cl /Zi /EHsc /DEBUG /I "\toolkit\include" source/materials.cpp "\custom\houdini\dsolib\libHAPIL.lib"
- set process.env (process environment variable) to add the houdini install to the system %PATH% -- that way it can find whatever dlls etc. it needs. I did that in the "test.js" right before loading the binary module.
- Use libHAPIL.lib not libHAPI.lib -- the latter tries to host the engine directly (probably hitting license issues), the former loads an IPC shim that lets us talk to the engine as a separate process, but is otherwise equivalent. Maybe we might need to revisit this at some point, we'll see.
'msvs_settings' : { 'VCCLCompilerTool' : { 'AdditionalOptions' : ['/Ox','/Zi', '/Oy','/GL','/GF','/Gm-','/EHsc','/MT','/GS','/Gy','/GR-','/Gd'] }, 'VCLinkerTool' : { 'AdditionalOptions' : ['/OPT:REF','/OPT:ICF','/LTCG'] }, },
if you need to copy all dlls from a folder to the build/release:
'copies': [
'destination': './build/Release/',
'files': [
"<!@(node -p "require('fs').readdirSync('C:/Program Files/Side Effects Software/Houdini 18.0.499/bin').filter(f=>f.endsWith('.dll')).map(f=>'C:/Program Files/Side Effects Software/Houdini 18.0.499/bin/${f}'
).join(' ')")"