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Thijs W edited this page Dec 26, 2022 · 15 revisions

Welcome to the huawei_solar wiki!

Getting Started

If you're getting started, then have a look at Connecting to the inverter to study the various ways this integration supports to communicate with the inverter. If you have an installation with multiple inverters, you'll want to have a look at Connecting to daisy chained inverters

Once you've managed to get this integration running, we would appreciate it if you document your installation on Confirmed Firmware.

If you're interested in creating some fancy graphs of your power generation and consumption, you can draw some inspiration from Visualisations

Extra information for installations with a battery

If your installation includes a battery, you'll want to read some more information on:

  • Daily Solar Yield: how to create a template sensor with the Solar Yield which comes close to the numbers reported in FusionSolar.
  • Force Charge/Discharge Battery: information on the HA services made available by this integration to influence how your battery operates.
  • Capacity Control: information on how to enable and correctly set the Capacity control features of a LUNA2000 battery