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{% content-ref url="../../generic-methodologies-and-resources/basic-forensic-methodology/" %} {% endcontent-ref %}
This isn't necessary the first step to perform once you have the image. But you can use this malware analysis techniques independently if you have a file, a file-system image, memory image, pcap... so it's good to keep these actions in mind:
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if you are given a forensic image of a device you can start analyzing the partitions, file-system used and recovering potentially interesting files (even deleted ones). Learn how in:
{% content-ref url="partitions-file-systems-carving/" %} partitions-file-systems-carving {% endcontent-ref %}
Depending on the used OSs and even platform different interesting artifacts should be searched:
{% content-ref url="windows-forensics/" %} windows-forensics {% endcontent-ref %}
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If you have very suspicious file, then depending on the file-type and software that created it several tricks may be useful.
Read the following page to learn some interesting tricks:
{% content-ref url="specific-software-file-type-tricks/" %} specific-software-file-type-tricks {% endcontent-ref %}
I want to do a special mention to the page:
{% content-ref url="specific-software-file-type-tricks/" %} {% endcontent-ref %}
{% content-ref url="memory-dump-analysis/" %} memory-dump-analysis {% endcontent-ref %}
{% content-ref url="pcap-inspection/" %} pcap-inspection {% endcontent-ref %}
Keep in mind the possible use of anti-forensic techniques:
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