Curated list of awesome groovy libraries, frameworks and resources. Inspired by many other awesome-* repositories.
Gradle - A powerful build system for the JVM
GVM - the Groovy enVironment Manager
Lazybones - A simple project creation tool that uses packaged project templates.
IntelliJ IDEA - The Most Intelligent IDE for the Java Platform
Groovy Grails Tool Suite - Eclipse-based IDE optimized for developing, debugging and executing Groovy and Grails applications
Groovy Web Console - The online Groovy console
LightTable Plugin - LightTable Support
Sublime Text 2 - Run groovy scripts from Sublime Text
Grails - A powerful web application framework based on the Groovy language
Gaelyk - A lightweight Groovy toolkit for Google App Engine Java
Glide - Create awesome apps on Google App Engine in a snap
Ratpack - A toolkit for JVM web applications
Spring-Boot - Spring Boot makes it easy to create stand-alone, production-grade Spring based Applications that can you can "just run"
Gmongo - A Groovy wrapper to the mongodb Java driver
Gstorm - A simple ORM for simple databases and CSV files to be used in groovy scripts
Tyra - Incremental backup tool for MongoDB
Groovy-liquibase - Yet Another Groovy DSL for Liquibase
Griffon - Griffon is an application framework for developing desktop applications in the JVM
GroovyFx - GroovyFX provides a Groovy binding for JavaFX 2.0.
Http-Builder - HTTPBuilder is the easiest way to manipulate HTTP-based resources from the JVM
Groovy-wslite - Lightweight SOAP and REST webservice clients for Groovy
Spock - The Enterprise-ready testing and specification framework.
Geb - Very Groovy Browser Automation
Betamax - Betamax is a tool for mocking external HTTP resources such as web services and REST APIs in your tests.
GPars - The GPars concurrency and parallelism framework for the JVM
RxJava - Reactive Extensions for the JVM – a library for composing asynchronous and event-based programs using observable sequences for the Java VM.
Vertx - Vert.x is a lightweight, high performance application platform for the JVM
- CodeNarc - Static analysis tool for Groovy
- Grooscript - Converts your Groovy code to Javascript
Grain - Static Web Site Building Framework For Groovy
Gaiden - Gaiden is a tool that makes it easy to create documentation with Markdown.
Functionalgroovy - Functional programming in Groovy
Groovy-stream - A collection of classes to give a fluent builder for Streams (Lazy Groovy Generators)
Flipside - Simple Groovy options library
- The Upcoming Beta Home - Groovy's new home
- Groovy-Koans - Collection of small exercises in the form of unit tests
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./awesome.groovy -l groovy gpars
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./awesome.groovy -u kdabir glide
to find out repos whose name contains glide
./awesome.groovy grails
To all the awesome-* repos out there and their aggreators like this and this.