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Meeting 15 04 2020 (teleconference)

IgorZahumensky edited this page Apr 16, 2020 · 20 revisions


1. Opening, adoption of the minutes from the last teleconf (5', jkl)

2. GitHub process GitHub workflow for codelists maintenance (15', ef)

3. Licensing Schemes in WMDR, (40', Guillaume/Tom/Enrico)

4. Date of the teleconf #10


  • TT-WMD: Jörg Klausen (JK), Karl Monnik (KM), Tim Oakley (TO), Tony Boston (TB), Denis Stuber (DS), Guillaume Aubert (GA), Tom Kralidis (TK) Øystein Godøy (OG);
  • Secretariat: Enrico Fucile (EF), Igor Zahumensky (IZ), Xiaoxia Chen;

Summary/Outcomes of the teleconf (chaired by Jörg Klausen, co-Chair TT-WMD)

Agenda item 2:

WMDR codelists process ( was explained in details (EF); it was agreed that the explanation for each label should be improved;

Action for EF; the GitHub workflow developed by JK was discussed and compared with the WMDR codelists process; Action for JK:to further improve. Important features for the both: Clear deadlines and owners are critical for making the progress with issues.

Agenda item 3: (Adding Licensing Schemes in WMDR) GA presented a solution following the WIS implementation based on ISO. This is proposed solution 3.1 in the PDF (also labelled solution 1). It has been now updated in the github issue tracker (

The advantage of that solution is that it is a common way for both WIS and WIGOS to describe data policies (one way for the Member states to encode it for both standard). It is limited by ISO standard and is a bit verbose but it allows to describe both WMOEssential, WMOAdditional and any other kind of data policies/licenses in WMOOther.

OG proposed another solution based on that could be simpler and needs to be studied.

The team members agreed that it is important to have a common solution for WIS and WIGOS. The members need to understand fully how the WIS based solution would be and need more examples; Action: GA to provide some examples.

The solution proposed by OG should be studied to understand if it can be adapted and incorporated to the WIS and WIGOS standards - Action for TK and GA.

Note: Discussion will continue at the next teleconf to find a way forward based on the additional elements provided.

Agenda item 4:

Date of a next teleconf: 5 May 2020, 14:00-15:15 hours (CEST);

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