For bulk qtls useers must provide:
- phenotype file - a tsv seperated file
- genotype - phenotype mapping file which also contains a group
- annotation files - which can be a gtf file or for splicing or for example for ATAC QTLs these would be interval start end and strand informations.
- Genotype file in vcf/bcf format.
- Optionally you could also provide an extra covariates file, pipeline will calculate genotype and phenotype PCs that will be included, but you may also add aditional covariates succh as sex.
- Provide an aditional file with interactions - If you are running interaction QTLs
For scRNA analysis if you havent aready performed pseudobulk then pipeline can perform this for the users. In scRNA mode of pipeline users must provide:
- phenotype file which in this case is a h5ad file.
- genotype - phenotype mapping file
- anotation file - a gtf file that lists the gene start, end and strand information.
- Genotype file in vcf/bcf format.
- Aggregation column information - which adata.obs column to use for agregation - here each of the unique labels in the particular column will be used as a category to test the qtls for.
- gt_id_column - defines which column has individual level id (corresponding to the VCF file)
- defines which column has the sample name (can be identical to gt_id_column if sample=individual)