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File metadata and controls

136 lines (121 loc) · 7.69 KB


The CEP Price Console supplements the functionality of DDI's Inform ERP software. This tool was developed for a DDI Inform client (CEP) to suppliment the software's operations in the following ways:

  1. At the time of the software's creation, Inform lacked a robust price contract upload tool. The tool didn't have robust product-matching logic or visibility on product associations prior to committing the upload. The CEP Price Console ingests a vendor price contract, appends internal part numbers, and produces a ready-to-import file that can be reported on and reviewed.
  2. DDI Inform couldn't develop a price list that took into account both sales history and pricing matrix rules. The CEP Price Console has a robust price list generation tool that can be configured to take these factors into account.
  3. To achieve the above ends, the CEP Price Console performs scheduled ETL operations and regularly archives a snapshot of the DDI Inform database. The database definition is persisted in an .xlsx file for ease of alteration. The GUI features a tool that will mine this .xlsx file for DDL, translate this DDL into Python scripts that will fuel the SQLAlchemy ORM.

Getting Started

[1] System Requirements:

[a] OS:
  • This app was developed on a Windows 10 OS for a Windows 7 or 10 deployment. If you're interested in deploying on a different version of Windows or on a different operating system, please reach out and I'll collaborate with you on the effort.
[b] Programs:
  1. Python 3.7.3
  2. NSIS 3.04
[c] Virtual Environment (Recommended):
  • I'd recommend that you perform the following steps in a virtual environment. If you're on a Window's machine, I'd recommend virtualenvwrapper-win.
    pip install virtualenvwrapper-win
  • If you have already created a virtual environment:
    workon cep_price_console
  • Else, navigate to the cep_price_console directory and enter the following commands:
    mkvirtualenv -a . -r requirements.txt cep_price_console

[2] Configuration:

Config values can be found in .\cep_price_console\cep_price_console\utils\ A few notes on some of the more useful config values:

[a] Required:
  • NSIS_PATH - Required: This will need to be the path of your NSIS installation.
  • mssql_dsn - Required: This is one of the few DB config values that can't be changed in the GUI. This should be pointed to your DDI Inform ddidatawarehouse.
  • mysql_host_var - Required: This is one of the few DB config values that can't be changed in the GUI. This value points to the DB that will be performing the analysis. This app was developed using MySQL, but the SQLAlchemy library offers the flexibility to choose a technology with very few modifications.
  • contract_dir - This value should point to your DDI Inform PriceContracts directory.
  • arw_export_dir - This value should point to your DDI Inform AUTOARW FILE EXPORTS directory.
[b] GUI Accessible:

The following config values are required, but they can be altered via the GUI.

  • mysql_username
  • mysql_password
  • mysql_user_database
  • mssql_username
  • mssql_password
[c] Development:

The following config values are useful for iterative development efforts, as they are baked into file paths and names to allow for multiple installed versions.

[d] Whitelabel:

To whitelabel the application, you will need to change the following values:

  • DESCRIPTION - This shows up in the installer/uninstaller GUI
  • COMMENTS - This shows up in the installer/uninstaller GUI
  • LICENSE_DATA_FILE - This shows up in the installer/uninstaller GUI
  • FAVICON - This is the icon used on the app, installer and uninstaller
  • ICON_FILE - This is the icon used on the app, installer and uninstaller
  • README_FILENAME - This shows up in the installer/uninstaller GUI
[d] DDI Inform Data Model:
  • ARW_PRF_MAPPING_FILE - This points to an Excel spreadsheet that attempts to represent the DDI data model. For more information about that process, see "[4] Set up ETL Operations" (below)

[3] Build Distributable Installer:

  1. With your new virtual environment activated, run:
    python ./cep_price_console/utils/
    • Log files will be generated in the user's AppData\Local\Controlled Environment Products\cep_price_console_v{major_version}-{minor_version}\Logs repo where {major_version} and {minor_version} represent the major and minor version config values, respectively, of the software.
  2. When build_utils finishes, the build will be located in .\cep_price_console\dist\cep_price_console_v{major_version}-{minor_version}.
    • Note: A similar folder will be created titled dist. That's not the right one. It's a bit of a misnomer.
  3. Run the cep_price_console_v{major_version}-{minor_version}.exe file to test the distribution on the development computer. It should launch a fully-functioning app.
  4. Launch the Installer_v{major_version}-{minor_version}.exe to test the installer on the development machine. It should launch a NSIS-powered installer.
    • When you complete the installation process, the application will be available via the toolbar search.
    • It can also be uninstalled like most Windows programs: in the Control Panel.
  5. If both the app and the installer work on the development computer, the installer should be ready to distribute.

[4] Set up ETL Operations:

[a] Configure DDI Inform

Configure DDI Inform's Advanced Report Writer to write hourly exports in csv format. TODO: Find these configurations and include them in the repo. TODO: Expand on these instructions

[b] Test ETL Operations

The GUI is capable of running all ETL operations. For testing and debugging, these options will suffice.

[c] Schedule ETL Operations

In a production environment, you will want to schedule to ETL operations to run on a regular basis. The executable produced in Step 3 (above) can be run with arguments that update the database and skip launching the GUI. Windows Scheduler can be configured to run the executable with the required arguments. Recommended configuration:

  • --schedule_mode=recreate: This wouldn't be a good thing to schedule, as it will drop the entire database.
  • --schedule_mode=update: Schedule this to run every hour. It will archive the current snapshot of the DB and pull a new one from DDI Inform
  • --schedule_mode=daily: Schedule this to run daily. It will pull larger tables (invoices, etc,.) that don't warrant hourly pulls.

[5] Release History:

  • 0.1.1
    • Initial release

[6] Authors:

[6] License:

Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.

[7] Contributing:

[a] Development Roadmap:
  1. Testing: 'Nuff said
  2. Extensibility: This project was written for a single client at the expense of extensibility. I would love to collaborate with a company to deploy this tool in a new environment.
  3. Documentation: Further documentation on the setup, configuration, and maintenance of the tool is required. Again, I would love to collaborate with a client on this.
  4. Feature Growth: What else is needed to make DDI Inform a seamless experience? Let's develop it.
[b] Contributing 101:
  1. Fork it (
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b feature/fooBar)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some fooBar')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin feature/fooBar)
  5. Create a new Pull Request