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This Repository contains several indiviual script and analysis pipeline for whole transcriptome upsteam analysis

For long non coding RNA-seq

Paired-end 150bp fastq file used in this study.

1. Run qc in your raw fastq file

Using fastp to trim reads and filter low quality reads

fastp -w 16 -i raw_1.fastq.gz -o clean.R1.fq.gz -I raw_2.fastq.gz -O clean.R2.fq.gz

2. Remove unpaired reads (optional) and aggregate reads form all samples

#fix unpaired reads with seqkit

seqkit pair -1 clean.R1.fq.gz -2 clean.R2.fq.gz

#concatenate reads

cat *.clean.R1.paired.fq.gz > all_R1.fq.gz
cat *.clean.R2.paired.fq.gz > all_R2.fq.gz

3. Generate a new reference genome which contain silkworm and AcMNPV genome

cat ncbi_silkworm_genome.fa AcMNPV.fa > ncbi_silkworm_Ac_genome.fa
cat ncbi_genome_bm.gtf AcMNPV.gtf >ncbi_silkworm_Ac_genome.gtf

4. Build genome index and mapping

Using hisat2: ncbi_silkworm_Ac_genome.gtf > splice.txt ncbi_silkworm_Ac_genome.gtf > exons.txt
hisat2-build -p 40 ncbi_silkworm_Ac_genome.fa --ss splice.txt --exon exons.txt silkworm_Ac_ht_index

Then mapping to the reference genome

hisat2 --dta -p 40 -1 all_R1.fq.gz -2 all_R2.fq.gz --rf -x silkworm_Ac_ht_index |samtools view -q 10 -b - > all.bam

samtools sort -@ 40 -o all_sorted.bam all.bam

5. Run stringtie to detect new transcript

Using stringtie to identify new transcript

This optional if your gtf is not incompatible with stringtie (because stringtie can't accept transcript_id == '' ):\

awk -F '\t' '$3 != "gene" ' ncbi_silkworm_Ac_genome.gtf > ncbi_stringtie_fix.gtf

stringtie all_sorted.bam -m 200 -p 40 -G ncbi_stringtie_fix.gtf -T 1 -o new.gtf

6. Annotate the long non coding RNA

Run FEELnc 3 steps to find new long non coding RNA. It is recommend to use conda to install FEELnc. -i new.gtf -a ncbi_stringtie_fix.gtf -b transcript_biotype=protein_coding > candidate_lncRNA.gtf -i candidate_lncRNA.gtf -a ncbi_stringtie_fix.gtf -l Bombyx_mori.lncRNA.fa -g ncbi_silkworm_Ac_genome.fa -i feelnc_codpot_out candidate_lncRNA.gtf.lncRNA.gtf -a ncbi_stringtie_fix.gtf > lncRNA_classes.txt

7. Merge all gtf

stringtie --merge -G ncbi_stringtie_fix ./feelnc_codpot_out/candidate_lncRNA.gtf.lncRNA.gtf -o ncbi_silkworm_Ac_lnc.gtf

8. Quantify expression of all gene in gtf

snakemake -s run_RNA-seq.smk -c 40

For microRNA-seq

Single-read 75 bp fastq file used in this study.

1. Run qc in your raw fastq file and convert to fasta file

For example:

fastp -w 10 -i sample.fq.gz -o sample_clean.fq.gz

In this study , the sequence adapter in fastq files can not auto detected by fastp, we need to trim the reads manually. In this place, the adapter is TGGAATTCTCGGGTGCCAAGGAACTC:

python sample_clean.fq.gz sample_trim.fa

2. Mapping reads to genome

In this place, we choose bowtie to mapped short reads to previous generated fused genome:

bowtie-build ncbi_silkworm_Ac_genome.fa bmor_bt1 sample_trim.fa -o 40 -q -c -j -m -l 18 -p bmor_bt1 -s sample.collapse.fa -t sample.genome.arf -v -o 4 > sample.log

select mapped reads grep -f <(awk -F '\t' '{ print $1 }' sample.genome.arf) -A 1 sample.collapse.fa| grep -v '-'> sample_mapped.fa

3. Classify reads

We used cmscan to annotate mapped reads type, then download and built rfam database.

for i in *.fa
cmscan -E 0.01 --cpu 8 --tblout ../rfam/$ ../rfam_database/ $i &

python >rfam_stat.txt

4. Run miRDeep2 for expression matrix


#this script require #2 mapping results as input and generate sample.collapse.-rfam.fa and sample.genome.-rfam.arf, please put sample.collapse.fa and sample.genome.arf and stript into the same folder.

miRDeep2 only accept fasta file without space, if your fasta file have space, you should use to fix your fasta file. sample.collapse.-rfam.fa
ncbi_silkworm_Ac_genome.fasta sample.genome.-rfam.arf
bmo.fa mature.fa hairpin.fa 2>sample.log

The bmo.fa mature.fa hairpin.fa were download form miRbase, which is also in data.tar.gz

See the code generate_count_mat.R to generate count matrix

5. microRNA target predict

python all_transcripts.fa all_utr.fa

We use miRanda to finding genomic targets for microRNAs

miranda bmo.fa all_utr.fa -en -15 -strict -out bmo.mir-tar.miranda.res -quiet