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Meeting 15 04 2020 (teleconference)

IgorZahumensky edited this page Apr 15, 2020 · 20 revisions


1. Welcome, adoption of minutes (5', jkl)

2. Explain the GitHub process, review GitHub workflow for codelists maintenance (10-15', ef)

3. (Adding Licensing Schemes in WMDR) (40', Guillaume/Tom/Enrico)

4. Date of the teleconf #10 (5', Igor)


  • TT-WMD: Jörg Klausen (JK), Karl Monnik (KM), Tim Oakley (TO), Tony Boston (TB), Denis Stuber (DS), Guillaume Aubert (GA), Tom Kralidis (TK) Øystein Godøy (OG);
  • Secretariat: Enrico Fucile (EF), Igor Zahumensky (IZ), Xiaoxia Chen;

Summary/Outcomes of the teleconf (chaired by Jörg Klausen, co-Chair TT-WMD)

Agenda item 2: the GitHub process (EF); the GitHub workflow (JK):

Agenda item 3: (Adding Licensing Schemes in WMDR) (GA & TK)

Agenda item 4: 5 May 2020, 14:00-15:15 hours (CEST).

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