diff --git a/app/views/hq/dashboard/form.html.haml b/app/views/hq/dashboard/form.html.haml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4293859
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/views/hq/dashboard/form.html.haml
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
+ .panel-heading
+ %i.icon-edit.icon-large
+ Form Default
+ .panel-body
+ %form
+ %fieldset
+ %legend Default Inputs
+ .form-group
+ %label.control-label Text field
+ %input.form-control{placeholder: 'Enter username', type: 'text'}/
+ .form-group
+ %label.control-label Password field
+ %input.form-control{placeholder: 'Enter password', type: 'password'}/
+ .form-group
+ %label.control-label Input field with help
+ %input.form-control{placeholder: '.help-block'}/
+ %p.help-block Example block-level help text here.
+ .form-group
+ %label.control-label Disabled field
+ %input.form-control{placeholder: 'This is field is disabled!', disabled: true}/
+ .form-group
+ %label.control-label Tooltip field
+ %input.form-control{data: {toggle: 'tooltip'}, title: 'Input tips here', placeholder: 'This is field is disabled!'}/
+ .form-group
+ %label.control-label Textarea field
+ %textarea.form-control{rows: 4}
+ .form-group
+ %label.control-label File input
+ %input{type: 'file'}
+ .form-group
+ %label.control-label Large field
+ %input.form-control.input-lg{type: 'text', placeholder: '.input-lg'}/
+ .form-group
+ %label.control-label Small field
+ %input.form-control.input-sm{type: 'text', placeholder: '.input-sm'}/
+ .form-group.row
+ .col-lg-2
+ %label.control-label Column sizing
+ %input.form-control{type: 'text', placeholder: '.col-lg-2'}/
+ .col-lg-3
+ %label.control-label Column sizing
+ %input.form-control{type: 'text', placeholder: '.col-lg-3'}/
+ .col-lg-7
+ %label.control-label Column sizing
+ %input.form-control{type: 'text', placeholder: '.col-lg-7'}/
+ %fieldset
+ %legend Input Validation States
+ .form-group.has-warning
+ %label.control-label Input field with help
+ %input.form-control{placeholder: '.has-warning'}/
+ %p.help-block Example block-level help text here.
+ .form-group.has-error
+ %label.control-label Input field with help
+ %input.form-control{placeholder: '.has-error'}/
+ %p.help-block Example block-level help text here.
+ .form-group.has-success
+ %label.control-label Input field with help
+ %input.form-control{placeholder: '.has-success'}/
+ %p.help-block Example block-level help text here.
+ %fieldset
+ %legend Checkboxes and radios
+ .form-group
+ %label.control-label Checkbox
+ .checkbox
+ %input{type: 'checkbox', value: ''}/
+ Option one is this and that—be sure to include why it's great
+ .form-group
+ %label.control-label Inline checkbox
+ %br/
+ .checkbox-inline
+ %input{type: 'checkbox', value: ''}/
+ 1
+ .checkbox-inline
+ %input{type: 'checkbox', value: ''}/
+ 2
+ .checkbox-inline
+ %input{type: 'checkbox', value: ''}/
+ 3
+ .form-group
+ %label.control-label Radio
+ .radio
+ %input{type: 'radio', name:'options_radio', value: 'option1', checked: true}
+ Option one is this and that—be sure to include why it's great
+ %br/
+ %input{type: 'radio', name:'options_radio', value: 'option2', checked: true}
+ Option two can be something else and selecting it will deselect option one
+ %fieldset
+ %legend Selects
+ .form-group
+ %label.control-label Single select
+ %select.form-control
+ %option 1
+ %option 2
+ %option 3
+ %option 4
+ %option 5
+ .form-group
+ %label.control-label Multiple select
+ %select.form-control{multiple: true}
+ %option 1
+ %option 2
+ %option 3
+ %option 4
+ %option 5
+ .form-actions
+ %button.btn.btn-default{:type => 'submit'} Submit
+ %a.btn{href: '#'} Cancel
+ .panel-heading
+ %i.icon-edit.icon-large
+ Form Horizontal
+ .panel-body
+ %form.form-horizontal
+ %fieldset
+ %legend Default inputs
+ .form-group
+ %label.col-lg-2.control-label Text field
+ .col-lg-10
+ %input.form-control{placeholder: 'Enter username', type: 'text'}/
+ .form-group
+ %label.col-lg-2.control-label Password field
+ .col-lg-10
+ %input.form-control{placeholder: 'Enter password', type: 'password'}/
+ .form-group
+ %label.col-lg-2.control-label Input field with help
+ .col-lg-10
+ %input.form-control{placeholder: '.help-block'}/
+ %p.help-block Example block-level help text here.%fieldset
+ %legend Validation inputs
+ .form-group.has-warning
+ %label.col-lg-2.control-label Text field
+ .col-lg-10
+ %input.form-control{placeholder: 'Enter username', type: 'text'}/
+ .form-group.has-error
+ %label.col-lg-2.control-label Password field
+ .col-lg-10
+ %input.form-control{placeholder: 'Enter password', type: 'password'}/
+ .form-group.has-success
+ %label.col-lg-2.control-label Input field with help
+ .col-lg-10
+ %input.form-control{placeholder: '.help-block'}/
+ %p.help-block Example block-level help text here.
+ .form-actions
+ %button.btn.btn-default{:type => 'submit'} Save
+ %a.btn{href: '#'} Cancel
+ .panel-heading
+ %i.icon-edit.icon-large
+ Knob Inputs
+ .panel-body.text-center
+ %input.knob{type: 'text', value: '75', data: {width: 150, height: 150}}/
+ %input.knob{type: 'text', value: '100', data: {fgColor: '#16a085', width: 150, height: 150}}/
+ %input.knob{type: 'text', value: '200', data: {fgColor: '#7f8c8d', width: 150, height: 150}}/
diff --git a/app/views/layouts/partials/_dock.haml b/app/views/layouts/partials/_dock.haml
index cbba08f..02797e7 100644
--- a/app/views/layouts/partials/_dock.haml
+++ b/app/views/layouts/partials/_dock.haml
@@ -3,13 +3,13 @@
- =link_to 'Dashboard', 'dashboard.html'
+ =link_to 'Dashboard', '/hq/dashboard.html'
- =link_to 'Forms', 'forms.html'
+ =link_to 'Forms', '/hq/dashboard/form.html'
- =link_to 'Tables', 'tables.html'
+ =link_to 'Tables', '/hq/dashboard/tables.html'
%a{href: '#'} Reports
diff --git a/config/routes.rb b/config/routes.rb
index d7c1008..bdbca17 100644
--- a/config/routes.rb
+++ b/config/routes.rb
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
namespace :hq do
resources :dashboard do
get :tables, on: :collection
+ get :form, on: :collection