Releases: yverdon/geocity
What's Changed
- Modèles d'impression by @AlexandreJunod in #673
- Feature/ssp 530taiga by @AlexandreJunod in #686
- OpenLayers button delete all features (vectors) by @AlexandreJunod in #721
Full Changelog: v2.1.3...v2.1.4
What's Changed
- YC-1030-2: Remove number of first geotime form by @rbovard in #699
- Put integrator field at the bottom of all admin forms by @rbovard in #701
- YC-1038-2: Fix style for unique form selection by @rbovard in #700
- Feature/readme by @AlexandreJunod in #689
- Feature/admin fixes by @monodo in #682
- update libs by @monodo in #702
- Feature/yc 1040 by @monodo in #703
- Feature/admin checkbox fixes by @monodo in #705
- Feature/yc 1027 by @monodo in #704
- Add note about network whitelist and documents generation by @rbovard in #707
- YC-1040 (fix): Handle cases when no directive is set by @rbovard in #706
- YC-1039-2: Use term demande/annonce for some emails by @rbovard in #698
- Feature/show integrator users by @AlexandreJunod in #708
- YC-1019 (fix): Fix filter to get the right site_custom_template by @rbovard in #711
- Add is_single_form_submissions in entity admin list by @rbovard in #709
- Feature/yc 926 by @monodo in #713
- add filter for shortnam by @monodo in #717
- YC-931 apply queryset filter everywhere by @monodo in #712
- YC-818: disable notify field on account creation as it is required for account creation by @monodo in #716
- yc 646 by @monodo in #715
- YC-586 - Restrict non public fillable forms to membre of administrative entity by @monodo in #676
- Add missing permission for FormPrice by @rbovard in #719
Full Changelog: v2.1.2...v2.1.3
Geocity 2.1.2
- Fix submissions crashing cause they couldn't find payment_settings
- Fix login from a link returning a 404, cause the link on the "next" wasn't working properly
Full Changelog: 2.1.1...v2.1.2
Geocity 2.1.1
What's Changed
- YC-984: Fix username display order by @rbovard in #675
- YC-1019: Link custom template to sites by @rbovard in #670
- show legal info everywhere by @monodo in #671
- fix migration node by @monodo in #677
- YC-1021: Minor improvements for payment by @rbovard in #680
- YC-1028: Fix demo phone numbers by @rbovard in #681
- YC-988: Improve the placement of the directives and legal CTA by @rbovard in #685
- YC-796 - New permission: readonly for submissions by @monodo in #683
- Feature/fix selector css by @AlexandreJunod in #684
- YC-856: Add optional message when service is notified by @rbovard in #687
- YC-936 - Nombre maximal de demandes by @danickfort in #678
Full Changelog: v2.1.0...2.1.1
Geocity 2.1.0
Version 2.1.0 is a complete rework of the project structure and implies API breaks
The whole project is divided into smaller django app, much easier to maintain:
app is kept as legacy for migration and will be removed soon once all instances are updated.
The permit-requests
routes are now named submissions
, redirects are used for legacy purposes until version 3.
New module!
- Payment using postinance system. Postinance endpoint can be configured in admin and multiple prices set for each form.
The Entity-Type-Object logic has been simplified. Forms are now only related to Entity and to Categories. Fields can now be order within each form.
Old URLs:
"permits": "http://localhost:9095/wfs3/collections/permits/items",
"permits_point": "http://localhost:9095/rest/permits",
"permits_point": "http://localhost:9095/rest/permits_point/",
"permits_line": "http://localhost:9095/rest/permits_line/",
"permits_poly": "http://localhost:9095/rest/permits_poly/",
"permits_details": "http://localhost:9095/rest/permits_details/"
New URLs
"submissions": "http://localhost:9095/wfs3/collections/submissions/items",
"submissions_point": "http://localhost:9095/rest/submissions",
"submissions_point": "http://localhost:9095/rest/submissions_point/",
"submissions_line": "http://localhost:9095/rest/submissions_line/",
"submissions_poly": "http://localhost:9095/rest/submissions_poly/",
"submissions_details": "http://localhost:9095/rest/submissions_details/"
Filters renaming
Print models
- Print models must be adapted for above-mentioned API changes
- Custom paragraph sections must also be adapted, using the new API syntax
The admin has been completely reworked and now use Jazzmin which largely enhance the user experience.
- Parent-Child logic for document types has been improved
- Better handling of integrator permissions
- More search fields
- Add a footer with legal notices
- Remove the intersection mecanism for geometry layer.
- Update to Django latest version (4.1.14)
- Update all dependencies to latest version
- Various small bugfixes
What's Changed
- YC-841: Adapt account validation texts by @rbovard in #541
- YC-837: Add horizontal padding on mobile devices by @rbovard in #540
- add default domain for integrator by @monodo in #547
- update specific packages by @monodo in #545
- show kml import by @monodo in #548
- add optional link to CGU and confidentiality policy by @monodo in #549
- Fix header links by @rbovard in #550
- YC-836: Add IBAN to permitauthor by @rbovard in #542
- YC-364: Export data to XLSX instead of CSV by @rbovard in #543
- Fix YC-854 by @rbovard in #551
- YC-858: Use allauth specific version by @rbovard in #553
- fix cas when no active form can be determined by @monodo in #555
- fix redirect after login by @monodo in #556
- return value to form if check does not apply by @monodo in #558
- YC-806 General refactoring 1 by @olivierdalang in #552
- YC-864: Fix and improve email for permit status changed by @rbovard in #561
- rework site managment by @monodo in #560
- update data from site by @AlexandreJunod in #563
- YC-863: Add missing verbose name by @rbovard in #564
- Adapt text after validation by @rbovard in #566
- Add missing space by @rbovard in #567
- YC-861: Do not allow to send an custom email when status changed to received by @rbovard in #565
- YC-865: Do not add approved and rejected statuses for permit with backoffice field always updatable by @rbovard in #562
- YC-806 General refactoring 2 by @olivierdalang in #557
- YC-811: Translate elements in token step by @rbovard in #569
- YC-836: Add author IBAN (if enabled) in XLS export by @rbovard in #571
- Fix IBAN field visibility by @rbovard in #575
- YC-872: Add is visible by validators for amend property by @rbovard in #570
- YC-806 General refactoring 3 - remove unused/useless settings by @olivierdalang in #576
- YC-806 General refactoring 4 - mount dev volumes under a common folder by @olivierdalang in #577
- YC-882 fix flaky report rendering tests by @olivierdalang in #581
- fix unauthorized api response on unlogged user by @anthonyledda in #573
- YC-806 General refactoring 6 - remove unused/incomplete media settings by @olivierdalang in #582
- YC-806 General refactoring 5 - make archive use a django file field instead of custom code by @olivierdalang in #579
- Fix typos by @rbovard in #585
- YC-874: Add WOT in 1.5 and 2.2 admin by @rbovard in #588
- YC-610: Render line breaks for multiline text fields by @rbovard in #589
- YC-882: Do not compare seconds in tests for archives by @rbovard in #587
- Pnv by @AlexandreJunod in #584
- YC-883: Add objects list in emails by @rbovard in #586
- YC-610 (fix): Do not use new lines in list template since
are rendered by @rbovard in #591 - YC-907 (fix): Use default WOT name if shortname is not defined by @rbovard in #590
- Fix author in templates by @rbovard in #596
- Phoenix tests by @AlexandreJunod in #597
- Fumseck by @AlexandreJunod in #598
- Phoenix admin reorder by @monodo in #599
- Phoenix print by @monodo in #600
- phoenix-api by @AlexandreJunod in #604
- remove view action as it does not make sens: the submission is archived by @monodo in #603
- Phoenix category selection layout by @monodo in #601
- return if document module not activated by @monodo in #605
- The Big Friendly Refactor by @sephii in #593
- remove title from directives by @monodo in #609
- Manage Form order by @AlexandreJunod in #611
- update to django 3.2.16 by @monodo in #613
- Use built-in password reset view by @sephii in #614
- fix oauth profile configuration for instance without iban by @monodo in #615
- Fix CSRF vulnerability on complementary document deletion by @sephii in #616
- filter for social app by @monodo in #620
- Add logging configuration by @sephii in #618
- Upgrade Django 3.2 -> 4.1 by @sephii in #617
- remove unecessary operation by @monodo in #623
- Improve admin menu by @rbovard in #621
- Add footer by @AlexandreJunod in #624
- Update libs by @monodo in #627
- Phoenix api by @AlexandreJunod in #607
- YC-943: Improve footer links by @rbovard in #626
- YC-869: Keep url filters after login on 2FA instance by @monodo in #632
- Improve visual rendering of category cards by @rbovard in #633
- YC-15: Update footer by @rbovard in #635
- YC-946: Jazzmin improvements by @rbovard in #636
- YC-975: Allow HTML in additional_information also in backoffice by @rbovard in #637
- fix api by @AlexandreJunod in #631
- Little improvements and fixes by @AlexandreJunod in #639
- yc-866 - remove the intersection with geometry...
Geocity 2.0.0
New features in v.2.0.0
- Enabled filtering of administrative entities using a subdomain
Security and authentication 🔒
- Protect user creation by captcha
- Require user confirmation on account creation
- Replace DRF Tokenauthentication by KNOX
- SSPI Remote user for use in secured private networks
User ✏️
- Field type "File to download"
- Filter location fulltext search address fields with additional text
- Automatic geometry extraction from address field
- Anonymous requests: no account creation required for selected forms in administrative entities
- Search bar in the map step to locate on an address or a parcel (from swisstopo API)
- Make fields public for public permitrequest
Backoffice 🏛️
- Complete rewrite of the document generation system with advanced configuration enabled in admin 🖨️
- Advanced document management system allowing both backoffice and validator to upload files with fine grained permission management 📁
- Public inquiry: make an item public during a defined period of time and allow backoffice which documents have to be public during the inquiry time range
- Archiving mecanisme: select items to be archived and dowload them as batch 🗄️
- Improved dashboard: details are now displayed when a type and object filter is applied
- Edit selected processing fields anytime, even when permit is classified (2.2)
- Edit permit after submission by author for selected WOT (1.4)
- Various small UI improvements
- Add permit types in notifications subject
- Additional fields in full text search for better results
- Boolean field send notification to email list if checked
- When backoffice member edits a permit, the processing tabs opens after permit submission
Geocalendar 📆 🗺️
- Handle user authentication in nuxt app
- Display permit details in modal for authentified users
- Group multiple event and display additional (more than 3) in popover
- Improve date & time display
- Display permit shortname
- Display public inquiry fields
- Display fields set as public if permit request is public
Admin 🛠️ :
- Add many fields in list views
- Add filters
- Autogenerate steps for new administrative entity
- Filter out users visible by integrator based on email domain
- WOT can now have only one geotime range (1.4)
- New endpoints
- Search
- Permit details
- User details
- Add BBOX to events geometry
Other 💾
- Upgrade PostgreSQL to v13
- Upgrade PostGIS to 3.2
Bugfix 🐛
- Handle missing upload files
- Do not allow password change for social accounts
What's Changed
- Revert "update url for instance server with url suffix" by @rbovard in #370
- Moved to wiki by @monodo in #371
- Span repr (title) element over the whole table by @nicolas-sitylb in #373
- filter out users if domains or exceptions are not configured by admin by @monodo in #372
- Improve map widget by @rbovard in #378
- YC 472 / YC 469 / YC 470 by @monodo in #377
- Yc 435 by @monodo in #379
- set integrator for administrative entity by @monodo in #380
- Some little stuff by @rbovard in #381
- add bbox to geojson by @monodo in #385
- Migrate to PG13. by @nicolas-sitylb in #386
- YC-582: Fix typo by @rbovard in #388
- YC-225: Change order of WorksObjectType string value by @rbovard in #387
- YC-562: Add link to admin panel by @rbovard in #389
- YC-585: Display app subtitle and description on mobile by @rbovard in #394
- Yc 342 by @nicolas-sitylb in #382
- YC-592: Display validation status as radioselect by @rbovard in #393
- YC-589: Improve backoffice tabs by @rbovard in #392
- Fix API geom tests by @rbovard in #398
- YC-588: Improve permit resumé style by @rbovard in #397
- YC-563: Display prolongation tab only if request can be prolonged by @rbovard in #390
- Upgrade to Pillow==9.0.0 by @nicolas-sitylb in #395
- Fix never displaying directive addtionnal info by @rbovard in #400
- YC-591 add shortname to be used as display title in geocalendar by @monodo in #401
- wots must have one geom by @monodo in #402
- significant digits format in the summary template by @anthonyledda in #403
- Add some other field types in search by @rbovard in #404
- YC-609: Improve backoffice tabs by @rbovard in #405
- YC-625: Display directives even with incomplete steps by @rbovard in #407
- change date format to swiss standard by @monodo in #409
- fix start date by @monodo in #410
- Filter QGIS files extension by @rbovard in #406
- Menu cosmetics by @rbovard in #411
- Yc 384 by @nicolas-sitylb in #383
- YC-384 (improvement): Render bool fields as pretty icon by @rbovard in #414
- Missing migration in YC-384 by @monodo in #412
- YC-629: Use actor name in API (instead of its absolute ID) by @rbovard in #413
- update django and dependencies by @monodo in #415
- Revert django-allauth update by @rbovard in #416
- Remove bottom margin for value list properties by @rbovard in #419
- YC-542: Do not display password change in menu for social accounts by @rbovard in #417
- YC-578: Add token authentication for rest/permits api and filter request by ip by @monodo in #396
- Yc 647 by @AlexandreJunod in #422
- Yc 643 by @AlexandreJunod in #424
- Yc 644 by @AlexandreJunod in #423
- Yc 645 by @AlexandreJunod in #425
- YC-643 by @AlexandreJunod in #426
- yc-650 by @AlexandreJunod in #427
- Yc 618 by @AlexandreJunod in #429
- YC-660: Allow HTML in additional_information by @rbovard in #430
- YC-604: Add type name in email subject by @rbovard in #408
- YC-466: Implement file to download wot property by @felicemcc in #434
- YC-729 - YC-18 - next action on logout by @danickfort in #442
- sprint-9/yc-587 by @AlexandreJunod in #440
- YC-605 Dashboard par type de demande by @danickfort in #444
- YC-466: Adapt rendering of file_download field by @rbovard in #445
- YC-659 Anonymous permits requests by @T4m in #433
- YC-605 Fixes from customer review by @danickfort in #446
- Yc 18 monodo by @monodo in #448
- YC-18 Update dev settings to ensure to have working instance on localhost by @ldgtd in #435
- YC-605 Dashboard filter object type options fix by @danickfort in #450
- YC-459: Automatic Login of REMOTE_USERS by @felicemcc in #437
- Sprint 9/main by @monodo in #456
- YC-651 Allow edit after validation by @AlexandreJunod in #428
- uprade django 3.2.13 by @monodo in #457
- additional text for address search field by @monodo in #458
- bugfix anonymous request with 2fa enabled by @monodo in #462
- YC-374 Demande de complément de la part du secrétariat by @kayoumido in #454
- Yc 735 - address field geocoding by @monodo in #460
- YC-536 Follow up on customer review by @kayoumido in #463
- fix permits endpoint for wot with dateime but no geom by @monodo in #464
- Admin little improvements by @rbovard in #451
- YC-772: Fix admin verbose names by @rbovard in https://gi...
Geocity 1.4.2021
New features:
- Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) OAPIF (WFS3) readonly API for use with modern GIS softwares that support oAuth authentication protocol
- Default print template added for all work object types
- Custom expressions for use in QGIS print composer for fast print template WYSIWYG design
- Large performance increase for pdf generation thanks to server-side api filtering
- Permit renewal, with automatic reminder for both user and backoffice
- New text fiel with REGEX validation allowing almost any format to be configured and validated
- Limit the first allowed date for a given work object type. Initial delay can now be configured for each combination
- Dootix oAuth client
- Readonly field that can be user to structure the form
- Email expeditor configured by entity
- New UI for permit details and list
New features:
Mandatory vs Optional document required at the end of the validation process
Notify a list of emails at the end of the validation process
Many new notifications on status changes
Force 2FA for backoffice users on given entity-type-objects combinations
Customizable homepage through URL parameter template allowing to configure background image, title and subtitles dynamically
Filter entities and types through url parameters entityfilter and typefilter
Do not allow duplicate user emails for user accounts
Various bugfixes
Other: Update to Django 3.2.4 and all dependencies
Geocity 1.3.2021
New features:
- Mandatory vs Optional document required at the end of the validation process
- Notify a list of emails at the end of the validation process
- Many new notifications on status changes
- Force 2FA for backoffice users on given entity-type-objects combinations
- Customizable homepage through URL parameter template allowing to configure background image, title and subtitles dynamically
- Filter entities and types through url parameters entityfilter and typefilter
- Do not allow duplicate user emails for user accounts
- Various bugfixes
Other: Update to Django 3.2.4 and all dependencies
Geocity 1.2.2021
New features:
Integrator role that allow member of integrator groups to configure forms without impacting forms belonging to other integrators
Tag mecanism to filter administrative entities by tags
Geojson REST API for permit request with filter by works_object_type, status, geom_type, permit_request_id
Define one or many geometry type required in form (points, lines, polygons)
New print module using QGIS server 3.16. Support of multiple print templates for one works_object_type combinations
oAuth2 backend
Enable / Disable Geocalendar dependant features
Update of Django and all depencencies to latest supported version
Loads of new unit tests
This release requires to add "web" to the ALLOWED_HOST env variable