- Let's create a
for the app in this repo.sha-service
is a simple app, that will accept hex values with http post and print it out with http get requests.
Description of the sha-service
- POST: http(s)://$(whatever_name)/api/v1/sha_manager/:branch/:source
- GET: http(s)://$(whatever_name)/api/v1/sha_manager/:branch/:source
. note: in src:sha-123456 the : (colon symbol) which divides source and sha is neccessary, given that service can properly parse and save sha related to branch and source. -
. note: on GET you just specify branch and source, if something is stored under that path, you will get the result, in this case the result will be sha-123456.
- Build, name and tag docker image for the app. The name should be:
, add whatever tag you want. You may needdefault-libmysqlclient-dev wget ruby-mysql2
packets from debian in order to start the app in docker.
You also need to pass RAILS_ENV
as a build time argument to be equal to development
when building the image in order to use local database.
- Let's bring an up and working mysql db installation:
docker run --name shadb -p 3306:3306 -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=123qwe -e MYSQL_DATABASE=shadb mysql:latest
Now start sha-service
container and check if it's able to communicate with DB. For some installations you might need to perform
docker inspect -f '{{range.NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' shad
and copy it's output IP to config/database.yml
host section. Don't forget to revert this change back because we'll need default configuration for the next step.
- You'll need a working minikube installation that works with your docker for this step, or if you have docker-desktop just enable kubernetes in the settings.
Now create a simple kubernetes deployment for the
docker container that you've just built and also forward port 3000. Make a curl post and get requests to the sha-service app, that you just deployed and see if it works.