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Reator Style NSRunLoop -> Using BSD kqueue implements iOS/Mac NSRunLoop and RunLoop-Relative Foundation Using BSD kqueue such as perform selector(or delay some times) on other thread , Timer, URLConnection ,LWStream(LWInputStream、LWOutputStream) , LWPort(LWSocketPort) etc.

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Implement iOS/Mac NSRunLoop and some Runloop-Relative Fundation API such as perform selector(or delay some times) on other thread , Timer, URLConnection, LWStream(LWInputStream、LWOutputStream), LWPort(LWSocketPort)etc..

Hope this project can help you understand iOS/Mas Runloop(usually called Event-Driven-Mode ^o^) clearly and sufficiently, so you can design your project by using runloop correctly and effectively.

Main Features

  • NSObject - postSelector:onThread:withObject:afterDelay:modes (equal to NSObject performSelector: withObject:afterDelay:inModes:)etc.

  • LWTimer - Extremely like NSTimer, but nanosecond precision!!!

  • LWURLConnection - Extremely like NSURLConnection.

  • LWInputStream - Realize File relative Foundation API*(correspond to FileOutputStream of Java)

  • LWOutputStream - Realize File relative Foundation API* (correspond to FileOutputStream of Java)*.

  • LWPort - Realize LWSocketPort(socket, Leader-Follower pattern)

Future Features & To-Do

  • Socket Pools
  • Refactor project

Get Started

Each NSThread object, excluding the application’s main thread, can own an LWRunLoop object. You can get the current thread’s LWRunLoop, through the class method currentLWRunLoop. Subsequently code snippet shows how configure LWRunLoop for NSThread and make the NSThread _lwRunLoopThread entering into Event-Driver-Mode:

 NSThread *_lwRunLoopThread = [[NSThread alloc] initWithTarget:self selector:@selector(lightWeightRunloopThreadEntryPoint:) object:nil];
    - (void)lightWeightRunloopThreadEntryPoint:(id)data {
@autoreleasepool {
    LWRunLoop *looper = [LWRunLoop currentLWRunLoop];
    [looper run];
    [[LWRunLoop currentLWRunLoop] run];

##To enqueue a selector to be performed on a different thread than your own && schedule a selector to be executed at some point in the future you can use the category of NSObject(post)

  • -(void)postSelector:(SEL)aSelector onThread:(NSThread *)thread withObject:(id)arg;

  • -(void)postSelector:(SEL)aSelector onThread:(NSThread *)thread withObject:(id)arg afterDelay:(NSInteger)delay

  • -(void)postSelector:(SEL)aSelector onThread:(NSThread *)thread withObject:(id)arg afterDelay:(NSInteger)delay modes:(NSArray<NSString *> modes)

lwrunloop modes are:

NSString * const  LWDefaultRunLoop = @"LWDefaultRunLoop";
NSString * const  LWRunLoopCommonModes = @"LWRunLoopCommonModes";
NSString * const  LWRunLoopModeReserve1 = @"LWRunLoopModeReserve1";
NSString * const  LWRunLoopModeReserve2 = @"LWRunLoopModeReserve2";
NSString * const  LWTrackingRunLoopMode = @"LWTrackingRunLoopMode";

you can switch runloop mode at any time you can like this:

	    LWRunLoop *runLoop = [_lwModeRunLoopThread looper];
        [runLoop changeRunLoopMode:LWRunLoopModeReserve2];

you can use the category of NSObject(post):

  [self postSelector:@selector(execute) onThread:_lwRunLoopThread withObject:nil];
  [self postSelector:@selector(execute) onThread:_lwRunLoopThread withObject:nil afterDelay:5000];
  [self postSelector:@selector(execute) onThread:_lwRunLoopThread withObject:nil afterDelay:5000 modes:@[LWDefaultRunLoop]];

##You use the LWTimer class to create timer objects or, more simply, timers. A timer waits until a certain time interval has elapsed and then fires, sending a specified message to a target object.

  • +(LWTimer *)scheduledLWTimerWithTimeInterval:(NSTimeInterval)interval target:(id)aTarget selector:(SEL)aSelector userInfo:(id)userInfo repeats:(BOOL)yesOrNo;

  • +(LWTimer *)timerWithTimeInterval:(NSTimeInterval)interval target:(id)aTarget selector:( SEL)aSelector userInfo:(nullable id)userInfo repeats:(BOOL)yesOrNo;

fire the LWTimer using - (void)fire and invalidate the LWTimer using - (void)invalidate

#####For example:

run the - (void)genernateLWTimer on _lwRunLoopThread:

[self postSelector:@selector(genernateLWTimer) onThread:_lwRunLoopThread withObject:nil];

- (void)genernateLWTimer
    _count = 0;
    LWTimer *timer = [LWTimer timerWithTimeInterval:1000 target:self selector:@selector(bindLWTimerWithSelector:) userInfo:nil repeats:YES];
[timer fire];
   //gTimer = [LWTimer scheduledLWTimerWithTimeInterval:2000 target:self selector:@selector(bindLWTimerWithSelector:) userInfo:nil repeats:YES];

the selector for LWTimer to be executed:

- (void)bindLWTimerWithSelector:(LWTimer *)timer
    NSLog(@"* [ LWTimer : %@ performSelector: ( %@ ) on Thread : %@ ] *", [self class], NSStringFromSelector(_cmd), [NSThread currentThread].name);
    if (_count == 4) {
        [timer invalidate];

##An LWURLConnection object lets you load the contents of a URL by providing a URL request object. Step1: Perform LWURLConnection on _lwRunLoopThread:

- (void)executeURLConnection:(UIButton *)button
   [self postSelector:@selector(performURLConnectionOnRunLoopThread) onThread:_lwRunLoopThread withObject:nil];

Step2: Create LWURLConnection, schedule LWURLConnection to _lwRunLoopThread such as following code snippet:

- (void)performURLConnectionOnRunLoopThread
    NSLog(@"[%@ %@]", [self class], NSStringFromSelector(_cmd));
    NSMutableURLRequest *request = [NSMutableURLRequest requestWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@""]];
   request.HTTPMethod = @"POST";
   NSString *content = @"name=john&address=beijing&mobile=140005";
   request.HTTPBody = [content dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
   LWURLConnection *conn = [[LWURLConnection alloc] initWithRequest:request delegate:self startImmediately:NO];
   [conn scheduleInRunLoop:_lwRunLoopThread.looper];
   [conn start];

Step3: Implement the delegate methods on Receiver:

@protocol LWURLConnectionDataDelegate <NSObject>

- (void)lw_connection:(LWURLConnection * _Nonnull)connection didReceiveData:(NSData * _Nullable)data;
- (void)lw_connection:(LWURLConnection * _Nonnull)connection didFailWithError:(NSError * _Nullable)error;
- (void)lw_connectionDidFinishLoading:(LWURLConnection * _Nonnull)connection;

Step4: You can use LWURLResponse to format Http response

LWURLResponse *response = [[LWURLResponse alloc] initWithData:_responseData];

LWInputStream & LWOutputStream (File Relative)

######Initilize LWInputStream or LWOutputStream :

	  _lwInputStream = [LWInputStream inputStreamWithFileAtPath:filePath];
	  _lwInputStream.delegate = self;
	  [_lwInputStream scheduleInRunLoop:[_thread looper] forMode:LWDefaultRunLoop];
	  [_lwInputStream open];


      _lwOutputStream = [LWOutputStream outputStreamToFileAtPath:filePath append:YES];
	  _lwOutputStream.delegate = self;
      [_lwOutputStream scheduleInRunLoop:[_thread looper] forMode:LWDefaultRunLoop];
      [_lwOutputStream open];

######Then read or write data on the selector of delegate,such as:

 switch (eventCode) {
        case LWStreamEventOpenCompleted:
        case LWStreamEventHasBytesAvailable:
            uint8_t buffer[1];
            NSUInteger len = [(LWInputStream *)aStream read:buffer maxLength:sizeof(buffer)];
            [_inputStreamData appendBytes:buffer length:len];
        case LWStreamEventEndEncountered:
            NSString *content = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:_inputStreamData encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
            NSLog(@"content = %@", content);
            [(LWInputStream *)aStream close];


switch (eventCode) {
        case LWStreamEventOpenCompleted:
        case LWStreamEventHasSpaceAvailable:
            uint8_t buffer[50] = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
            NSUInteger len = [(LWOutputStream *)aStream write:buffer maxLength:50];
            [_inputStreamData appendBytes:buffer length:len];
            [(LWOutputStream *)aStream close];
        case LWStreamEventEndEncountered:

LWPort & LWSocketPort (Socket Relative)

######Initilize _lwPortRunLoopThread : _lwPortRunLoopThread = [[NSThread alloc] initWithTarget:self selector:@selector(portThreadEntryPoint:) object:nil]; = @"lwPortLoopThread"; [_lwPortRunLoopThread start];

portThreadEntryPoint :
- (void)portThreadEntryPoint:(id)data
    @autoreleasepool {
        LWRunLoop *looper = [LWRunLoop currentLWRunLoop];
        leaderPort = [[LWSocketPort alloc] initWithTCPPort:8082];
        leaderPort.delegate = self;
        [looper addPort:leaderPort forMode:LWDefaultRunLoop];
        [looper runMode:LWDefaultRunLoop];
performFollowerToLeader :
-(void)performFollowerToLeader:(UIButton *)button
	[WorkerClass launchThreadWithPort:leaderPort];



Reator Style NSRunLoop -> Using BSD kqueue implements iOS/Mac NSRunLoop and RunLoop-Relative Foundation Using BSD kqueue such as perform selector(or delay some times) on other thread , Timer, URLConnection ,LWStream(LWInputStream、LWOutputStream) , LWPort(LWSocketPort) etc.






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