We welcome contributions to DistributeX! Whether you're fixing a bug, improving documentation, or adding a new feature, your help is appreciated.
Fork the repository: Create your own fork of the project by clicking the "Fork" button on the repository page.
Clone your fork: Clone your fork to your local machine:
git clone https://github.com/yataknemogy/DistributeX.git
Create a new branch: Create a branch for your work:
git checkout -b feature/my-new-feature
Make your changes: Implement your changes in the new branch.
Commit your changes: Ensure your commit messages are descriptive:
git commit -m "Add feature XYZ"
Push your fork: Push the changes to your fork:
git push origin feature/my-new-feature
Please ensure your code follows the Go style guide.
If you encounter any issues, please open an issue on the repository with a clear description of the problem and steps to reproduce it.