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{"0": {"truck dimension": [2260.0, 1320.0, 1100.0], "number": 568, "boxes": [[610.0, 520.0, 230.0, 72956000.0, 12], [720.0, 400.0, 310.0, 89280000.0, 13], [720.0, 400.0, 310.0, 89280000.0, 9], [610.0, 520.0, 230.0, 72956000.0, 23], [720.0, 400.0, 310.0, 89280000.0, 19], [610.0, 520.0, 315.0, 99918000.0, 45], [860.0, 400.0, 220.0, 75680000.0, 130], [520.0, 400.0, 225.0, 46800000.0, 33], [580.0, 510.0, 300.0, 88740000.0, 10], [570.0, 500.0, 270.0, 76950000.0, 24], [570.0, 500.0, 270.0, 76950000.0, 79], [570.0, 500.0, 270.0, 76950000.0, 12], [480.0, 400.0, 200.0, 38400000.0, 124], [430.0, 400.0, 230.0, 39560000.0, 6], [580.0, 440.0, 370.0, 94424000.0, 20], [510.0, 320.0, 310.0, 50592000.0, 9]], "solution": [[0, 12, 42, 610.0, 520.0, 230.0], [0, 13, 383, 720.0, 400.0, 310.0], [0, 9, 384, 720.0, 400.0, 310.0], [0, 23, 43, 610.0, 520.0, 230.0], [0, 19, 387, 720.0, 400.0, 310.0], [0, 45, 51, 610.0, 520.0, 315.0], [0, 130, 528, 860.0, 400.0, 220.0], [0, 33, 405, 520.0, 400.0, 225.0], [0, 10, 562, 580.0, 510.0, 300.0], [0, 24, 572, 570.0, 500.0, 270.0], [0, 79, 576, 570.0, 500.0, 270.0], [0, 12, 579, 570.0, 500.0, 270.0], [0, 124, 413, 480.0, 400.0, 200.0], [0, 6, 585, 430.0, 400.0, 230.0], [0, 20, 421, 580.0, 440.0, 370.0], [0, 9, 423, 510.0, 320.0, 310.0]], "total value": 0, "Box Serials": [["59795-AB400"], ["59795-CW150"], ["59795-CW170"], ["59796-AB400"], ["59796-CW170"], ["91950-AB050"], ["94061-S2010"], ["95400-CW031"], ["954B0-S2812"], ["954B0-S2EC2"], ["954B0-S2EN2"], ["954B0-S2LA2"], ["95590-N9010"], ["955B0-S1000"], ["96525-N9400RET"], ["96591-N9000"]]}}