Submit a job, and specify
. After the job finished (SUCCEEDED
), all instances (pods) will be deleted; the default isNone
, and all pods will be retained.➜ arena --loglevel info submit pytorch \ --name=pytorch-clean-policy \ --gpus=1 \ --image=registry.cn-huhehaote.aliyuncs.com/lumo/pytorch-with-tensorboard:1.5.1-cuda10.1-cudnn7-runtime \ --sync-mode=git \ --sync-source=https://code.aliyun.com/370272561/mnist-pytorch.git \ --clean-task-policy=All \ "python /root/code/mnist-pytorch/mnist.py --backend gloo" configmap/pytorch-clean-policy-pytorchjob created configmap/pytorch-clean-policy-pytorchjob labeled pytorchjob.kubeflow.org/pytorch-clean-policy created INFO[0000] The Job pytorch-clean-policy has been submitted successfully INFO[0000] You can run `arena get pytorch-clean-policy --type pytorchjob` to check the job status
Get the job details. After the job is finished, the instance
has been deleted.# RUNNING ➜ arena get pytorch-clean-policy STATUS: RUNNING NAMESPACE: default PRIORITY: N/A TRAINING DURATION: 18s NAME STATUS TRAINER AGE INSTANCE NODE pytorch-clean-policy RUNNING PYTORCHJOB 18s pytorch-clean-policy-master-0 # FINISHED ➜ arena get pytorch-clean-policy STATUS: SUCCEEDED NAMESPACE: default PRIORITY: N/A TRAINING DURATION: 37s NAME STATUS TRAINER AGE INSTANCE NODE