This app fetches and displays information publicly available on GitHub users' profiles using the Public GitHub API. By entering GitHub usernames and a personal access token, users can fetch details such as total stars, forks, repositories, followers, company, and organizations for multiple GitHub users simultaneously.
On app load:
Dark mode:
Information display:
- Fetch publicly available information for multiple GitHub users at once
- Display user data in a clean, responsive table format
- Support for comma-separated or line-by-line username input
- Modern and responsive design
- A GitHub Personal Access Token with appropriate permissions
Contributions are welcome to this project! Here's how you can help:
Fork the Repository: Create your own fork of the project.
Create a Branch: Make your changes in a new git branch.
Make Your Changes: Enhance the tool or fix bugs.
Follow Coding Standards: Ensure your code adheres to the existing style.
Test Your Changes: Make sure your changes don't break existing functionality.
Commit Your Changes: Use clear and meaningful commit messages.
Push to Your Fork: Push your changes to your fork on GitHub.
Submit a Pull Request: Open a pull request from your fork to the main repository.
We appreciate all contributions, whether it's fixing a typo, improving the UI, adding new features, or enhancing documentation. Together, we can make this tool even better!
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
- Appreciation to all contributors who help improve this project.