Thank you for considering contributing to this project! Contributions are what make the open-source community such an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create. There are many ways to contribute, including reporting issues, improving documentation, submitting bug fixes, and adding new features.
The following is a list of planned features and tasks that are still in progress or require assistance. If you are interested, please feel free to take on any task and submit a pull request!
- Software Maintainer for Mac: Seeking a maintainer to support and improve the software for Mac users.
- Software Maintainer for Linux: Seeking a maintainer to support and improve the software for Linux users.
As of October 14, 2024, Windows has an updater and auto-start features; however, these features are currently unavailable for Mac and Linux. If you are a user of either platform, please contact me! (I'm Windows user 💻)
- Theme Functionality: Implement a theme switcher to support light and dark modes.
- Language Support: Add multilingual support for the app.
- Homepage Design: Customize and improve the design of the homepage.
- Message Property Mapping: Map each message result to its respective properties for easier management.
- Menu Hiding: Add the ability to hide certain menus based on user preferences.
- Token Counting: Implement a feature to count the number of tokens used in messages.
- Linux and macOS Deployment: Ensure smooth deployment for Linux and macOS systems.
- Issue Support: Add support for issue tracking and management within the app.
- Discord Admin Recruitment: Help recruit administrators for the project's Discord channel.
- Release Note Display Dialog: Show a dialog with the latest release notes upon a successful update.
- Image Import/Export: Implement functionality to import and export images within grouped categories.
- Prompt Auto-completion: Add an auto-completion feature for prompts in the messaging interface.
- Tag Assignment Feature: Enable assigning tags to messages or categories for better organization.
- Menu Bar Hiding: Add an option to hide the menu bar for a more minimalist interface.
- API Server Development: Develop an API server to support the app’s back-end functionality.
- Common Database Server Creation: Create a common database server to store shared data across multiple instances.
- Streamlit GUI: Build a Streamlit-based GUI for users who want to run the web server.
- Flutter App Development: Develop a Flutter app for mobile users who want to interact with the platform.
We welcome all kinds of contributions and look forward to your ideas and improvements. Also you can share your own opinion as well. Such as:
- I don't think that is a good idea. How about this idea?
- I want to add new language.
You can share your idea since this is an open source project.