api, mostly nicer handling of query strings
- Make browser extensions:
- Chrome
- Firefox (using Jetpack)
- Greasemonkey