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A growing list of things I dislike about Python.

There are workarounds for some of them (often half-broken and usually unintuitive) and others may even be considered to be virtues by some people.


Zero static checking

The most critical problem of Python is complete lack of static checking (it does not even detect missing variable definitions) which increases debugging time and makes refactoring more time-consuming than needed. This becomes particularly obvious when you run your app on a huge amount of data overnight, just to detect missing initialization in some rarely called function in the morning.

There is Pylint but it is a linter (i.e. style checker) rather than a real static analyzer so it is unable, by design, to detect many serious errors which require dataflow analysis. For example if fails on basic stuff like

  • invalid string formatting (fixed here)
  • iterating over unsorted dicts (reported here with draft patch, rejected because maintainers consider it unimportant (no particular reasons provided))
  • dead list computations (e.g. using sorted(lst) instead of lst.sort())
  • modifying list while iterating over it (reported here with draft patch, rejected because maintainers consider it unimportant (no particular reasons provided))
  • etc.

Global interpreter lock

GIL precludes high-performant multithreading which is suprising at the age of multicores.

No type annotations

Type annotations have finally been introduced in Python 3.5. Google has even developed a pytype type inferencer/checker but it seems to have serious limitations so it's unclear whether it's production-ready.

Lack of type annotations forces people to use hungarian notation in complex programs (hello 90-s!).


Negation operator syntax issue

This is not a valid syntax:

x == not y

Unable to overload logic operators

It's not possible to overload and, or or not (which might have been handy to represent e.g. operations on set-like or geometric objects). There's even a PEP which was rejected because Guido disliked particular implementation.

Hiding type errors via (un)helpful conversions

It's very easy to make a mistake of writing len(lst1) == lst2 instead of intended len(lst1) == len(lst2). Python will (un)helpfully make it harder to find this error by silently converting first variant to [len(lst1)] * len(lst2) == lst2 (instead of aborting with a type fail).

Limited lambdas

For unclear reason lambda functions only support expressions so anything that has control flow requires a local named function.

PEP 3113 tries to persuade you that this was a good design decision:

While an informal poll of the handful of Python programmers I know personally ...
indicates a huge majority of people do not know of this feature ...

Problematic operator precedence

The is and is not operators have the same precedence as comparisons so this code

op.post_modification is None != full_op.post_modification is None

would rather unexpectedly evalute as

((op.post_modification is None) != full_op.post_modification) is None

The useless self

Explicitly writing out self in all method declarations and calls should not be needed. Apart from being an unnecessary boilerplate, this enables another class of bugs:

class A:
  def first(x, *y):
    return x

a = A
print(a.first(1,2,3))  # Will print a, not 1

Optional parent constructors

Python does not require a call to parent class constructor:

class A(B):
  def __init__(self, x):
    self.x = x

so when it's missing you'll have hard time understanding whether it's been omitted deliberately or accidentally.

Inconsistent syntax for tuples

Python allows omission of parenthesis around tuples in most cases:

for i, x in enumerate(xs):

x, y = y, x

return x, y

but not all cases:

foo = [x, y for x in range(5) for y in range(5)]
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

No tuple unpacking in lambdas

It's not possible to do tuple unpacking in lambdas so instead of concise and readable

lst = [(1, 'Helen', None), (3, 'John', '121')]
lst.sort(key=lambda n, name, phone: (name, phone))  # TypeError: <lambda>() missing 2 required positional arguments

you should use

lst.sort(key=lambda n_name_phone: (n_name_phone[1], n_name_phone[2]))

This seems to be intentional decision as tuple unpacking does work in Python 2.

Inconsist syntax of set literals

Sets can be initialized via syntax sugar:

>>> x = {1, 2, 3}
>>> type(x)
<class 'set'>

but it breaks for empty sets:

>>> x = {}
>>> type(x)
<class 'dict'>

Inadvertent sharing

It's too easy to inadvertently share references:

a = b = []


def foo(x=[]):  # foo() will return [1], [1, 1], [1, 1, 1], etc.
  return x

or even

def foo(obj, lst=[]):
  obj.lst = lst
obj.lst.append(1)  # Hoorah, this modifies default value of foo

Functions always return

Default return value from function (when return is omitted) is None. This makes it impossible to declare subroutines which are not supposed to return anything (and verify this at runtime).

Automatic field insertion

Assigning a non-existent object field adds it instead of throwing an exception:

class A:
  def __init__(self):
    self.x = 0
a = A()
a.y = 1  # OK

This complicates refactoring because forgetting to update an outdated field name deep inside your (or your colleague's) program will silently work, breaking your program much later.

This can be overcome with __slots__ but when have you seen them used last time?

"Is" operator does not work for primitive types

No comments:

> 2+2 is 4
> 999+1 is 1000

This happens because only sufficiently small integer objects are reused:

# Two different instances of number "1000"
>>> id(999+1)
>>> id(1000)

# Single instance of number "4"
>>> id(2+2)
>>> id(4)

Inconsistent index checks

Invalid indexing throws an exception but invalid slicing does not:

>>> a=list(range(4))
>>> a[4]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
IndexError: list index out of range
>>> a[4:10]

Spurious :s

Python got rid of spurious bracing but introduced a spurious : lexeme instead. The lexeme is not needed for parsing and it's only purpose was to somehow "enhance readability".

Unnatural operator priority

Normally all unary operators have higher priority than binary ones but of course not in Python:

>>> not 'x' in ['x', False]
>>> (not 'x') in ['x', False]
>>> not ('x' in ['x', False])

A funny consequence of this is that x not in lst and not x in lst notations are equivalent.

Standard Libraries

List generators fail check for emptiness

Thanks to active use of generators in Python 3 it became easier to misuse standard APIs:

if filter(lambda x: x == 0, [1,2]):
  print("Yes")  # Prints "Yes"!

Surpisingly enough this does not apply to range (i.e. bool(range(0)) returns False as expected).

Argparse does not support negated flags

argparse does not provide automatic support for --no-XXX flags.

Argparse has useless default formatter

By default formatter used by argparse

  • won't display default option values
  • will make code examples provided via epilog unreadable by stripping leading whitespaces

Enabling both features requires defining a custom formatter:

class Formatter(argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter, argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter):

Getopt does not allow parameters after positional arguments

>>> opts, args = getopt.getopt(['A', '-o', 'B'], 'o:')
>>> opts
>>> args
['A', '-o', 'B']
>>> opts, args = getopt.getopt(['-o', 'B', 'A'], 'o:')
>>> opts
[('-o', 'B')]
>>> args

Split and join disagree on argument order

split and join accept list and separator in different order:


Builtins do not behave as normal functions

Builtin functions do not support named arguments e.g.

>>> x = {1: 2}
>>> x.get(2, 0)
>>> x.get(2, default=0)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: get() takes no keyword arguments

Inconsistent naming

string.strip() and list.sort(), although named similarly (a verb in imperative mood), have very different behavior: string's method returns a stripped copy whereas list's one sorts object inplace (and returns None).

Path concatenation may silently ignore inputs

Os.path.join will silently drop preceding inputs on argument with leading slash:

>>> print(os.path.join('/home/yugr', '/../libexec'))

Python docs mentions this behavior:

If a component is an absolute path, all previous components are thrown away and joining continues from the absolute path component.

but unfortunately do not provide any reasons for such irrational choice. Throwing exception would be much less error-prone.

Google search for why os.path.join throws away returns 22K results at the time of this writing...

Different rounding algorithm

Python uses a non-standard banker's rounding algorithm:

# Python3 (bankers rounding)
>>> round(0.5)
>>> round(1.5)
>>> round(2.5)

Apart from being counterintuitive, this is also different from most other languages (C, Java, Ruby, etc.).

Name Resolution

No way to localize a name

Python lacks lexical scoping i.e. there is no way to localize variable in a scope smaller than a function. This often hurts when renaming variables during code refactoring. Forgetting to rename variable name in a single place, causes interpreter to pick up an unrelated name from unrelated block 50 lines above or from previous loop iteration.

This is especially inconvenient for one-off variables (e.g. loop counters):

for i in range(100):

# 100 lines later

for j in range(200):
  a[i] = 0  # Yikes, forgot to rename!

One could remove a name from scope via del i but this is considered too verbose so noone uses it.

Everything is exported

Similarly to above, there is no control over visibility (can't hide class methods, can't hide module functions). You are left with a convention to precede private functions with _ and hope for the best.

Multiple syntaxes for aliasing imported module

Python allows different syntaxes for the aliasing functionality:

from mod import submod as X
import mod.submod as X

Assignment makes variable local

Python scoping rules require that assigning a variable automatically declares it local. This causes inconsistencies and weird limitations in practice. E.g. variable would be considered local even if assignment follows first use:

global xxx
xxx = 0

def foo():
  a = xxx  # Throws UnboundLocalError
  xxx = 2

and even if assignment is never ever executed:

def foo():
  a = xxx  # Still aborts...
  if False:
    xxx = 2

This is particularly puzzling in long functions when someone accidentally adds a local variable which matches name of a global variable used in other part of the same function:

def value():

def foo():
  ...  # A lot of code
  value(1)  # Surprise! UnboundLocalError
  ...  # Yet more code
  for value in data:

Once you've lost some time debugging the issue, you can be overcome for global variables by declaring their names as global before first use:

def foo():
  global xxx
  a = xxx
  xxx = 2

But there are no magic keywords forvariables from non-global outer scopes so they are essentially unwritable from nested scopes i.e. closures:

def foo():
  xxx = 1
  def bar():
    xxx = 2  # No way to modify xxx...

The only available "solution" is to wrap the variable into a fake 1-element array (whaat?!):

def foo():
  xxx = [1]
  def bar():
    xxx[0] = 2

Unreachable code that gets executed

Normally statements that belongs to false branches are not executed. E.g. this code works:

if True:
  import re'1', '1')

and this one raises NameError:

if False:
  import re'1', '1')

This does not apply to global declarations though:

xxx = 1
def foo():
  if False:
    global xxx
  xxx = 42
print(xxx)  # Prints 42

Relative imports are unusable

Relative imports (from .xxx.yyy import mymod) have many weird limitations e.g. they will not allow you to import module from parent folder and they will seize work in main script

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ''; '__main__' is not a package

A workaround is to use extremely ugly sys.path hackery:

import sys
import os.path
sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'xxx', 'yyy'))

Search for "python relative imports" on stackoverflow to see some really clumsy Python code (e.g. here or here). Also see When are circular imports fatal? for more weird limitations of relative imports with respect to circular dependencies.


Automatic optimization is hard

It's very hard to automatically optimize Python code because there are far too many ways in which program may change execution environment e.g.

  for re in regexes:

(see e.g. this quote from Guido). Existing optimizers (e.g. pypy) have to rely on idioms and heuristics.


Syntax checking

Syntax error reporting in Python is extremely primitive. In most cases you simply get SyntaxError: invalid syntax.

Different conventions on OSes

Windows and Linux use different naming convention for Python executables (python on Windows, python2/python3 on Linux).

Debugger is slow

Python debugging is super-slow (few orders of magnitude slower than interpretation).

No static analyzer

Already mentioned in Zero static checking.

Unable to break on pass statement

Python debugger will ignore breakpoints set on pass statements. Thus poor-man's conditional breakpoints like

if x > 0:

will silently fail to work, leaving a false impression that condition is always false.

Semantic changes in Python 3

Most people blame Python 3 for syntax changes which break existing code (e.g. making print a regular function) but the real problem is semantic changes as they are much harder to detect and debug. Some examples

  • integer division:
print(1/2)  # Prints "0" in 2, "0.5" in 3
  • checking filtered list for emptyness:
if filter(lambda x: x, [0]):
  print("X")  # Executes in 3 but not in 2
  • order of keys in dictionary is random until Python 3.6
  • different rounding algorithm:
# Python2.7
>>> round(0.5)
>>> round(1.5)
>>> round(2.5)

# Python3 (bankers rounding)
>>> round(0.5)
>>> round(1.5)
>>> round(2.5)

Dependency hell

Python community does not seem to have a strong culture of preserving API backwards compatibility or following semver convention (which is hinted by the fact that there are no widespread tools for checking Python package API compatibility). This is not surprising given that even minor versions of Python 3 itself break old and popular APIs (e.g. time.clock). Another likely reason is lack of good mechanisms to control what's exported from module (prefixing methods and objects with underscore is not a good mechanism).

In practice this means that it's too risky to allow differences in minor (and even patch) versions of dependencies. Instead the most robust (and thus most common) solution is to fix all app dependencies (including the transitive ones) down to patch versions (via blind pip freeze > requirements.txt) and run each app in a dedicated virtualenv or Docker container.

Apart from complicating deployment, fixing versions also complicates importing module in other applications (due to increased chance of conflicing dependencies) and upgrading dependencies later on to get bugfixes and security patches.

For more details see the excellent "Dependency hell: a library author's guide" talk