A curated list of awesome HTML5 resources. Inspired by awesome-php and awesome-python
- Elements
- Semantics
- DOM management
- Client side storage
- Geolocation
- Performance
- Mobile
- Communications and interoperability
- Web Workers
- WebGL
- Browser compatibility
- Books
- Game development
- Videos and Keynotes
- Websites and resources
- Contributing
- Audio and Video
- embed tag
- source tag
- track tag
- Semantic elements from W3Schools
- Sections and Outlines of an HTML5 from MDN Document
- HTML5 Semantics from Smashing Magazine
##DOM 管理
###投影 DOM
- Google developers best practices
- Optimizing performance from Google Web Fundamentals
- Tutorials from Google
- Prefetching and prerendeding
- Image compression
- Text compression
- Resource timing spec
- Field guide to web applications
- Tutorial: developing a PhoneGap application
- Apache Cordova tutorial
- PhoneGap from Scratch
- Best practices for mobile web apps
- Build mobile apps with Kendo UI
- HTML5 Vibration API
- HTML5 Battery Status API
- HTML5 Network Information API
- Sencha Touch tutorials
##Web Workers
- Dive into HTML5
- HTML5: Up and Running
- Using the HTML5 Filesystem API
- HTML5 Game Development Insights
- Getting started with HTML5 Game Development from Mozilla Hacks
- Info, news and tutorials
- Opensource JavaScript game engines
- HTML5 Developer Conference
- Polymer: declarative, encapsulated, reusable components
- Making the mobile web fast, feature-rich, and beautiful
- Dart: HTML of the Future, Today!
- HTML5 Rocks (news, tutorials and updates)
- HTML5 Hub (developer community including articles, discussions and open projects)
- HTML5 Gallery (a showcase of sites using HTML5 markup and API's)
- HTML5 Doctor (tutorials and articles)
- HTML5 development guide from MDN
- W3C Highlights form June 2014
- HTML5 Weekly
- Open Web Platform Daily Digest
- Mozilla Hacks Weekly Articles
- Responsive Design Newsletter
- Daily Nerd
Your contributions are always welcome!