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280 lines (219 loc) · 8.28 KB

File metadata and controls

280 lines (219 loc) · 8.28 KB

Utility reference


utility.h provides some utility functions.


#include "metapp/utilities/utility.h"



const MetaType * getNonReferenceMetaType(const MetaType * metaType);
const MetaType * getNonReferenceMetaType(const Variant & var);

If the metaType, or meta type in the Variant var, is a reference, returns the meta type the reference refers to.
If the meta type is not a reference, returns the meta type.


constexpr bool typeKindIsIntegral(const TypeKind typeKind);

Returns true if the type kind is integral type.
Integral type is bool, char, wchar_t, char8_t, char16_t, char32_t, signed char, unsigned char, short, unsigned short, int, unsigned int, long, unsigned long, long long, unsigned long long.


constexpr bool typeKindIsSignedIntegral(const TypeKind typeKind);

Returns true if the type kind is signed integral type.


constexpr bool typeKindIsUnsignedIntegral(const TypeKind typeKind);

Returns true if the type kind is unsigned integral type.


constexpr bool typeKindIsReal(const TypeKind typeKind);

Returns true if the type kind is real (float point) type.
Real type is float, double, long double.


constexpr bool typeKindIsArithmetic(const TypeKind typeKind);

Returns true if the type kind is either integral or real type.


template <typename ...Ts>
constexpr bool isSameMetaType(const MetaType * metaType);

Returns true if the metaType equals to any type in Ts....
The function is similar to the pseudo code

return metaType->equal(metapp::getMetaType<Ts[0]>())
  || metaType->equal(metapp::getMetaType<Ts[1]>())
  || ...
  || metaType->equal(metapp::getMetaType<Ts[N]>());

This function is useful when check if a meta type is any of certain types, for example, to check if a meta type is a C string (const char *) or std::string, we can check isSameMetaType<char *, std::string>(metaType).


Variant depointer(const Variant & var);

Convert a pointer in var to its non-pointer equivalence.
Return a Variant that,
If var is a value or reference, var is returned.
If var is a pointer, the function returns a reference that refers to the value that the pointer points to.
If var is pointer wrapper such as std::shared_ptr<T> or std::unique_ptr<T>, it returns a reference that refers to the value that the pointer points to.

depointer only makes reference, it doesn't copy any underlying value.

depointer is useful to write generic code. Assume a function accepts an argument of Variant. Without depointer, the function either requires the Variant to be a value/reference, or a pointer, but not both, or the function uses extra code to detect whether the argument is a value/reference or pointer. With depointer, the argument can be value, reference, or pointer, then the function calls depointer to normalize the argument, and use a single logic for all three kinds of Variants (value, reference pointer).


metapp::Variant v1(5); // value
ASSERT(v1.get<int>() == 5);
// r1 is a value too
metapp::Variant r1(depointer(v1));
ASSERT(r1.get<int &>() == 5);
r1.get<int &>() = 38;
// Assignment doesn't affect original value
ASSERT(v1.get<int>() == 5);
ASSERT(r1.get<int &>() == 38);

int n = 9;
// pointer, points to n;
metapp::Variant v2(&n);
ASSERT(n == 9);
ASSERT(*v2.get<int *>() == 9);
// r2 refers to n
metapp::Variant r2(depointer(v2)); 
ASSERT(r2.get<int &>() == 9);
r2.get<int &>() = 10;
ASSERT(n == 10);
ASSERT(*v2.get<int *>() == 10);

int m = 10;
// reference, refers to m;
metapp::Variant v3(metapp::Variant::reference(m));
ASSERT(m == 10);
ASSERT(v3.get<int &>() == 10);
// r3 refers to m
metapp::Variant r3(depointer(v3)); 
ASSERT(r3.get<int &>() == 10);
r3.get<int &>() = 15;
ASSERT(m == 15);
ASSERT(v3.get<int &>() == 15);
ASSERT(r3.get<int &>() == 15);


Variant dereference(const Variant & var);

Return the value that the underlying pointer or reference points to. This is the same semantic as the dereference operator * in C++.
If var is a value, returns var.
If var is a reference, returns the value that var refers to.
If var is a pointer, returns the value that var points to.
If var is pointer wrapper such as std::shared_ptr<T> or std::unique_ptr<T>, it returns the value that var points to.
Note: if var is a reference, pointer, or pointer wrapper, dereference will copy the underlying value to the result Variant, that may be expensive.


void * getPointer(const Variant & var);

Returns a pointer to the underlying value in var.
If var is value or reference to value, returns the value address.
If var is a pointer or reference to pointer, returns the pointer.
If var is pointer wrapper such as std::shared_ptr<T> or std::unique_ptr<T>, returns the stored pointer (std::shared_ptr<T>::get(), or std::unique_ptr<T>::get()).


const MetaType * getPointedType(const Variant & var);

Returns the meta type pointed by the pointer to the underlying value in var.
If var is value or reference to value, returns the value type.
If var is a pointer or reference to pointer, returns the type that the pointer points to.
If var is pointer wrapper such as std::shared_ptr<T> or std::unique_ptr<T>, returns T.


std::pair<void *, const MetaType *> getPointerAndType(const Variant & var);

Returns both the pointer and pointed type in one function.
It's slighter better performance than calling getPointer and getPointedType respectively.


template <typename Signature, typename Class>
auto selectOverload(Signature (Class::*func)) -> decltype(func);

template <typename Signature>
auto selectOverload(Signature * func) -> decltype(func);

Helper function to select the overloaded function.


struct MyClass {
  void func() {}
  int func(int a) { return a; }
// This will cause compile error
//metapp::Variant v1(&MyClass::func);
metapp::Variant v1(metapp::selectOverload<int(int)>(&MyClass::func));

We also don't need selectOverload, just use static_cast

metapp::Variant v2(static_cast<int (MyClass::*)(int)>(&MyClass::func));


void dumpMetaType(std::ostream & stream, const metapp::MetaType * metaType, const MetaRepo * metaRepo = nullptr);

Dump readable information of metaType to stream.
The meta data is obtained from MetaRepo metaRepo. If metaRepo is nullptr, the global MetaRepo is used.
This function is for test and learning purpose, you should not use it in any production code.


std::string getNameByTypeKind(const TypeKind typeKind);

Get the built-in name of typeKind. Note: the name doesn't depend on MetaRepo.