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Lab 5 - Install Deploy using a private image registry

In this lab we will do the installation of Deploy with a custom public and private image registry. Most large enterprises will not allow to download container images from just any public repositpory.

We will demo, for the public image registry, the installation with local minikube cluster using a local docker registry. The installation will be done using xl kube install

And for the private image registry, installation on Azure with Azure private registry, where we will define Azure DNS settings, and the installation will be done in three phases.

  1. Run xl kube install dry run and generate all files (Use a private container registry at for all images)
  2. Modify generated files (Define Azure DNS settings)
  3. Apply the files to the cluster

xl kube downloads blueprints from In case the working environment does not have access to Internet, we can download the blueprints to use them from local directory. The zip versions of the needed blueprints are available on our public Nexus repository.

General instructions

⚠️ In order not to overstretch the cluster during our workshop, please make sure to use a maximum of two master and worker replicas, and tweak the rest of the resources also as indicated below.

For minikube / Docker Desktop choose PlainK8s for K8sSetup and use default storage classes.

When using minikube or Docker you can use any host name you want, for example deploy-ns-yourname.local. Otherwise, use the Azure host name you used in previous exercises but prefix it with deploy.

Questions for license, storage class and hostname will be similar as for Release in the previous exercises. Make sure you use the Deploy license!

For the other questions and answers details check Installation Wizard for Deploy

For the list of required images check Prerequisite images for airgapped install

Installation on Azure with private image registry

Download the blueprints for the current version:

Unzip the to the xl-op-blueprints directory in your working directory. You can now use it with the --local-repo flag.

Updating the image repository

We will push all our required images (see link in general instructions above) to this private registry, so all the images will be downloaded from our custom registry during installation.

The private registry looks like this:


Configure credentials (for private registry scenario)

First create a secret in your namespace with the registry and authentication data. This way we don't have to store passwords in the Yaml files. Input this secret name for the registry secret.

kubectl create secret docker-registry regcred \ \
  --docker-username=test-pull \
  --docker-password=qgt4DFDV5ULAZ67UQBv9mtwz/TOhVbPu \
  -n ns-yourname

Dry-run installation

Run the installation with --dry-run. With this flag, xl will just generate the files in the local directory and stop.

xl kube install --dry-run --local-repo ./xl-op-blueprints

We are using here private registry so we need to input for the registry name.

Dry run will generate the files in the working folder, somewhere like digitalai/dai-deploy/digitalai/20221020-001911/kubernetes. Check the command output for the exact location.

Update the Azure DNS setup

Open kubernetes/dai-deploy_cr.yaml.

Update the yaml path of the CR file spec.nginx-ingress-controller.service.annotations with deploy-ns-yourname:

      annotations: deploy-ns-yourname

Save the changes in the file.

Use xl kube install with changed files to apply everything to the cluster

Following command will apply the just changed files on the K8S cluster:

xl kube install --files 20221020-001911 --local-repo ./xl-op-blueprints

Under --files we are using the reference on the previous dry-run by using part of the unique name from the run.

Installation on Minikube with public image registry

Create a local docker registry

docker run -d -p 5000:5000 --name registry registry:2

The registry will be available at localhost:5000

Updating the image repository

Push all the prerequisite images (see link in general instructions above) to the created local image registry.

Run xl kube install

? Following kubectl context will be used during execution: `minikube`? Yes
⚠️? Select the Kubernetes setup where the Devops Platform will be installed, updated or cleaned: PlainK8s [Plain multi-node K8s cluster]
⚠️? Do you want to use an custom Kubernetes namespace (current default is 'digitalai'): Yes
⚠️? Enter the name of the Kubernetes namespace where the DevOps Platform will be installed, updated or cleaned: ns-yourname
⚠️? Product server you want to perform install for: dai-deploy [ Deploy]
⚠️? Enter the custom docker image registry name (eg: <imageRegistryName> from <imageRegistryName>/<repositoryName>/<imageName>:<tagName>): localhost:5000
? Enter the repository name for the application and operator images (eg: <repositoryName> from <repositoryName>/<imageName>:<tagName>): xebialabsunsupported
? Enter the Deploy server image name (eg: <imageName> from <repositoryName>/<imageName>:<tagName>): xl-deploy
⚠️? Enter the application image tag (eg: <tagName> from <repositoryName>/<imageName>:<tagName>): 24.3.2
? Enter the deploy task engine image name for version 22 and above (eg: <imageName> from <repositoryName>/<imageName>:<tagName>): deploy-task-engine
? Enter the central configuration image name for version 22 and above (eg: <imageName> from <repositoryName>/<imageName>:<tagName>): central-configuration
? Select source of the license: generate [Generate the license (accepting EULA, this is only for temporary license)]
⚠️? Enter the deploy worker replica count: 1
? Enter PVC size for Deploy master (Gi): 1
? Select between supported Access Modes for the Deploy pods: ReadWriteOnce [ReadWriteOnce]
⚠️? Enter the deploy worker replica count: 1
? Enter PVC size for Deploy worker (Gi): 1
? Select between supported ingress types: nginx [NGINX]
? Do you want to enable an TLS/SSL configuration (if yes, requires existing TLS secret in the namespace): No
? Provide DNS name for accessing UI of the server: deploy-ns-yourname.local
? Provide administrator password: GOtujGAU2U6XBcR7
? Type of the OIDC configuration: no-oidc [No OIDC Configuration]
? Enter the operator image to use (eg: <imageName> from <repositoryName>/<imageName>:<tagName>): deploy-operator
⚠️? Enter the operator image tag (eg: <tagName> from <repositoryName>/<imageName>:<tagName>): 24.3.2
? Select source of the repository keystore: generate [Generate the repository keystore during installation (you need to have keytool utility installed in your path)]
? Provide keystore passphrase: L5uEqIfNXag0gtL2
? Provide storage class for the server: standard
? Do you want to install a new PostgreSQL on the cluster: Yes
? Provide Storage Class to be defined for PostgreSQL: standard
⚠️? Provide PVC size for PostgreSQL (Gi): 1
? Do you want to install a new RabbitMQ on the cluster: Yes
? Replica count to be defined for RabbitMQ: 1
? Storage Class to be defined for RabbitMQ: standard
⚠️? Provide PVC size for RabbitMQ (Gi): 1
	 -------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------
	| LABEL                          | VALUE                                              |
	 -------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------
	| AccessModeDeploy               | ReadWriteOnce                                      |
	| AdminPassword                  | GOtujGAU2U6XBcR7                                   |
	| CleanBefore                    | false                                              |
	| CreateNamespace                | true                                               |
	| EnableIngressTls               | false                                              |
	| EnablePostgresql               | true                                               |
	| EnableRabbitmq                 | true                                               |
	| ExternalOidcConf               | external: false                                    |
	| GenerationDateTime             | 20240108-225255                                    |
	| ImageNameCc                    | central-configuration                              |
	| ImageNameDeploy                | xl-deploy                                          |
	| ImageNameDeployTaskEngine      | deploy-task-engine                                 |
	| ImageRegistryType              | public                                             |
	| ImageTag                       | 24.3.2                                             |
	| IngressHost                    | deploy-ns-yourname.local                           |
	| IngressType                    | nginx                                              |
	| IngressTypeGeneric             | nginx                                              |
	| IngressTypeOpenshift           | route                                              |
	| IsCustomImageRegistry          | false                                              |
	| IsRemoteRunnerTruststoreEnab.. | false                                              |
	| K8sSetup                       | PlainK8s                                           |
	| KeystorePassphrase             | L5uEqIfNXag0gtL2                                   |
	| LicenseSource                  | generate                                           |
	| Namespace                      | ns-yourname                                        |
	| OidcConfigType                 | no-oidc                                            |
	| OidcConfigTypeInstall          | no-oidc                                            |
	| OperatorImageDeploy            | deploy-operator                                    |
	| OperatorImageTag               | 24.3.2                                             |
	| OsType                         | darwin                                             |
	| PostgresqlPvcSize              | 1                                                  |
	| PostgresqlStorageClass         | standard                                           |
	| ProcessType                    | install                                            |
	| PvcSizeDeploy                  | 1                                                  |
	| PvcSizeDeployTaskEngine        | 1                                                  |
	| RabbitmqPvcSize                | 1                                                  |
	| RabbitmqReplicaCount           | 1                                                  |
	| RabbitmqStorageClass           | standard                                           |
	| RepositoryKeystoreSource       | generate                                           |
	| RepositoryName                 | xebialabsunsupported                               |
	| ServerType                     | dai-deploy                                         |
	| ShortServerName                | xld                                                |
	| StorageClass                   | standard                                           |
	| UseCustomNamespace             | true                                               |
	| XldMasterCount                 | 1                                                  |
	| XldWorkerCount                 | 1                                                  |
	 -------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------
? Do you want to proceed to the deployment with these values? Yes
For current process files will be generated in the: digitalai/dai-deploy/ns-yourname/20240108-225255/kubernetes
Generated answers file successfully: digitalai/generated_answers_dai-deploy_ns-yourname_install-20240108-225255.yaml 
Starting install processing.
Created keystore digitalai/dai-deploy/ns-yourname/20240108-225255/kubernetes/repository-keystore.jceks
Skip creating namespace ns-yourname, already exists
Update CR with namespace... /Using custom resource name dai-xld-ns-yourname
Generated files successfully for PlainK8s installation.
Applying resources to the cluster!
Install finished successfully!

After everything is on the cluster, you will see operator other resources pods running on the cluster.

Update Minikube Ingress setup to use NodePort

We will use NodePort option in following example, and will need to update the Custom Resource (CR) YAML and tell Kubernetes we changed it. Edit CR, open the digitalai/dai-deploy/ns-yourname/20221020-001911/kubernetes/dai-deploy_cr.yaml.

Change from LoadBalancer value in the yaml path of the CR file under spec > nginx-ingress-controller > service > type

      type: NodePort

Save the changes in the file. And apply using kubectl apply -f <file-name> -n <namespace>

Wait for resources with xl kube check

After xl-cli finishes all resources are not yet ready on the cluster, try to run following checks that are waiting for the resources to be fully running and ready on the cluster.

Check for details with xl kube check -h for details what each flag is here.

xl kube check --wait-for-ready 5
xl kube check --wait-for-ready 5 --skip-collecting
xl kube check --wait-for-ready 5 --zip-files

For example output for the second command (the helm info on the end will be displayed if you have helm in the path): Example is on the Azure.

$ xl kube check --wait-for-ready 5 --skip-collecting
? Following kubectl context will be used during execution: `xl-kube-workshop`? Yes
? Select the Kubernetes setup where the Devops Platform will be installed, updated or cleaned: AzureAKS [Azure AKS]
? Do you want to use an custom Kubernetes namespace (current default is 'digitalai'): Yes
? Enter the name of the Kubernetes namespace where the DevOps Platform will be installed, updated or cleaned: ns-yourname
? Product server you want to perform clean for: dai-deploy [ Deploy]
	 -------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------
	| LABEL                          | VALUE                                              |
	 -------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------
	| CleanBefore                    | false                                              |
	| CreateNamespace                | true                                               |
	| ExternalOidcConf               | external: false                                    |
	| GenerationDateTime             | 20221101-001131                                    |
	| IngressType                    | nginx                                              |
	| K8sSetup                       | AzureAKS                                           |
	| Namespace                      | ns-yourname                                       |
	| OidcConfigType                 | existing                                           |
	| OsType                         | darwin                                             |
	| ProcessType                    | check                                              |
	| ServerType                     | dai-deploy                                         |
	| ShortServerName                | xld                                                |
	| UseCustomNamespace             | true                                               |
	 -------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------
For current process files will be generated in the: digitalai/dai-deploy/ns-yourname/20221101-001131/kubernetes
Generated answers file successfully: digitalai/generated_answers_dai-deploy_ns-yourname_check-20221101-001131.yaml
Collecting the CR data
Waiting for resources to be ready
Deployment deployment/xld-operator-controller-manager is available in the namespace ns-yourname
Deployment deployment/dai-xld-ns-yourname-nginx-ingress-controller is available in the namespace ns-yourname
Deployment deployment/dai-xld-ns-yourname-nginx-ingress-controller-default-backend is available in the namespace ns-yourname
PVC pvc/data-dai-xld-ns-yourname-rabbitmq-0 is bound in the namespace ns-yourname
Pod pod/dai-xld-ns-yourname-rabbitmq-0 is available in the namespace ns-yourname
PVC pvc/data-dai-xld-ns-yourname-postgresql-0 is bound in the namespace ns-yourname
Pod pod/dai-xld-ns-yourname-postgresql-0 is available in the namespace ns-yourname
PVC pvc/data-dir-dai-xld-ns-yourname-digitalai-deploy-cc-server-0 is bound in the namespace ns-yourname
Pod pod/dai-xld-ns-yourname-digitalai-deploy-cc-server-0 is available in the namespace ns-yourname
PVC pvc/data-dir-dai-xld-ns-yourname-digitalai-deploy-master-0 is bound in the namespace ns-yourname
Pod pod/dai-xld-ns-yourname-digitalai-deploy-master-0 is available in the namespace ns-yourname
PVC pvc/data-dir-dai-xld-ns-yourname-digitalai-deploy-master-1 is bound in the namespace ns-yourname
Pod pod/dai-xld-ns-yourname-digitalai-deploy-master-1 is available in the namespace ns-yourname
PVC pvc/data-dir-dai-xld-ns-yourname-digitalai-deploy-worker-0 is bound in the namespace ns-yourname
Pod pod/dai-xld-ns-yourname-digitalai-deploy-worker-0 is available in the namespace ns-yourname
PVC pvc/data-dir-dai-xld-ns-yourname-digitalai-deploy-worker-1 is bound in the namespace ns-yourname
Pod pod/dai-xld-ns-yourname-digitalai-deploy-worker-1 is available in the namespace ns-yourname
Check finished successfully!

Discover how to open the page and login

We can access the public URL now on Azure:

However, we can connect directly to the Deploy master via service port forwarding.

$ kubectl port-forward --namespace ns-yourname svc/dai-xld-ns-yourname-digitalai-deploy-lb 18080:4516
Forwarding from -> 4516
Forwarding from [::1]:18080 -> 4516

Now open http://localhost:18080 and log in as admin.

If you forgot the password, you can get it with the command from the helm info (username is as always admin):

## To get the admin password for xl-deploy, run:
kubectl get secret --namespace ns-yourname dai-xld-ns-yourname-digitalai-deploy -o jsonpath="{.data.deploy-password}" | base64 --decode; echo

Set up 'DNS' on localhost for Docker Desktop

When using a local kube cluster, we need to edit the local hosts file and add your host name here.

The procedure is slightly different for Unix and Windows. For more detailed instructions than the ones below, see How to Edit Your Hosts File on Windows, Mac, or Linux

For Docker Desktop, after adding the changes to the hosts file, go to http://deploy-ns-yourname.local or for HTTPS https://deploy-ns-yourname.local

Note: The browser will warn that the site is not secure because of the certificate. This happens because we are using a self-signed certificate and not a proper certificate. Ignore the warning and proceed to the site.

Linux / Macos

sudo vi /etc/hosts

Add following line somewhere: deploy-ns-yourname.local


The hosts file is located in C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts. You need to edit it as an administrator and add the following line. deploy-ns-yourname.local

Set up 'DNS' on localhost for Minikube

There are multiple ways to access the application on minikube. Check following document for details: Accessing apps

When using a local kube cluster, we need to edit the local hosts file and add your host name here.

The procedure is slightly different for Unix and Windows. For more detailed instructions than the ones below, see How to Edit Your Hosts File on Windows, Mac, or Linux

Configure the hosts file.

Linux / Macos

sudo vi /etc/hosts

Add following line somewhere: deploy-ns-yourname.local


The hosts file is located in C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts. You need to edit it as an administrator and add the following line. deploy-ns-yourname.local

Exposing Minikube services

By default, Minikube will not assign external IP addresses to services so we will have to expose the services manually. We do this by executing:

minikube service dai-xld-ns-yourname-nginx-ingress-controller -n ns-yourname

which outputs:

|  NAMESPACE  |                     NAME                     | TARGET PORT |            URL            |
| ns-yourname | dai-xld-ns-yourname-nginx-ingress-controller | http/80     | |
|             |                                              | https/443   | |
🏃  Starting tunnel for service dai-xld-ns-yourname-nginx-ingress-controller.
|  NAMESPACE  |                     NAME                     | TARGET PORT |          URL           |
| ns-yourname | dai-xld-ns-yourname-nginx-ingress-controller |             | |
|             |                                              |             | |

Now you should be able to access http://deploy-ns-yourname.local:63965

Using NodePort to connect to Deploy

We are using NodePort in the ingress service setup, so we need to get the node ports.

Check the ports with following command:

$ kubectl get service dai-xld-ns-yourname-nginx-ingress-controller  -n ns-yourname
NAME                                            TYPE       CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)                      AGE
dai-xld-ns-yourname-nginx-ingress-controller   NodePort   <none>        80:32039/TCP,443:31948/TCP   52m

Now try to open http://deploy-ns-yourname.local:32039/ or for HTTPS: http://deploy-ns-yourname.local:31948/

Ports 32039, 31948 are from above example, replace the port value with the correct value that you have in the response.

Note: The browser will warn that the site is not secure because of the certificate. This happens because we are using a self-signed certificate and not a proper certificate. Ignore the warning and proceed to the site.
