- add upload service
- add validateObjectId middleware
- add validateBody middleware
- update podcast model to use userId instead of authorId and add lookup static method
- clean user model
- update user controller to add getUserFromToken method
- delete author route and unneeded cloudinary config file
- update episode model to use userId
- add post and get routes for podcast endpoint
- add a handleUploads middleware
- Remove author route
- Edited all responses in user controller to use standard response object with status, message and data properties
- use lodash to filter and return only firstname, lastname and email user data after account is activated
- correct the user model and add
property and add validation - correct user model to include
property by default - correct the activate-account route to collect token from the query not the body
- set up cloudinary config file in config folder
- add a few more comments to explain app file better
- call joi object id validation in the app file so the entire app can acccess it
- add joi Object validation file in config folder (for current lack of a better place to put it)
- Update the endpoint naming convention to use /api/[endpoint] instead of just /[endpoint]
Example /users becomes /api/users - Update the route file and endpoint names to plural eg: user to users
- Make a podcasts route