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Teleconference 1 and 2.11.2022

Anna Milan edited this page Nov 1, 2022 · 14 revisions

Task Team on Table Driven Code Forms (TT-TDCF)

Teleconference 1 and 2.11.2022.


  1. Opening and approval of agenda
  2. Secretariat updates
  3. Review of GRIB proposals
  4. Review of BUFR proposals
  5. Review of Common Code Tables proposals
  6. Schedule of FT2023-1
  7. AOB

Fast-track 2023-1 proposals

The team discussed the following proposals. All notes are in the comment section of each issue.

The list of issues proposed so far, divided into substantial ones and those with editorial nature.

No. GRIB2 Issue Assignee
1. Issue 167 New section 4 templates to encode 2D wave spectra and wave parameters selected by wave period Sebastien
2. Issue 166 GRIB2_Template_4_91_ProductDefinitionTemplate_en.csv: Possible off-by-one error in description Sebastien
3. Issue 157 Categories 8-12 are defined in Common Code Table 4.1 but are not used in Code Table
4. Issue 89 Surface adjusted wind (UK) Richard
5. Issue 168 Lost wave parameters in Code Table 4.2 during Fast Track 2019-1 Sebastien
6. Issue 169 New section 4 templates to encode anomalies, significance and other products in relation with a reference period Sebastien
7. Issue 170 New Fire parameters in Code Table 4.2, discipline 2, category 4 Fire weather products Sebastien
8. Issue 171 New section 4 templates to encode optical products at a particular wavelength or for a particular wavelength range Sebastien
9. Issue 172 New Parameter entries in Code table 4.2 for Copernicus and Destination Earth projects Sebastien
10. Issue 173 Updates to facilitate needs in modelling for nuclear protection Tom Kralidis, ECCC; Lennart Robertson, SMHI; Yves Pelletier, ECCC

The list of issues under consideration, divided into substantial ones and those with editorial nature.

No. BUFR4 Issue Assignee
1. Issue 132 New BUFR template for the TROPICS Marijana
2. Issue 78 Proposal for BUFRCREX_CodeFlag_en_40.csv Simon
3. Issue 136 Proposal for new BUFR table entries for EPS-SG : MWI, ICI, SCA, IAS 1, MWS Simon & Antoine
4. Issue 138 Proposal for new BUFR table entries for FY-4 GIIRS Xuelei
5. Issue 138 New BUFR template for Aerosol Optical Depth Marijana

The list of issues under consideration, divided into substantial ones and those with editorial nature.

No. CCT Issue Assignee
1. Issue 108 Change name of Turkey Anna
2. Issue 110 Additions to Common Code Table C-3 Instrument make and type for water temperature profile measurements Anna
3. Issue 113 C08.csv, new entry to identify GEMS and OMPS-limb instruments Marijana

Recommended practice of Github issue management

  • When a new proposal (issue) is created, the issue is generally assigned to the person who makes the proposal and put in "submitted" status.
  • Once the team agrees to the general approach and decides to go to validation status, chair moves the issue to "in validation" status and the Secretariat creates a branch. If further discussion is necessary, the issue is moved to "in discussion" status.
  • Once the team agrees to the final proposal, asignee consolidates the finalized the proposal in the original post, updates the branch, and post a comment saying "branch updated" with mention to Chair and the Secretariat. (Please do not change issue status.)
  • Chair confirms that the proposal is finalized and the associated branch is updated, and moved the issue to the "validated" status.

Schedule for FT2023-1

  • One-hour meeting to confirm schedule: September 22, 11-12 UTC
  • Deadline for submission of proposals: October 3
  • Two 2-hour meetings to review new proposals: October 4-5, 12-14 UTC
  • Two 2-hour meetings to conclude the proposals: November 1, 12-14 UTC and November 2, 13:30-15 UTC
  • Deadline for validation (if not completed by the meeting above): December 2
  • Two 2-hour meetings to finalize remaining issues if necessary : December 6-7, 12-14 UTC
  • Finalize all proposals - mid January 2023
  • National Focal Point review: first of February 2023
  • WMO adoption process: first of April 2023
  • Codes are officially operational: mid-May 2023


List of participants

No. Name Agency November 1
1 Jeffrey ATOR NOAA
4 Sergio Henrique Soares FERREIRA National Institute for Space Research, Brazil
5 Tom KRALIDIS Environment and Climate Change Canada
7 Abderrazak LEMKHENTER Météo Maroc
10 Richard WEEDON Met office
11 XUE Lei CMA X
13 Enrico FUCILE WMO Secretariat
14 Anna MILAN WMO Secretariat X
15 David BERRY WMO Secretariat


  1. LI Lu
  2. Lennart Robertson
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