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How to Define Custom Options for Entity Properties

This article explains how to define custom options for any entity property and how to use those options in the list, search or show views.

Default Property Options

Properties included in the fields option of any entity can define several options (property, label, template, type, help and css_class):

# app/config.yml
            class: AppBundle\Entity\User
                    - { property: 'email', label: 'Contact' }
                    - { property: 'biography', help: 'Markdown allowed' }
                    # ...

Custom Property Options

Adding custom options is as simple as defining their names and values in each property configuration. Imagine that you want to translate the contents of a property called name in the list view. To do so, define a custom option called trans which indicates if the property should be translated and another option called domain which defines the name of the translation domain to use:

# app/config.yml
    class: AppBundle\Entity\Product
    label: 'Products'
            - id
            - { property: 'name', trans: true, domain: 'messages' }
            # ...

Using Custom Property Options in Templates

Property templates receive a parameter called field_options which is an array that contains all the options defined in the configuration file for that property. If you add custom options, they will also be available in that field_options parameter. This allows you to add custom logic to templates very easily.

Considering that the name property is of type string, override the built-in field_string.html.twig templateto add support for the trans and domain options:

{# app/Resources/views/easy_admin/field_string.html.twig #}

{% if field_options.trans|default(false) %}
    {# translate fields defined as "translatable" #}
    {{ value|trans({}, field_options.domain|default('messages')) }}
{% else %}
    {# if not translatable, simply include the default template #}
    {{ include('@EasyAdmin/default/field_string.html.twig') }}
{% endif %}

If the custom logic is too complex, it may be better to render the property with its own custom template to not mess the default templates too much. In the following example, the backend wants to display a collection of tags with the colors configured for the property.

Since this business logic is too specific, it's better to not reuse the corresponding default template. The solution is to define a custom template just for this property and make use of the label_colors custom option:

# app/config.yml
            class: AppBundle\Entity\Product
                    # ...
                    - { property: 'tags', template: 'tag_collection.html.twig',
                        label_colors: ['primary', 'success', 'info'] }

The custom tag_collection.html.twig template would look as follows:

{# app/Resources/views/easy_admin/tag_collection.html.twig #}

{% set colors = field_options.label_colors|default(['primary']) %}

{% for tag in value %}
    <span class="label label-{{ cycle(colors, loop.index) }}">{{ tag }}</span>
{% endfor %}

And this property would be rendered in the list view as follows:

Default listing interface