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LLaMA is a language model developed by Meta. The official implementation can be found here. EasyLM provides a JAX implementation of LLaMA, located at EasyLM/models/llama.

Converting the Official LLaMA Checkpoint to EasyLM Format

If you are using our OpenLLaMA, you can directly download the EasyLM checkpoints and skip this section. If you are using the official LLaMA weights from Meta, the first step of is to convert the Huggingface transformers LLaMA checkpoint to the EasyLM checkpoint format. To do so, use the following command:

python -m EasyLM.models.llama.convert_hf_to_easylm \
    --hf_model='path/to/transformers/llama/checkpoint' \
    --output_file='path/to/output/easylm/checkpoint' \
    --streaming=True \

This script will convert the official torch checkpoint from Meta to the streaming checkpoint format used by EasyLM. If you set --streaming to False, the script will output a standard flax checkpoint instead. For more information about the checkpoint format of EasyLM, see the checkpointing documentation.

Fine-Tuning LLaMA

After converting the checkpoint and setting up the data, you can fine-tune LLaMA with EasyLM. The training script is implemented in EasyLM/models/llama/ To fine-tune LLaMA, use the following command:

python -m EasyLM.models.llama.llama_train \
    --mesh_dim='1,-1,1' \
    --llama.base_model='llama_7b' \
    --load_checkpoint='params::path/to/easylm/llama/checkpoint' \

The following command line options are supported for the training script:

  • seed: The random seed to use for the training script.
  • mesh_dim: The mesh dimensions for the data, fully sharded data and model parallelism. LLaMA uses 3D mesh so a comma separated list of 3 values are required. See the parallelism documentation for more details.
  • dtype: the float dtype to use for the model activation. Can be bf16 or fp16 or fp32.
  • 'params_dtype': the float dtype to use for the model parameters. Can be bf16 or fp16 or fp32.
  • total_steps: The total number of training steps.
  • load_checkpoint: the checkpoint to load. See the checkpointing documentation for more details.
  • load_dataset_state: the dataset state to load. Rarely used.
  • log_freq: the frequency of logging the training metrics.
  • save_model_freq: the frequency of saving the model checkpoint. The older checkpoints will be overwritten by the newest checkpoint.
  • save_milestone_freq: the frequency of saving the milestones of model checkpoint. The milestone checkpoints will not be overwritten.
  • eval_steps: the number of evaluation steps to run to evaluate the model. Setting to 0 will disable the evaluation. Using this requires the eval_dataset to be properly specified.
  • tokenizer: Huggingface transformers pretrained tokenizer.
  • train_dataset: training dataset configuration. See the dataset documentation for more details.
  • eval_dataset: evaluation dataset configuration. See the dataset documentation for more details.
  • optimizer: optimizer configuration. See the optimizer documentation for more details.
  • checkpointer: checkpointer configuration. See the checkpointing documentation for more details.
  • llama: Specify the LLaMA configuration by starting from a base model. The avaiable configurations can be found in the LLaMA model implementation.
  • logger: logger configuration. For more details, see the logger documentation.
  • log_all_workers: whether to log the metrics from all workers in a multi-host setting. If set to False, only the metrics from the first worker will be logged.
  • jax_distributed: JAX distributed configuration. This only needs to be set when running multi-host training on GPU.

Serving LLaMA

You can serve the LLaMA model with the LMServer of EasyLM. To do so, use the following command:

python -m EasyLM.models.llama.llama_serve \
    --mesh_dim='1,1,-1' \
    --llama.base_model='llama_7b' \
    --load_checkpoint='params::path/to/easylm/llama/checkpoint' \

The following command line options are supported for the serving script:

  • seed: The random seed to use for the serving script.
  • mesh_dim: The mesh dimensions for the data, fully sharded data and model parallelism. LLaMA uses 3D mesh so a comma separated list of 3 values are required. See the parallelism documentation for more details.
  • dtype: the float dtype to use for the model activation. Can be bf16 or fp16 or fp32.
  • params_dtype: the float dtype to use for the model parameters. Can be bf16 or fp16 or fp32.
  • input_length: the maximum length of the input sequence.
  • seq_length: the maximum length of the total sequence (input and output).
  • top_k: the number of top-k candidates to use for the sampling.
  • top_p: the top-p sampling probability.
  • do_sample: whether to use sampling or greedy decoding.
  • num_beams: the number of beams to use for beam search.
  • add_bos_token: whether to add the bos token for loglikelihood calculation and text generation.
  • llama: the LLaMA configuration to use.
  • load_checkpoint: the checkpoint to load. See the checkpointing documentation for more details.
  • tokenizer: Huggingface transformers pretrained tokenizer.
  • lm_server: the LM server configuration. See the LM server documentation for more details.
  • jax_distributed: JAX distributed configuration. This only needs to be set when running multi-host training on GPU.

Converting the EasyLM LLaMA Checkpoint to Huggingface LLaMA Checkpoint

To facilitate the interoperability with Huggingface transformers, EasyLM also provides a script to convert the EasyLM LLaMA checkpoint to the Huggingface Pytorch LLaMA checkpoint. To do so, use the following command:

python -m EasyLM.models.llama.convert_easylm_to_hf \
    --load_checkpoint='params::path/to/easylm/checkpoint' \
    --output_dir='path/to/output/huggingface/llama/checkpoint' \