One-click pasting software for picture and text, supports copying picture and text from Word and WPS and then pasting them into rich text editors such as Tinymce, CKEditor, UEditor, KindEditor, etc. with one click. Supports modern browsers such as Chrome, 360, Edge, Firefox, etc. Applicable to Windows and Mac
1、Start the Wpspaster software, and when pasting images and texts, obtain the local file:///C:/Users/Gientech/AppData/Local/Temp/ksohtml32008/wps7.png image and convert it to base64 and return it to the browser
2、The rich text editor in the browser gets the base64 to file and uploads the image to the server, and the server returns the image URL.
3、Image url replacement
├── example # example
│ │── wpspaster-backend # Image upload interface, can be replaced with Java
│ │── wpspaster-jquery-demo # jQuery project demo
│ └── wpspaster-vue2-demo # Vue project demo
├── ueditor # Ueditor code, changes: picture src: attrs.src
├── wpspaster-electron-vite # wpspaster source code
Installation startup: Start after installation of the installation package in releases
Start locally: Start the wpspaster-electron-vite project locally
Start the wpspaster-backend project locally
Start the wpspaster-vue2-demo project locally
Install the plug-in Live Server in vscode, right-click the index.html page Open with Live Server to start, port 5500
Allow "Any Source" in the system's "Privacy & Security"
Enter the command in the terminal:
sudo xattr -d /Applications/
xattr -cr /Applications/
Group number:278919640
QQ number:3194249968
Wpspaster is open to the outside world, whether it is just modifying the punctuation marks of the document or major reconstruction of the overall function of wpspaster, we welcome it. We will carefully review, respond to, and merge every PR you submit.
If you think this project has helped you, you can donate a cup of coffee to express your encouragement. 💰 ☕
Copyright (c) 2022-present, Li Fuhai